Chapter 10

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The morning went on, full of new doctors and new people Yugi met and remembered almost instantly. They were all so different and variety of the type of people they were was vast.

It almost felt like Yugi, once he met another one, could travel into another world when he heard about the kind of person the other was.

The morning didn't last very long.

Not long at all.

And it wasn't long until Yami announced lunch break for his side of the hospital staff.

Yugi and he walked away from a Doctor called Shada and made their way to the lounge, signaling the end of the morning and the early beginning of the afternoon.

They both walked to the fridge, where snacks from patients or others were given to the doctors as gifts or celebration or just for luck. And they got things like that a lot. Yugi sat down as Yami looked in it.

"So, what do you feel in the mood to eat?" Yami looked at Yugi, standing at the open door of the fridge.

Yugi merely shrugged.

"I don't know." He replied, "Uh...what do we have?"

"Cookie dough...Chicken salad, Ham sandwiches..." Yami listed for him, "And oh! I see we got some...fried chicken? We got Salad, Fruit, yogurt...really anything."

Yugi tilted his head, deep in thought.

"Could I get some fried chicken?" Yugi asked, Yami already walking out with a container full of it.

"That was gonna be my choice too!" He laughed, sitting across from him and putting it between them, "I was gonna offer some of it to you anyway! And it's still warm! That's always good!"

Yugi nodded, reaching for one and taking a bite out of it. Yami did the same, looking at him.

"So, Yugi." He swallowed, turning to him.

"So Yami." Yugi turned back, repeating him in a way.

"Your my student and apprentice. And I think it's only natural for me to get to know you." Yami returned, biting again and chewing, swallowing once more.

"Really?" Yugi smirked, raising an eyebrow, "What is it that you want to know about me?"

"Anything! It doesn't have to be personal..." Yami shook his head, "But maybe something like your favorite food, taste in music, previous schools..."

"So anything as long as it isn't too personal?" Yugi repeated.

"Yes." Yami nodded.

Yugi finished his chicken and leaned back slightly in his chair. He honestly didn't know where to start. Yami noticed it so began to brainstorm some questions.

"Like, answer me this." Yami said, trying to help him out, "When did you realize you wanted to be a doctor or a surgeon?"

Yugi turned back to him and smiled at a memory that popped into mind. He thought back to it, not afraid to share it with him.

"Well, I had always been thought of to have a pretty good job like a lawyer or a teacher or something like that. But when I was 5, I had asked my grandpa to get me doctors kit." He explained, Yami slightly smiling back at him, "Now, back then, my grandpa was a big prankster and bought me a Nurse kit and his the doctors kit. When he gave it to me, I had a hissy fit."

Yami slightly chuckled.

"I'm serious!" Yugi grinned slightly, "I didn't want the little hat. I wanted the stethoscope, the needle, the coat with my name on it..."

Yami laughed again, "You really wanted that, huh?"

Yugi nodded.

"And when I finally got it after a week of me hating grandpa for getting it for me, I would never put it down." Yugi continued, "I would wake up in the morning, put on my white coat and be like 'it's work day'."

Yami laughed once more, picturing it in his head. That was almost exactly like what he was like when he was a kid. He was serious about it.

But then, their conversation had to be pulled to an abrupt end.

"Doctor Sennen, we need you to get ready." A super model looking woman appeared at the door, "It's almost time for Mr. Tsunami's surgery."

Yami looked at her and nodded, standing up.

"I'll be there soon. Thank you, Mai." He picked up the fried chicken and put it away.

Mai left the room, going back to the operation room, Yugi assumed. He looked up at Yami.

" that it?" He asked, "I go home now?"

"Of course not." Yami shook his head, "I want you to come with me to assist me and the other doctors in case we may need anything."

Yugi nodded, a feeling of excitement growing inside. He had always wanted to do an actual surgery or to actually be on the scene of one. All the documentaries he found on television were pretty interesting, but not as interesting as the real thing.

"You coming?" Yami stood in the doorway, waiting for him.

Yugi nodded hastily and walked out after him.

"Of course!" He quickly agreed.

Yami chuckled, walking down to the operation room with him.

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