Chapter 13

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A week had past since the first surgery Yugi had observed and was tested on by Yami and he slowly was able to go to more surgeries over time.

This morning wasn't all that different, but Yugi didn't mind.

He drove up to the hospital bright and early, ready to start the day and to help Yami out with his patients and surgeries and various jobs for that day. He walked through the double doors in the entrance and was greeted by the hospital scenery that he now knew all too well.

Down the hall, he could see the front desk and his eyes immediately fell on Mana, who was, once again, on the phone with another doctor and typing away at the computer. She glanced at Yugi and slightly smiled, still chattering on.

He smiled back and made his way to the desk, slightly fixing his coat and putting his hands in his pockets. He leaned on the desk, waiting for Mana to pull her conversation to a close and to get the scoop on where Yami could have been.

"Yes. Left lung was collapsed, but was successfully inflated once more last night. She is currently in recovery and will remain there for 2 weeks in order for us to keep an eye on her." Mana said into the phone.

Yugi listened, not trying to be rude, but having nothing else to do. There was always so much going on in a hospital and he felt like he was in the middle of it all. The feeling terrified him when he first went through those doors, but over time, he got used to it, and actually enjoyed it.

Mana chattered on until she pulled it to a close, explaining a patient's future surgery over the phone to another doctor and then hanging up once she was finished. She looked at Yugi, and grinned at him.

"Well here he is!" Mana giggled, "The fabled Yugi Moto!"

Yugi slightly smiled and looked back at her.

"Fabled? Come on." He snickered, playfully, "I'm legendary!"

Mana laughed. She clapped her hands together lightly and cheered quietly so as not to disturb the other nurses who worked around her.

She looked at the computer screen after her laughter died down.

"You're probably looking for Yami, huh?" She said, looking back at him through the corners of her eyes.

Yugi nodded, answering her question. He leaned on the desk and watched as she typed once more and a file came up with Yami's schedule in it. She pulled it up and read through it to herself.

"He should Harriet Jame's room, #113." She read out loud to Yugi and looked back at him, "Third floor, and you should know the rest!"

Yugi laughed.

"Yes I do!" He agreed, "Thank you very much!"

He turned and left, waving to Mana and looking at her over his shoulder. She properly returned the gesture and soon returned to her work, leaving Yugi to make his way to room 113.

He turned a corner and the elevators came into view. Yugi couldn't help but let his thoughts wander. He thought about today and how busy Yami must be. He must surely need some help at one point. Being as busy as he was, he always seemed like he needed help.

But he always got the job done.

He was never a beat behind.

He was on top of it.

Yugi couldn't help but wonder how he did it. He knew that Yami had been there for a full two years, but he does thing professionals who worked for a decade did. There was something different about Yami that really set him apart from the others.

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