You Lock Eyes..

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We'll its been a month since you lost your friend and you have been talking to Becky alot more after that night. Tonight you have a match between The Miz as the opening match for Smackdown Live. You arrive to the arena and go straight to your locker room. You walk in and see that no one else is there and so you decide to change into your ring gear and head to the stage and watch the set up. You pull out your phone when you sit in one of the arena seats and text Becky.

"Hey you should come to the stage and sit with me"

She replied instantly with "on my way".

She shows up and sits next to you and you start to shoot the shit.

Travis: "Ok so what are your plans for tomorrow?"

Becky: "So far all I have is a signing and thats it, why?"

Travis hands got a little bit sweaty as he asked her to go out for drinks.

Becky: "Sure!! Where would you wanna go?"

Travis: "Well I found this bar outside of town a bit that is a SubZero bar, if thayt interests you?"

Becky: "Oh hell yeah, thats the bar thats made of all ice right?"

Travis: "Yes Ma'am".

Becky was excited to go on this little "date" with Travis.

So Main Event just got over with and the kickoff to Smackdown started with Travis walking out and got the crowd fired up, he slid into the ring and stood on the top turnbuckle waiting for The Miz to come out. As Travis heard "AWESOME" then he got in his corner and started to stretch. The Miz had Maryse next to him and they both stared at Travis as the ref backed him up from moving closer to Miz. He got into his corner and the ref signaled the bell and Travis got Miz into a headlock and threw him to the ground, Miz got out of the lock and slipped outta the ring and walked to Maryse. Travis chased him down and got a big closeline by The Miz, he lifted up and pushed Travis in the ring and began to take shots at his ribs and chest.

Travis yelled at the pain of the shots taken to the ribs, the ref finally got Miz off Travis and he went to target his head by putting him in a headlock but Travis countered it and start to target Miz, after about 13 minutes we saw Miz try to Skull Crushing Finale Travis multiple times until we see a Super kick outta Travis.

The Miz rolls close to the ropes and Maryse tried to distract Travis on the other side of the ring while we saw another and last attempt outta Miz with the Skull Crushing Finale. After he couldnt get the last one in Maryse thought her husband was in trouble and threw a chair in while she distracted the ref. Miz his Travis with the chair 3 times and went for a 4th when the ref turned around and disqualified Miz.

As Travis rolled outta the ring and walked backstage and saw Becky and Charlotte sitting on the crates near gorilla until they saw Travis walk in. They jumped off and saw Travis's back red and purple from the chair shots.

Becky: "Are you ok?"

Charlotte: "Those chair shots looked horrifying."

Travis walked to the trainers room and grabbed big bags of ice for his back. The two of them followed him as he sat down.

Travis: "Yeah I'm fine, just those chairs are brutal".

Becky: "We'll if you're fine are we still going out to that bar later?"

Charlotte didn't know they were going on a little "date" to a bar and poked fun at the two about it. Becky told her about the place and Charlotte left to let them be alone.

Becky Lynch Love (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 1* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now