Chapter 53

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Mana and Mahad stood in the lounge, getting together plate of homemade cookies that Mana had made that very morning.

The two of them both felt very sorry for Yugi and his issues arising with Yami and everything with it.

So they decided to whip up a little something to cheer him up.

"...can I have one?" Mahad begged almost like he would as a young kid.

"No." Mana shook her head, setting the tray on the table.

"Aw, please?" Mahad repeated.

"No, Mahad." Mana crossed her arms, looking at him.

"I'm hungry! And your cookies are some of the best!" Mahad pressed, his voice almost beginning to whine.

Mana rolled her eyes in return to his action.

"Flattery gets you nowhere." She said simply, wrapping some foil around the cookies and the tray so that they wouldn't be seen, "Besides. You and I both know that this is for Yugi. He needs to cheer up after everything he's going through."

" can he?" Mahad sighed sadly, "You and I both know the truth..."

"But the good doctors here sugar coat it." Mana returned, putting the tray back down and putting her hands on her hips, "They are always positive no matter the situation. To admit defeat is a sign of weakness. And we aren't weak. Right?"

"...right." Mahad nodded.

Mana slightly smiled and squeezed his arm, pushing the tray into his grasp, making him carry the tray of cookies.

"Now, let's go before it gets too late. I have night shift tonight."

Mahad nodded, shifting to hold the cookies in a more secure and comfortable manner, following his partner out of the lounge and down the hall to the front entrance.


Yami dreamt a dream.

Not just any dream, either.

He was watching everything that was going on.

He could see every single thing from where he floated in between places, between life and death. He was back where he didn't want to be, and his physical body seemed to give up.

Now, the respirator did all the breathing for him. Now, the machines he was on did all the work. He was only living because of those machines.

What if he never got better than this?

What if he got any worse?

What if he...died?

Would there be something else? Would there be complete dark and nothingness? And nothing more?

Yami looked around, seeing his lover silently crying in the car. How Yami longed to wraps his arms around him and to hold him and reassure than everything, no matter what happened, would fair out in the end.

But he couldn't. He could only just watch the heartbreaking scene unfold before him.

"...Yugi..." Yami sighed sadly, slightly looking down.

Suddenly, he was interrupted. There was something not quite right here. He looked around, trying to figure out what it was. Soon, a glimmer from hidden behind some bushes caught his eyes.

"Huh?" He raised an eyebrow.

Somthing was moving from behind those bushes, but he didn't know what. The bushes rustled more and more until finally, Yami made out a male, lean figure. He was walking toward the complex, his eyes with an eery fire deep within them.

Yami paled when he saw the knife and the gun in his pocket.

"I said I was gonna get one of them." He heard the figure mutter, "If not Yami, better destroy him by taking his lover."

Yami's jaw dropped and his eyes widened. He rushed over to the car, trying to see if Yugi was still inside.

But he wasn't.


Yugi passed through the lobby, not making any eye contact with the few people within. He walked over to the elevator silently, pushing a button.

He waited a few moments before the doors actually opened, and he stepped inside, pushing a second button.

He leaned on the wall, the button lighting up as the elevator rose to his floor.

"...." Yugi remained silent the entire time, grimly crossing his arms and looking down until the doors opened again and he stepped out.

He walked down the hall to his room and stood in front of it. He suddenly had chills go down his spine as he stood there, staring at the wood.

Something wasn't right.

He didn't want to go inside, but there was no where else to go, so he entered.

He collapsed onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling as his head sank into his pillows.

"How sweet." A sudden deep voice mused, "Young love."

Yugi's eyes burst back open and he jerked himself up, his gaze being met with a hooded man who gripped a pistol at his side.

Yugi's eyes widened.

"Y-YOU!!!" He screamed.

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