It's Time..

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Some time has past after Travis's return on TV but he was still written off since Becky was on her last days until the due date. He wanted to stay home and be her everything until the perfect time. Today he let Becky rest around the house as he did everything for her.

Becky: Hey let me do somethings babe.

Travis: I'm fine, you need to relax and hang out.

Becky: But I feel bad.

Travis: Why? You're being a badass, you're carrying our next chapter.

Becky kissed him as they both sat down on the couch and watched Netflix all day and night until they went to bed.

Later that night around 4am.

Becky woke up in extreme amount of pain. She moaned and groaned as she tried to wake Travis up.

Becky: Travis!! Travis wake up.

Travis shot up and saw that she was in so much pain.

Becky: I think the baby's comimg babe.

Travis: Ok.. it's ok, let's go.

Becky: It hurts!!

Travis: I know, but everything will be fine.

Travis helped Becky slowly to her car and packed her in, he threw the baby bag in the back and got in the driver seat. This was Travis's first time driving since he accident, but he didn't care about that as they were going to become parents. He rushed to the hospital and parked at the front, he got her out and walked her in a wheelchair until a nurse saw that she was in labor and took her to the delivery room. Becky wanted Travis to park the car, he ran back inside and busted in the door seeing Becky laying there waiting. He pulled a chair up and held her hand.

An hour later*

The doctor had come in and looked at them both.

Doc: Mrs. Sharp? It's time.

Becky: Travis I can't do it.

Travis: Yes you can baby, you're the strongest woman I know.

Becky smiled and looked at the doctor.

Doc: Ok it's time to push.

Travis: You can do it.

Becky pushed and pushed. After another hour of pushing and extreme amount of pain they both heard crying at her last push. Becky laid back exhausted and looked at Travis who let a tear down at the sight

Doc: Congratulations Mister and Misses Sharp on the birth of your baby girl.

Becky started to cry as they handed her their new baby girl. Travis kept holding Becky's hand and kissed her passionately as they just looked at her in awe.

Becky: I can't believe it, a baby girl.

Travis: She's beautiful, looks like her mother.

Becky kissed him back and they jusg watched her.

They had took the baby and let Becky relax and sleep off all the hard work she did. Travis just watched Becky sleep and decided to call her and his parents. The next people were Lexi and Buddy since they've known each other the longest.

Lexi and Buddy got to the hospital and saw Travis, Lexi sprinted to him and hugged him with joy.

Lexi: I'm so happy for you two

Travis: Thank you both, do you want to see her?

Lexi: It's a GIRL!?

Travis: Yes, follow me.

Becky Lynch Love (Becky Lynch × OC) BOOK 1* [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now