Chapter 18

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Yami began to play the piano, his fingers dancing across the keys as his eyes showed the feeling of emotion as he began the tale, Yugi listening intently.

"I was born into a loving family...a mother, a father...and me." Yami began, "They both loved me so much and wanted everything in the world for me...

"They just wanted me to be happy..."

Yugi tilted his head, listening to the piano's melody as well, the notes being beautiful and soft, high pitched and full of awe and stunning potential.

"My mother...was a teacher and my father was a wealthy business man." Yami continued to play, looking slightly at Yugi, but looking straight back at the keys as he played on, "We had everything we could have asked for...I was happy to have a loving family...and loving parents. I was 6 when it happened...that...

"Accident..." The piano melody began to get slightly darker and desperate, "The day...before my seventh birthday..."

Yami's eyes fogged from the memory, but he blinked away his tears and played on, ignoring Yugi's worried glances.

"I blacked out...I never knew for how long..." Yami said, "But I woke up in the ICU...a very scary place for a child...and I didn't know where my parents were...I thought they were out and were coming to see me...but...

"The doctors that treated me...told me they...d-died..."

The melody got sadder and more emotional as Yami continued, blinking rapidly. Yugi looked sympathetically at Yami and rubbed his back. Yami only continued to play, his eyes closed. A single tear slipped.

"B-But...But the doctors were a-amazing...they were kind and gentle...they made me feel like I still had a family out there..." Yami sniffed before the tune got softer and returned to a beautiful instrumental that floated into Yugi's ears, "And they...helped me find it..."

Yami smiled ever so slightly, his eyes still closed. He opened his eyes again and they had a gentle hint to their color. One that soothed Yugi.

"They put me in an orphanage after I recovered...when I was 8 years old...No one ever heard of the one knew...I wouldn't let them know...and I convinced myself not to tell a single person..." Yami told the story, "But...when I was 13...I was the most loving foster family an orphan could ever have..."

Yami had a far away look in his eye as the song he played began to grow more in beauty. Yugi could feel the feelings that Yami transferred from his finger tips to the instrument.

"There was a older sister...and" Yami's eyes softened all over again when he mentioned the brother, "The father...was never talked about...and it seemed the brother had no idea either of what happened to the father...but the mother and sister knew well..."

Yami's song began to get dark and mysterious, but the beauty of the song still remaining in the piece.

"The brother was my age....Heba...was his name..." Yami said, his voice a whisper, "And he wasn't just a brother...he was...a best friend...a companion...someone to stay with me through thick and listen and comfort me..."

Yugi could sense the pure sadness and agony in his voice when he began to talk about Heba.

"He was...probably the...only one who loved me..." Yami continued, "Like a brother...not just a step brother...He and I...every Wednesday moonlit night like this one...We would play the piano together...creating immature melodies that weren't always beautiful...but they were our songs..."

Yami's melody increased in its dark tones, getting darker and darker as Yami shut his eyes again.

"And one night...we usual..." Yami' voice lowered again, the emotion clearly evident, "It was...just the two of us...but there was something amiss...the mother and sister seemed...occupied...they wouldn't join us...they didn't speak...they didn't smile..."

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