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Becky and Travis woke up back at home and looked through there schedule for the week as they're at house shows from Friday to Sunday until RAW. Becky fed Alexis and Travis watched both and smiled, Becky looked at him and questioned him.

Becky: Someone's happy?

Travis: Just seeing you two every morning makes me happy.

Becky: Aww babe.

He walked to her and kissed both of his girls and they spent the last day together.

After putting Alexis to bed, Travis walked Becky to bed as they cuddled each other tightly and kissed goodnight.

Next day*

Both said there goodbyes to Alexis and Katie as they loaded up the rental car, Travid got in and Becky sat in the passenger seat. He held her hand and looked at her.

Travis: Ready?

Becky: Road trip!!

He rolled his eyes and headed to Tallahassee.

After about an hour Becky was already sleeping and Travis wasn't surprised. He continued to listen to his music until she eventually woke up and looked exhausted.

Travis: What's wrong?

She had some tears in her eyes and he had no clue what had gotten into her.

Travis: What?

Becky: We can't keep leaving Alexis, I miss her too much.

Travis held her hand and kissed it as she let a tear go.

Travis: I know babe, but what can we do? Take her on the road with us?

Becky: Probably, but I want her to grow up at home. What do we do?

Travis: We'll figure something out honey, don't worry.

Becky: I'm so thankful to have you. I love you.

Travis: I love you.

Both continued on the road for tour.


Both went straight to the arena and unpacked for the quick house show. He walked her to gorilla as Becky was going to be in his corner as he defends the Universal Championship

(like every night on this tour)

Braun walked out as the crowd cheered, he was in the ring stomping around until Becky's music and she walked out with a mic as Travis stood in gorilla.

Becky: Oh Braun, you think you can beat my man? You're dead wrong.

Braun: We'll I didn't know there were two men in that family Becky? Travis will GET THESE HANDS!!

Becky looked pissed as Travis's music and everyone had mixed reaction. He stood next to Becky and slowly kissed her mocking Miz and Maryse. He stormed to the ring, he slid in and Becky stood on the rope just looking at Braun with a pissed look. The ref pushed Braun back in his corner and the bell rang.

Travis sprinted toward Braun but was forcefully clotheslined and laid on the ground as Becky yelled at Braun, which was building up there heel character's.

He laid there until Braun picked him up and Powerslammed him over and over, and everytime he would counter but never get the three count.

End of match*

Braun hit his seventh power slam and countered but Travis kept kicking out, making thr crowd freak out. Braun picked him back up but Travis wiggled out and pushed him into the turnbuckles, while he watched Becky distract the ref while Travis hit a low blow on Braun.

Becky Lynch Love (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 1* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now