Twitter with Kevin

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I wake up, startled, and look around only to remember I was adopted by One Direction. K. Like that's a normal thought.

Now that I know I can trust them, I'm quite happy.

Quite happy.

Aha I said quite and it sounds funny in my head.

"Quite." I say.

HA. It sounds funny out loud too!

 I've never been so happy in my life!! WEEEE HOOOOOOOO MOOMMMY MEEEEE UHHHH I swing my legs off the bed and do a little dance which probably looks horrible but hey. What the heck?

    I glance at my alarm clock and see it's 4:30 AM. Right on time! Wait...

 I don't need to get up at this time anymore. I guess I'm just used to it. Hold the phone. I can't go to the tree anymore!! That's the only reason I got up at this time! And what about Peter? I didn't even say goodbye to him!! I feel tears threatening to spill out, but I quickly wipe them away. Crying is something I won't do. It won't help. It just makes it worse.

I look over and see my window is open. I go over to it and it leads to a balcony. I climb out the window and to my surprise and joy, a tree is right there!! Its very close to the balcony, and I run over to touch it. It's a willow tree as well, and I start crying happy tears. See? I still have a tree! I don't know why that makes me so extremely happy, but I'm just gonna roll with it.

*5 hours later*

I type up One Direction latest news and everything pops up. One Direction adopted a girl! was the top thing trending right now. HEY! I'm the top thing trending!!  Yasss Shirley go suck something.

As I'm smiling at the thought of it, an advertisment comes up showing a blue bird. It says twitter. hmm. Wonder what that is? I click on it and it says login or make up an account. I shrug. Why not? Uh...what should my name be? OH! I KNOW I KNOW! I quickly type it in. KatLiamHarryZaynLouieNiallandthoseotherguys. I smile contentedly. Perfect! It's not like...long or anything.

Or wierd.



My password shall be KatDirection. As usual. I press enter and my page pops up. ooo cool! Zero followers! Wait, that's a bad thing. I need followers!!!!! MY NEW GOAL IN LIFE IS FOLLOWERS.

 Maybe Louis will follow me.

And if he doesn't...

He will REGRET adopting me as I shall make his life miserable...

 I look him up, and soon enough I find him. I type Hey, its me ,Kat. I'm on the balcony right now and I just had a great idea! It'll blow your mind! Wanna hear it? Ok, I'm just gonna tell you! You should add me! Like, NOW. Ok. Bye. PS CHIENNE AHA oops aha byeeee I hit the send button and wait for a response. Almost immediatly he send back Wow Kat! You blew my mind to space! I added you and you need to add me! Kepeesh? Bye till...breakfast? And what does...chienne mean? I chuckle and wright back Only if we're having pancakes. And uhm I dunno I can't tell you what chinne means sorryyyyy not sorry  He says, Whatever! Anyways, you  need to ask Harry for the pancakes. He's the BEST cook! I smile and after I finish adding him, I go on Harry's page. Hey Harry? Can we have pancakes? PS this isn't a question...BYE

Ok...this is interesting...




I watch myself fly away for a second before I look back at my computer.

 I get a message from Harry and it says, Is that you Kat? I grin and wright back No, it's actually Kevin. 

Its the truth chiennes. 

Kevin is the box! Hahaha I'm guessing you looked us up? I write back yeah, I did but I'm only interested in pancakes right now. PS I have no interest for you or the guys unless I have my pancakes. And followers....Mhm...

I laugh as he messages back saying, Ok, pancakes it is! Dont get all hostile on me! Yeesh...But first...

I know! I text, Let me take a selfie! Yeah, I've been spending my time wisely on the box. It's stored with information and I don't want to look dumb or anything if I don't know stuff. 

It's like my nightmare of not knowing the lyrics to my songs! I shudder and try not to think about that horrible life. 

I look and see Harry tweeted something.

Ok, I took my selfie! I'll be in the kitchen if you need me! Bye love! I smile. Yeah! Pancakes! I go back to my page and gasp. Holy cheese and crackers! I have 2,000 followers! How did that happen in two minutes?! But yeah! I got what I wanted! Followers on Twitter!!!

Next up is...


Whatever social media sight I find next...


New goal in life.

Adopted By... One Direction? (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now