Chapter 47

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Yugi clutched the limp hand, choking back sobs.

Another life support...

Another step to death...

Another heartbreak for Yugi.

Yami was weaker...with another life support. Yugi was losing it. Yami was basically dying and this was all Yugi's fault. Every bit of this was his fault.

Yugi shook his head, Yami's limp hand remaining still as he did so. He couldn't believe it.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened.

"Y-Yugi?" A feminine voice sounded.

Yugi looked up, not letting go of Yami's hand, his eyes full of tears. He met the gaze of another tear stained face.

It was Mana.

"Y-Yes, Mana?" Yugi asked, struggling to keep his voice steady.

"We have a meeting with the" She seemed to be the same way, trying her hardest to keep her voice level as well, "I-It is about..."

Yugi already knew what it was about. He looked at Yami's tranquil, unmoving face and sighed, looking down. He sadly nodded, gulping.

Mana waited for him at the door and held the door open, silent.

Yugi didn't want to let go. He didn't want to go to the meeting. He didn't want to hear what they had to say there. He just didn't want anything else to happen except for some miracle that would bring Yami back.

But it seemed as though it was too late for a miracle and that Yami was left alone. So was Yugi. Neither of them had anything.


He stood finally, after a few moments of debating with himself wether to go or not to go. He reluctantly, gently rested the hand down beside Yami, the blood drip wire shifting slightly. Yami remained still.

Yugi sniffed and turned. He grimly passed Mana in complete silence, going through the door. They both had the same dreaded feeling in their guts as they silently walked through the building.

Yami was on many life supports.

Which was a very grim sign.

And extremely grim sign.

He was too weak to function on his own. And this was only days after his fatal car accident that almost killed him on the spot.

Yugi couldn't help but feel terrible when he looked at the young man in the bed, seeming to be sleeping, but was in a whole world of pain and suffering all on his own.

Yugi had to do something.

It wasn't right to let him keep living in this condition,

But it was so hard to just muster the courage to let go when he couldn't even go to the meeting to meet with his surgeon team and his bosses to figure out what was sensible to do.

Which was probably going to be the choice that Yugi definitely didn't want to choose.


"Alright, you are Mr. Yami Sennen's first surgeon team, correct?"

Two tall individuals paced about, looking through papers that they held. One was a boy and one was a girl.

The entire team sat at a long table and watched their bosses read from clipboards. Yugi, since he was the captain, say at the head, watching them intensely.

He nodded politely in response to the lean man's question.

"Yes." Yugi said, managing to keep his voice stable.

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