Her Birthday..

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You wake up to see that Becky is already outta bed, you get up and walk to the bathroom and see her wiping off her makeup that she left on from last night. You just stand in the doorway and just stare at her waiting for her to notice. It takes her a minute to realize that you're in the doorway and she smiles.

Becky: Hey I see your eyes wondering Mr.

Travis: Happy birthday babe!

Becky: Oh thank you very much, now do I get a birthday kiss? She said turning towards you waiting with a huge grin on her face. You come to and walk up and hold her hips and kiss her slowly and passionately. She gets into it and forces your lips to hers until she pulls away.

Becky: So what do you want to do before we have to head to the arena? I have a free schedule until then.

Travis: Well what do you wanna do?

Becky checks her phone to see if anything is open at in Philly on a Tuesday for them to kill time. She finds out that theres a park right in the middle of the city. She looks at him and says

Becky: Well do you want to go to the park? Walk around a bit and just talk?

Travis: Yeah I'd like that; here skoot over so I can get ready.

Becky starts to pack up her things like she was going to leave while he showered but he insisted that she doesn't need to leave and things are different now. She stayed and tried not to watch him strip down and shower. She got all the makeup off her and changed while Travis got out and changed into his street clothes. He walks out and looks at his Irish Lasskicker and kisses her and they left the room. They walked from the hotel to the park since it was a couple blocks away, they walked to the stone bridge that went over a little river leading to a pond. Becky was twisting and playing with her necklace she had until it fell off and dropped below them. She eeked and sighed as she saw Travis sprint down to the bottom of the bridge to retrieve it.

Becky: Hey I think I see it on that rock near the open water.

She watched at Travis balanced over the rocks to get her necklace. He grabbed it and put it in his pocket incase he fell in. Becky watched him slip on the rock and watch both feet go in the river.

Travis: Ah dammit, well those were new shoes. As he laughed; he looked up and saw that becky was videoing him as he stood in the water.

Travis: Are you just gonna stand there?

Becky just laughed as he took another step forward and fell almost completely in. He walked up soaked from the waist down and handed her the necklace. She hugged and kissed him passionately before Travis got a text.

Becky: Who's that?

Travis: We'll it sounds like I'm getting another shot at the US title, This is Jeff's last night until he goes home to recover.

Becky: Oh no that's awful. Hope its nothing too serious.

Travis then got a phone call from Shane McMahon who wanted him to come in a little early and shoot some promos for tv. Becky followed him as they walked back to the hotel and grabbed there bags and packed the car. Travis drove him and Becky to the arena and saw that Finn and Bayley got out of there car next to them.

Travis: Hey what are you two doing here?

Finn: We'll looks like we both got drafted to Smackdown after The Miz and Maryse went to RAW.

Becky: Oh that's awesome, that means I get to spend more time with my bestie. She said hugging Bayley with a her might. The four of them walked in and went to there assigned locker rooms. I guess WWE somehow found out about Becky and Travis's relationship since they were paired up in one. They walked in and Travis got in his Ring gear on. He and Becky both walked out to head to production to shoot some promos. They walk up and see Shane and GM Paige standing there with the title.

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