Is This It?

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Travis woke up with a massive headache and Becky woke up as she heard him groan, she saw him sitting up holding his head in pain.

Becky: Are you okay?

Travis: No babe, I think something's wrong.

Becky: Here let me go get you some painkillers.

She got up and put some pants on and glanced over and saw the clock read 04:00 am. She was a little worried about him as she brought him the pills and a glass of water. He took them and looked down in discomfort, he laid back down and held Becky but she could tell that he couldn't sleep. She felt for him but he finally fell asleep a couple minutes later and so did she.

Couple hours later*

Becky woke up and saw Travis wasn't in bed, she got up and saw the bathroom light on. She slowly walked up and heard him throwing up, she walked in and he was slumped over the toilet. He looked up and saw her and threw up again.

Becky: Babe? Are you ok?

Travis: I feel like shit, I think I should see the doctor now.

Becky: Ok, here let me help you up.

She got him up and out of the bathroom and both got changed, she didn't want him to drive as the sunlight was making his headaches hurt more so he out on his shades and closed his eyes in the passenger seat. She drove them to WWEs New York physician and both waited in the room for the foctor to come in. Becky held his arm as he had his head in his hands in pain.

The nurse called them to do his normal physical before they can do any tests. They checked his blood pressure and the doctor came in, he sat down and was suprised to see Travis in there.

Doc: So I saw your match last night, the trainers say were looking at a severe concussion?

Becky: That's what we were told.

Doc: Ok, so show me where it hurts the most.

Travis: Well this morning I woke up around what 4, it was right behind my eyes.

Doc: Ok well that has been a sign of a concussion. Let's run some more tests and figure out what is going on.

Travis and Becky followed the doctor to the back and have him ready for a MRI test. He laid back and Becky sat with the doctor as he ran through the test.

Travis and Becky were told to go back home and they'll call them back in to review the results with them later. So he was prescribed some more painkillers incase he had some more issues.

Becky drove them back to the hotel and they packed there bags, Travis and Becky flew back home and had a relaxing day.

The next day*

Becky woke up and saw that Travis wasn't in bed, she got up and got dressed as she walked out and saw him on the couch with Alexis sleeping. Her heart filled with love as she saw him wake up from Alexis crawling over him, he saw Becky standing in the doorway just watching them. He smiled and he put Alexis down and he watched her crawl fast to Becky. She sqauted down and held her hands out as she reached her, Becky picked her up and walked over to Travis and sat next to him.

Becky: How are you feeling?

Travis: Like hell. I came out here around 4 when Alexis woke up and I must have fell asleep.

Becky: I was wondering where you went.

Travis: I don't want to take the painkillers anymore.

Becky Lynch Love (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 1* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now