Chapter 43

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That morning, Yugi returned to the hospital to continue his work. He walked in and on his way to the front desk, he noticed that Alexis, the amputee from earlier in the month, seemed to be testing out her new robotic leg.

Jaden, the brunette whom he had seen before stood a couple steps from her, holding out his arms.

"Come on, Alexi!" He smiled at her happily and she stood up shakily, looking at him.

"Jaden, this is hard!" She said back.

"But you gotta try!" Jaden pressed, raising an eyebrow in a goofy way.

Yugi chuckled and Alexis giggled.

"And don't fall this time!" Jaden laughed.

Alexis rolled her eyes and took a single step with her good foot, holding her arms shakily out for balance. She then tried the other foot, but could only shuffle it forward. The movement brought a loud scratching noise, making Yugi and Jaden cover their ears.

"...And DON'T do that." Jaden teased her, smirking and pointing to the scratch in the floor from her attempt to move the robotic foot.

"Oh shut up..." Alexis muttered, "..Butt-nugget...."

Jaden laughed again.

"Come on, Alexis." He smiled widely at her, "Try again."

Yugi left then, his heart lightened from that scene. He loved watching patients leave after a big incident or surgery or sickness or anything and the happiness of their friends and family to see them out.

He could only imagine being that way for so long...knowing that Yami only got worse by the day. Since he had been in a couple days ago, Yami had been in extremely critical condition, having to be monitored 24/7 and having to be put on Life Supports. He had tubes to help him breath, to help him be stable, to help his heart beat and to keep his blood flowing.

He couldn't function on his own.

He probably took a large amount of brain damage which makes everything worse. There was a huge risk that if he took enough brain damage, he wouldn't remember Yugi...

And Yugi wouldn't be able to cope if his love didn't remember him...

He couldn't even imagine the sorrow he would feel. Without Yami, he was nothing.

"Hey...Yugi!" Mana looked at him, slightly occupied internally.

Yugi looked at her and slightly grinned in her direction upon seeing the brighter look in her eyes, but a shade that was still a bit sad.

And Yugi couldn't blame her after everything that had been happening to them.

And to Yami.

"How is my schedule today?" Yugi asked, slightly yawning. He hadn't been able to get a nice full night of deep sleep and rest.

Mana noticed the bags under his eyes too.

"Yugi, you're not working today." She stood up, shaking her head, "You have done more work than what is good for your health. You can't keep doing two people's jobs."

"Yes. I am." Yugi returned, nodding in response, "And I am just fine."

"No you aren't. Go home and rest."

"Mana, I did this to Yami." Yugi stomped his foot, growing agitated and stunning Mana with his comment, "Th-The LEAST I can do for Yami is take the pressure of his job off of him for when he wakes up...IF he wakes up."

He couldn't believe what he had just said. Of course Yami had to wake up. He just had to wake up.

If he didn't...

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