Break-in (Golxy)

181 5 4

Requested by: layla_the_fnaf

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Golxy (Golden x Fox)

Third Person's POV:

Raindrops fell onto Golden's fluffy blonde hair as he hastily bolted down the streets. Ugh, being homeless was one thing, but also being stuck in the rain just sucked ass. The school didn't have any roofs for Golden to hide underneath, and he was pretty sure all of his friends lived miles away from where he was. Everyone except for......Fox. Golden allowed himself to come to a stop underneath a tree to think of his options.

Option 1, go back to school and sleep in the rain which will likely turn into a storm.

Hmm, no. He didn't have any cover at all there, and he surely was gonna die from cold out there.

Option 2, stay underneath this tree.

Maybe. At least the tree gave him some kind of cover. But then again, if the rain really would turn into a storm, he'd get hit by lightning and die instantly. Golden preferred to stay alive.

Option 3, go to Fox's house and pray he doesn't mistake you for a robber.

Golden really didn't want to do that. He didn't exactly get along well with Fox, and he didn't wanna get beaten up if Fox mistook him for a robber. But you know what? It was worth the risk. Fox was a bit of a douche, but so was Golden. Surely he wouldn't just kick him out in the rain again, right?

Golden ran out from underneath the tree and headed straight to Fox's house. It looked closer to a shed, but surely it would be more comfy than outside. Now the problem was, Golden came here in the middle of the night. That wasn't very positive, because surely Fox wouldn't just open up for him around this time. Golden once again considered his options before shaking his head. It's time to stop screwing around. He'll just have to take this risk.

Golden was surprised to figure out that the door was unlocked. Alright, good! That made things way easier for him. The blonde tip-toed inside, making sure the door would be locked this time around. It was fairly dark, but the glistening of the moonlight outside of Fox's window lit up a path for him to follow. Golden heard obnoxious snoring from inside of a room, making him realize it was Fox.

He stiffly knocked on the door, to which no reply was given. Golden knocked a second time, a third time, a fourth time before getting tired of waiting up. He once again easily sneaked inside the room, the door was unlocked.

"Hey, Fox.....?" Golden whispered as he walked into the room.

Nothing but snoring once again. Golden quietly made his way towards the bed, where a single strand of dark red hair poked out from underneath the covers. Golden gently pushed what he assumed to be Fox's shoulder.

"Fox, wake up. It's me, Golden......" Golden continued lightly shaking the redhead.

Finally, Fox gave some kind of other reply than just snoring. He let out something between a grunt and a sigh. He still appeared to be asleep, though.

"Come on, man. Wake up." Golden started growing impatient.

Suddenly, he was pulled on top of the bed by his arm.


Golden let out a cry of surprise as he tried to regain his balance. ............okay. This was a very uncomfortable position. He was directly on top of Fox, hands slammed down on his pillow. Golden tried to get out of the position, but just then, Fox's eyes fluttered open. The two of them continued staring at each other for what felt like a century.

"............what the fuck?"

Fox looked pissed to say the least. And Golden couldn't really blame the other boy as Fox pushed him off of the bed.

"Ouch......" Golden pouted as he rubbed a soar spot on his back.

"What the fuck are you doin' in my house?! Did you break in or something?!" Fox swiftly turned on the light.

"There's a storm outside, and I couldn't find any cover at the school....." Golden sheepishly explained.

For a second, Golden could see a hint of worry cross Fox's eyes, but it soon got replaced with a sigh.

"So you just break into my house?" The tone Fox used to ask that made it seem like he wasn't even surprised.

"Well, I mean...... I didn't exactly break in. You didn't lock the door." Golden said with a shrug.

"Still, though......" Fox seemed a bit weirded out.

What followed next was an awkward silence between the two of them. Golden was on the floor, Fox was sitting upright on his bed and they both looked uncomfortable. Finally, Fox broke the silence by groaning.

"Fine, fine..... You can stay. But just for tonight, alright?" Golden's face lit up.

"Thank you so much! I won't forget this, Fox!" Golden gratefully got onto the bed.

"Wow, wow, wow..... There's a few basic rules you gotta know if you wanna sleep over at my house." Fox lightly pushed Golden back.

"What?" Golden almost boredly asked.

"First of all, this house is my castle. I'm the king, and it's my legal property. You can sleep on the couch." Fox lazily said.

"The couch?!" Golden wanted to protest, but Fox cut him off.

"Do you wanna sleep here or go back outside? Choice is yours."


Golden went to lay on the couch, but as he sat there, nuzzling into a blanket Fox had given him, he couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, Fox?" Golden spoke up as Fox prepared to return to his own room.

"Yeah?" Fox half-heartedly replied.

"Thanks. Thanks a lot." Golden offered him a small smile.

" problem, dude." Fox's face looked a bit red as he walked back inside his room.

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