Chapter 63

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A month passed, and Yugi had been working in and out of the office, between the ER and the clinic, also making visit after visit to Yami.

Everyday, visiting.

But everyday, coming to the harsh truth that even if Yami had the blood he needed, and even if he was also getting the rest his body needed, he was still in an extremely critical condition. Recent tests still were unsure if Yami had brain damage from his cardiac arrests.

If he had brain damage, they would have to treat it. And if they treated it, it could send his body deeper into the coma. Could even make him even more vulnerable and voiceless than he already was. Yugi knew Yami was struggling. He was in pain. He was suffering.

And he couldn't do anything to help him.

It troubled Yugi the way things were going. If Yami didn't wake up soon, he could have more bullets being shot at him. Who was to say he was going to dodge more of them? He wasn't in any condition to fight for much longer.

But he couldn't give it all up yet. He just couldn't. Yugi couldn't bear it. Yami was the only one who listened. He made Yugi feel like he was at home. He made Yugi feel loved, and like he had worth. Yami had such a great impact on Yugi's life.

He didn't want that to be taken away from him.

He sat there, looking at Yami's slightly paled, still face. He couldn't believe how unfair everything was. It was Yami's birthday. He was on his way to something he had wanted to go to for years.

He was so excited. Everything in life was looking up. Yami was happy as can be. Then...cruel life comes in. Takes Yami and sticks him in a car, a safe driver at the wheel to something he couldn't wait for...

Then throws him into a life or death battle, where you either get through by the skin of your teeth, or you die right there.

The battle was worsening. To make it worse, he was now unrecognizable. He was on tons of IVs and Life Supports that did everything for him. They held him up, but he had no strength to do things himself. He couldn't breath without the respirator. His heart couldn't beat without the tube.

Everything Yami had was weak.

Yugi stood, feeling tears rising from the back of his eyes. He covered his mouth upon looking at the monitor. His heart beat was the slowest it could ever be and his body temp was 3 degrees lower than it should have been.

If it got lower, he would go into hypothermia. If he went into hypothermia, he would need another surgery. And with every surgery, he had a bigger risk.

He had to leave, not able to take it anymore. All the time, he questioned why this happened. He begged for Yami to get better. He prayed until the verge of tears for his condition to get better. But his prayers and all his pleas hadn't been answered.

And when he questioned why this happened...

He knew, in the back of his mind, exactly why it happened.

Yugi wanted him to have a good present. Regardless the warnings, regardless the signs. Heba appeared to him, in tears, on his knees, crying, sobbing to just leave it alone. He begged for him to just celebrate with Yami, at the hospital itself.

But something inside Yugi awakened, making Yugi ignorant. He did it anyway.

He bought that concert ticket. He put Yami in this position. He did. It was his fault and he knew it well. He thought it was the best idea and went through with it until the consequences came, Yami was thrown out of his car, put in the ICU in one of the worst conditions they've ever seen, and Yugi is helpless here. He can only sit and watch as the pain in his heart increases.

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