Meeting His Side..

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They arrived at Boston Logan International Airport around 4pm. They waited for his sister to pick them up, they walked out and saw her pull up. She jumped out of the car and ran towards them. She bear hugged her brother first, she was tearing up a bit since she hasn't seen him in over 5 years.

Katie: Oh it's so good to see you, my god have you been pumping iron bro.

Travis: Haha yeah, gotta keep impressing this lucky gal.

She let off Travis and hugged Becky tight, she hugged back and had a special moment.

Katie: I've heard so much about you, I'm Katie.

Becky: I'm Becky, has he been talking about me that much?

Katie: Sometimes he wont shut up about you, no offense.

Becky smiled at him and held his hand as they packed the car and headed to his parents house. They pulled up to this old style, two story house surrounded by great oaks. They started to unpack the car when they heard the front door open and see his mom running towards them.

Travis's Mom: Oh my baby, my baby's back.

She hugged Travis and gave him kisses all over his face, he tried to block them by moving his head around. She stopped and spotted Becky, she ran to her and hugged her and kissed her cheek.

Travis's Mom: You must be the one he's been talking about Becky, I'm Lisa.

Becky: It's so nice to meet you.

His dad started to walk about and talk and hug Travis, he walked over with Travis.

Travis: Pops, this is the love of my life Becky, Babe? This is my Old man Rob.

Rob and Becky hugged and they all walked back into the house. Becky and Travis walked up to his old room and unpacked.

Becky: Looks like a sixteen years old room.

Travis: Looks like they've never cleaned it out. Left it just the same.

She walked around and was looking at all the wrestling posters until she got to one of Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior. She saw it was signed by Hogan Hogan, she asked him if it was his favorite wrestler.

Travis: Yeah but I wish I was there the day it was signed, my dad got it signed for me since I was sick that day.

Becky: Man we have more and more in common since he was my favorite as well.

Later that night*

They were all sitting around the firepit out back and just talking.

Lisa: So Becky, has my baby asked you to marry?

Travis: Woah mom chill out.

Lisa: Well have you two thought about kids yet?

Becky laughed as Travis looked at her in a strange way.

Travis: Mom we've only been dating for 8 months now.

Rob: Well your mom and I got married after a year, then you and Katie came a couple months later.

Travis sighed as Becky snuggled him, she looked tired and so did they all. Everyone walked inside except Travis and Becky, they sat out there looking at the stars. She kissed him and they saw a metorshower start up, they sat there amazed.

Travis: Well what do you want to do? Stay out here a bit longer?

Becky: Yeah I mean look at that.

Becky Lynch Love (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 1* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now