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1 month ago

(Y/N) couldn't remember the last time fear had swallowed her whole, making her unable to move, to breathe, to think, to function. Maybe it was when she gained her powers, or when her parents abandoned her. She couldn't exactly pin a point in her life where this has happened, except for right now.

Peter was laying in front of her, completely lifeless. She couldn't breathe nor tear her gaze away from his glazed over whiskey eyes, which had absolutely no glint in them. Her thoughts were stopped, her lips parted.

Her hands were by her sides, she was propped up on her knees. Her hair was everywhere, yet she could see his features perfectly, and it completely mortified her.

She didn't know how long she had been in that position for, but she must've started breathing again eventually, just didn't notice it. Her gaze didn't move as Tony flew down to them, in fact she didn't even hear the machine. She didn't even notice how it began to rain.

Her hair was soaked and swaying in front of her face and sticking to her body, but she didn't bother to notice. What forced her eyes to move was Tony landing on the opposite side of Peter, his mask flying up. He took one look at her to realize she was probably going to be useless, then gazed down at Peter.

"Friday. . . stats?" The man asked cautiously, his hand outstretching to caress the boy's face.

"There are none, Mr. Stark. He's deceased, about four minutes ago." Friday answered in her robotic voice. His breath released as he whispered, "No," over and over again, his heart not believing it. There had to be something he could do, something.

She stared at Tony with her cold eyes, breathing heavily through her mouth. They made eye contact, and then it hit him.

Quickly he took out the Magical Stone, taking it from his suit in a secret compartment. He outstretched it and pointed it at Peter, waiting for its powers to engulf him. Only, nothing happened, so he put it on his chest, above his heart. Again, nothing.

"I put a barrier around it," The man said hurriedly, grabbing the stone and clawing at it, "The only problem is, I have no idea how to undo it!"

(Y/N) stared at the glowing pink stone, and she felt the connection to it within her heart. It gave me my powers. If we have the same energy, can I do something about the barrier?

Then, an idea spawned within her mind. I can still save him. . .

"Throw it." She whispered, standing up to her feet. "What?"

"Throw. It."

Knowing she had an idea, he put the stone in his right hand and reared his arm back, hurling the stone down the alley, putting his trust fully within her.

The girl thrusted her arm out, and a menacing beam of energy shot out from it, connecting with the stone. It stopped in midair and began to flow furiously, and she threw another and put her feet in place, her gaze determined.

Yesterday, she had no idea she'd be put in a mission, she believed she wouldn't be ready. Yesterday, she couldn't muster the power to be able to successfully fire a beam and hold it. Yesterday, she was laughing with Peter, believing that nothing could change, that he would be by her side for the rest of her life. Yesterday was a different day, and today was a new one. And she was more than ready for it.

The stone's barrier began to crack, and she pushed even harder, courage blossoming within her, making her heart to back flips and her breath jagged. Just finish this, then you'll never have to do a beam again. Just finish this. {LOL SHE THOUGHT}

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