Detention (Eakly)

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(If you're wondering as to why the F I just put the book on 'CLOSED' it's cuz I currently have a LOT of requests so I'm not gonna take any new ones until I finish the ones I'm currently working on. I appreciate you guys' enthusiasm, but sometimes it's a bit too much at once XD)

Requested by: _FNAFHS_Thrash_666_

AU: None

Type: Fluff

Pairing: Eakly (Eak x Lilly)

Third Person's POV:

Lilly decided she was tired of constantly blowing her hair out of her face and put her hair in a knot. All the while she tried to ignore the staring of the boy just two chairs away from her. This sucked....... In case you were wondering where she was, Lilly was in detention. Yeah, crazy, right? Lilly, the super smart goody two-shoes was stuck in detention with the biggest troublemakers of the school. Truth was, Lilly took the blame for something she hadn't actually done. The thing was that Abby, Felix and Fede had somehow managed to send the teacher's whiteboard crashing down onto the floor. Apparently they were writing way too roughly on it and the old board just gave out.

It was pretty funny to see Lilly's bold and energetic friends turn so pale as soon as the teacher walked back in. She had furiously asked who was responsible, and Lilly, knowing that her friends all had to get home early today, decided to take the blame. Felix, Abby and Fede of course desperately tried to tell her it was them, but the teacher had already made up her mind. Lilly had to admit, just thinking about the immense disappointment in the teacher's eyes kinda stung.

Detention wasn't too awfully bad, but it really wasn't as 'cool' as a lot of students claimed it was. Lilly of course wasn't allowed to play on her phone, but that was okay. She always had a book ready for emergencies. Sadly, she couldn't really keep her attention on her book.

"Hey, what'chu readin'?" Eak suddenly spoke up.

That was why.

Eak, a Mexican boy, known for his top-notch athletic skills and wild attitude. He was your typical high-school jock, nothing was particularly outstanding about him. So Lilly was still trying to figure out as to why he managed to catch her attention out of all the other jocks. Jocks weren't really her type, but Lilly had to admit whenever the tan-skinned Mexican was around, her heart skipped a beat.

"Warrior Cats." Lilly simply replied, trying to focus back on her page.

It didn't work.

"Cool, cool....." Eak looked elsewhere, probably thinking Lilly wouldn't notice the fact that he was shuffling his chair closer to hers that way.

When Eak was pretty much directly sitting next to Lilly, the blue-haired girl looked up from her book again. Eak's stupid-but very handsome-face was back in her eyesight.

"So why're ya here?" The jock asked, dangerously leaning back on his chair.

"Took the blame for my friends on something stupid they did." Lilly slightly smiled as she shrugged.

"Oh, that's pretty cool of you!" Eak's voice sounded pleasantly surprised.

"Why're you here?" Lilly asked, a bit interested in what the loud-mouthed jock had done now.

Eak nonchalantly shrugged.

"Just got into a fight with a teammate...... He was talkin' shit about someone I liked." Eak casually explained.

Huh....... Eak was usually a pretty chill person when it came to thrash-talking. Lilly remembered that there really were only a few people Eak's teammates couldn't talk shit about or punches would be thrown. So she honestly was pretty curious on who it was.

"Who did he talk about?" Lilly couldn't help but stare at Eak in curiosity.

Was she imagining Eak's skin growing just a bit darker?

"Well, uh, no one special! Just......a buddy of mine!" Lilly couldn't help but take notice of how high Eak's voice sounded all of a sudden.

He looked flustered.......intriguing.

"Uh-huh......" Lilly clearly wasn't buying into it.

"I'm serious!" Eak held on his clear lie.

"Okay, okay." Lilly grinned as she put up her hands in defense.

" wanna hang out some time?" Eak suddenly asked, giving the girl a small wink.

Lilly blinked in surprise before looking around at the library, only to see that everyone was either on their phones or not paying attention. Wait, did he really ask her of all people to hang out??

"Uhm......the cheerleaders are in the far back, y'know." He must've accidentally mistaken her for a hot cheerleader.......somehow.

Eak let out a charming laugh that seemed to light up the entire room. To Lilly it felt like that, at least.

"I was asking you, Lilly! Seriously, I wanna hang out some time. What'd ya say?" Eak tried to look cool again, but Lilly didn't miss the clear spark of excitement in the boy's eyes.

"O-okay! I mean......sure." Lilly cleared her throat a bit embarrassed at her random stutter.

Eak's grin only seemed to widen at that.

"Okay, sweet! Y'know, you can also come check out my games if you wanna. You don't gotta, of course, but if we're gonna be friends then maybe you'd wanna come some time." Eak suggested.

"Oh, that sounds pretty fun. I'll probably bring my band to the game then as well." Lilly honestly really wasn't into sports, but if it meant she'd see Eak playing in the sun, all drenched in sweat, it would totally be worth it.

.........Jesus Christ, what was she even thinking? Lilly shook her head at the inappropriate thoughts. And it looked like Eak was having inappropriate thoughts of his own, considering he shook his head at exactly the same moment.

"Lilly, you're free to go due to good behavior." The 'guard' spoke up, not even looking up from his newspaper.

Yeah, the way detention worked here kinda reminded some students of prison.

"Well, I'd better go.....see you tomorrow!" Lilly scribbled something down on the cover of her book before preparing to exit the library.

"See ya!" Eak yelled after her.

As Lilly turned the corner, Eak let out a happy sigh. Beating up that shithead to stand up for Lilly was TOTALLY worth it. No one talks shit about Eak's crushes, damn it. From the corner of his eye, Eak could see a book laying besides him. Agh, shit! Did Lilly forget her book?? Eak was just about to pick the book and ran after Lilly to return it when he noticed the hand-writing on the corner of the cover.

If you wanna hang out some time, just text me! ^^


-Lilly :P

...........God almighty, it probably wasn't good for Eak's heart to be beating this fast.

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