★ Signs Listening To "If I Could Fly" - By One Direction ★

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Aries - Screams the lyrics while making pain faces

taurus - Sends depressed text about life to his best friends

gemini - "What ??? No I'm not crying... It's just the wind... I don't even like this song..."

cancer - Cries on the floor like somebody died

leo - Improvises a dramatic dancing performance

virgo - Gets the bitch resting face on

libra - Lets every single words of the lyrics overwhelmed his mind

scorpio - Sits in front a window and watches the street like it's an old black and white movie

sagittarius - Gets in the shower and lets the water run down on his face for ages

capricorn - Lies on his bed hugging a pillow and tries to breathe

aquarius - Tries to understand his feelings,tries to understand the song, tries to understand the world

pisces - Builds a blanket fort "This is my life now"

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