Chapter 8

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Yugi woke up the next morning with a spring in his step and more energy than usual. He had even almost forgotten why himself! This was going to be his very first day on the job and he had the white coat, smarts, and papers to prove it.

He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, a smile spreading on his face.

"First day..." He stared at the ceiling, flopping back down on the pillow, closing eyes once more.

It took some time for him to actually wake up, for he was never really a morning person. (None of us least not me.) But pretty soon, after having to goad himself for a few minutes, he finally sat up, stood, and walked into the kitchen to start the day.

He walked into the kitchen and checked the time, realizing it was a lot later than when he usually woke himself up, around 8:15. Upon realizing he was running late, he made his breakfast and got dressed right after, eating his breakfast as he did so.

His grandpa always told him it was a bad idea, but it couldn't be helped on a day like this.

Yugi, after using 30 minutes to get dressed, eat, and groomed for the day, was out of the apartment complex for 8:45, hoping that wasn't too late to get to the hospital.

He was worried about his trip there. Usually, about this time, the city was just warming up to the day, people in cars and almost jamming highways completely and making trips to work slow and unsteady.

But it was a miracle when he found that he got there for 8:55. It usually took him 20 minutes, but this time, it only took half. It only took 10 minutes!

Slightly relieved, he got out the car and fixed his coat, looking up at the looming building before locking his car doors and actually walking in, the familiar hospital surroundings beginning to become a part of him. He went through the doors, his eyes falling on Nurse Mana from the day before, seeing her go through papers as she sat behind the main desk.

He made his way over to her, locking eyes with her halfway there.

She immediately knew who he was.

"Why isn't it Mr. Moto!" She waved, putting down her papers and smiling, "You've come back?"

Yugi nodded, still walking and he raised his arms, his white coat showing for her.

"Of course I did!" He laughed, "I'm the apprentice of Dr. Sennen!"

"Yami?" Mana's jaw dropped, but was quickly replaced by a smile, "Boy, you have no idea how lucky you are. He might have only come here a few years before you, but every doctor here has agreed that he's the best they've had for a while."

Yugi nodded upon hearing this and kinda agreed.

"He really is good." Yugi commented back, "But I really am happy to have residency here. I honestly didn't think I would have made it."

"All doctors feel that way about their careers at one time or another." Mana returned, smiling, "I'm sure that was only natural."

Yugi shrugged slightly and glanced around. He had just turned back when he felt someone brush past him, and he turned.

"Hello ladies, did I hear my name sprinkled somewhere inside your conversation?" A slightly tall doctor laughed, "Because if you want, you can ask for an autograph!"

"Oh hey Yami!" Mana smiled, turning to face him, "I just tried calling your office, but you didn't answer!"

Yami leaned on the desk top, slightly sighing.

"Had an emergency operation this morning that got me up at 5..." He yawned, covering his gaping mouth.

"Oh no..." Mana shook her head, "What was it this time?"

"This one was bizarre..." He looked at her, raising an eyebrow, "This guy was at the Domino City Zoo and was doing this new safari thing they just added...he broke away from the group and decided to go see the animals for himself...I don't know what he was thinking."

Yugi listened to his story, staying silent as it was told and keeping in mind that sometimes, the strangest of cases could pop up, and you'd have to fix it no matter how weird it was.

"Well then what happened?" Mana tilted her head, rubbing her chin lightly.

"This guy..." Yami shrugged, "Was mauled by two bears at once!"

Mana's jaw dropped. Yugi was stunned to hear that. It wasn't everyday you heard about someone who was attacked by animals. Even if it was your first day, you wouldn't expect to hear about something like that. He eyed Yami, slightly surprised.

"What??" Mana gasped, raising her eyebrow as well.

"Yep." Yami nodded, still pretty confused just like she was, "It was pretty bad too. We had to flush the blood in the abdomen 6 times and he used more than 7 quarts of blood. We had to amputate his left arm and right was terrible."

Mana covered her mouth.

"But he's okay, right?" She asked him.

"Oh of course." Yami nodded, "I wouldn't have let him die. Trust me."

Yugi smiled at this. He loved how Yami was so determined to help his patients. Even if it did call for some things to be removed or rearranged, he was always willing to do anything to preserve their lives as long as they were still healthy enough to live it.

Yami suddenly looked back, locking eyes with Yugi.

"Oh there you are, Mr. Moto!" He laughed, "You're so quiet today! I didn't even realize you were there!"

"Sorry." Yugi chuckled, "Your story about the attacked man had me fixed."

"No need to apologize." Yami shook his head, smiling, "It's time for us to get to work. Mana? What does my schedule look like today?"

Mana took out a clipboard and flipped through the papers until finally coming across Yami's. She looked down the list and shook her head.

"Hm...nope. You have nothing until a scheduled surgery on Mako Tsunami to remove that ulcer in his arm at 2." She said.

Yami slightly nodded his approval.

"Good." He said, turning to Yugi, "That gives me enough time to show you around and to get introduced to some of the workers here."

Mana put the clipboard back down and nodded back.

"Well, see ya in the lounge for lunch, Mana." Yugi waved, turning with Yami.

"Bye guys!" She waved back, smiling and turning back to the papers and picking up the phone.

And with that, a Yugi and Yami left that section and went on to the next.

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