Roommates (BXB)

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Requested by: HolaSoyBonnie

Type: Fluff

AU: College AU

Pairing: BXB (Bonnie x Bon) with brief mentions of Foxica (Fox x Chica)

Third Person's POV:

Bon looked down at his paper that had the instructions to his dorm written onto it. It was clearly Meg's writing, judging by the somewhat unclear yet recognizable handwriting. Bon wondered who his dorm mate would be. He hoped they would like music, or else sharing a dorm with him wouldn't be very fun. Maybe his roommate would be someone from his previous high school. Bon had seen a few of his old school mates around campus on the first day, after all. Apparently Meg and Fox both studied fire safety, and Meg told him earlier today that she'd share classes with her red-haired rival.

Bon had spotted Chica on campus too, excitedly talking with Loon who happened to live in the dorm right next to hers. And apparently Joy shared a dorm with BonBon, so that was pretty cool. Bon reached his dorm and knocked on the door to check if anyone was inside already. Hearing no response, Bon entered the room. He was met with a shocking sight.

There, on one of the two beds sat a boy. His big black headphones were plugged in a purple-colored phone, and he seemingly didn't notice Bon at all. The shocking part was the fact that Bon recognized the boy. What the hell was Bonnie doing here?? Sure, Bon had seen him the past summer, but Bonnie never mentioned anything about wanting to go to college! This was so damn amazing!!

"Hey, Bonnie!" Bon happily greeted his friend, completely forgetting the shorter boy was wearing headphones.

Bonnie noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, and jumped up in a defensive ninja pose.

"W-whoa! It's just me, dude!" Bon sheepishly held up his hands in defense.

"Bon! I didn't know you went here as well!" Bonnie took off his headphones, a big smile on his face.

There was that smile that made Bon's mood light up....... Bon hoped this year with Bonnie would be different. Maybe now, he'd have a second chance to try and confess to Bonnie!

"So what're you majoring in?" Bon asked, sitting down on a bed.

"Music, of course! What about you?" Bonnie curiously looked at Bon.

"I'm still deciding between teaching or music." Bon simply replied.

"Oh, well either of those sounds awesome! Wanna jam?!" Bonnie raised his voice in excitement.

"You know it!" Bon grinned and took out his guitar.

Bon had missed the thrill of jamming with Bonnie, so he couldn't help but mentally cheered as they performed song after song for one another. This was too good to be true! A whole new year, and he was roommates with Bonnie! It couldn't get any better! After half an hour of practicing, both Bonnie and Bon fell back onto their beds. Giggling filled the room as the two young adults packed up their guitars.

"You've still got the same skills as last year, Bon. Glad to see you didn't fall out of music." Bonnie offered his a happy grin.

"Same to you! This totally rocks!" Bon fist-bumped Bonnie.

"Yeah, we'll get to spend the entire year together!" Was that......a blush on Bonnie's cheeks?

Nah. Bon was probably just imagining it.

"I know right! Hey, wanna grab some food?" Bon asked, noticing his stomach was rumbling.

"Sounds good to me! I could eat a horse!" Bonnie dramatically said.

The two of them walked to the cafeteria, and Bon found himself staring at Bonnie's hand. Oh what he wouldn't give to hold the other boy's hand....... They passed Joy, who was giggling and giving Bon a thumbs-up Bonnie didn't see. Bon nervously smiled at his blonde friend, before turning back to Bonnie again.

"What do you wanna eat?" Bon nicely asked his friend.

"Pudding all the way!" Bon wasn't surprised to hear that.

"Are you and Fox still pudding fanatics?" The blue-haired boy asked a bit amused.

"Hell yeah! Fox is still crazy for pudding, and Chica of course!~" Bonnie playfully added.

"He goes to the same college as us, right? I guess he's got another chance with her, then!" Bon let out a hearty laugh.

Bonnie murmured something under his breath, and Bon could faintly make out something amongst the lines 'me too'.

"What did you say?" Bon raised an eyebrow at Bonnie.

"Erhm, vanilla is my favorite flavor!" Bonnie somewhat nervously replied.

Bon tilted his head in confusion but decided to brush it off.

"I'll get you vanilla then. I'm taking chocolate myself!" Bon ordered the puddings.

After getting their pudding, the two boys sat down at a random table.

"I like your hair, by the way. It looks really cute-erhm, cool!" Bonnie quickly corrected himself.

Bon's hair frankly just got messier over the years, but he was happy to hear Bonnie liked the way it looked.

"Thanks! I also really like your hair." Bon put a spoonful of pudding in his mouth in an attempt to hide his obvious blush.

Bon was acting strange, but he didn't want to push anything.

"So are you and Toddy, y'know.....?" Bonnie somewhat shyly asked.

"Hmm? Oh. Nah, me and Toddy are just friends. But I get why you'd think otherwise." Bon replied with a shrug.

Bonnie smiled in relief. Alright, good! Bon wasn't dating anyone at the moment, or at least Bonnie hoped so, and that meant he'd have a chance with the blue guitar fanatic. Bonnie had to admit, last year he just bombarded Bon with friend-zones, but Bonnie was afraid of rejection, and friend-zoning was the only way for him to hide his true feelings for Bon.

"By the way, I heard that pieces dinosaurs are put into gasoline." Bon suddenly spoke up.

Bonnie quietly snorted. Typical Bon, always striking up some random-ass topics.

"I think it's true, and that's why I'm not getting a car."

"Oh. Well if you ever need a ride, you can always hop in my car!" Bon offered somewhat flustered.

"Really?" Bonnie looked up at Bon with hopeful eyes.

"Y-yeah." Bon shyly replied.

"Awesome! There's this party tomorrow at Fox's house, and I need a date." Those words slipped out of Bonnie's mouth before he realized it.

"D-date?!" Bon's face grew beet red.

"Uh......I meant ride??" Bonnie awkwardly tried saving his statement.

This year would be a blast for sure......

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