Beach (Oxai)

132 6 10

Requested by: HayoonA

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Oxai (Oxy x Mai) with mentions of Deuzpet (Deuz x Puppet)

WARNING: This one-shot totally contains sexual tension :')

Third Person's POV:

Oxy really didn't think going on a beach trip with his friends and the twins was a good idea. Why? Well there was some.....unresolved tension between him and Mai, to say the least. And Oxy wasn't sure he'd survive an entire day on the beach because of that. Nonetheless, his friends wanted to go, so he didn't have a choice.......

"Oxy, come on! The bus is there already!" Deuz yelled from outside the window

"Comin'!" Knowing that he wasn't gonna get downstairs in time, Oxy casually opened up the window and jumped through it.

He somewhat sloppily landed on the old couch that rested against the side of their apartment, causing Deuz to snort.

"Nice jump, man!" Deuz grinned at his taller friend.

"I know!" Oxy knew the confidence in his voice would disappear as soon as he saw Mai.

"So, Pup just texted me and he said he's got, like, these new swimming trunks that look like (......)!" Oxy started zoning out as soon as he sat down.

He's heard Deuz rant about Puppet for about, what, three months now? The two were lucky to be together....... Now don't get him wrong, Oxy was more than happy for his two friends, but Oxy couldn't help but feel kinda cranky because Deuz accomplished something he couldn't.

"Hey, you okay?" Maggie seemed to notice Oxy's tenseness.

Oxy wildly blinked before awkwardly nodding his head.

"Yeah, just thinking."

"About Mai!" Onnie boldly yelled.

"Shh, not the entire bus has to know!" Oxy playfully slapped the back of Onnie's head.

"It's just a beach trip, Oxy. It's not like we're gonna lock you two up in a locker room or something." The indifference in Maggie's tone made Oxy doubt that statement.

"I know, I'm just.....nervous, y'know? What if she's in a bikini?" Oxy wanted to slap himself for once again bringing something like that up.

"So what?" Deuz didn't seem to understand the problem.......

"Well, you'll get the answer to that question soon, we're here." Maggie hopped off of the bus, soon followed by the other Nightmares.

Oxy's biggest fear (and dream) became a reality when he saw the twins approaching them. Puppet wore swimming trunks with a really weird pattern while Mai was......wearing an orange bikini, and her hair was messier than usual.

In other words, she looked really hot.

In other words, Oxy was fucked.

"Hey, guys!" Puppet cheerfully waved at them.

"Hey, Puppy!" Deuz, like the hopeless romantic he was, immediately leaned in for a kiss.

Oxy watched the interaction with jealousy, while Onnie was laughing his ass off at it.

"Hi, Oxy!" Mai waved her hand in front of the ginger-haired's face.

"U-uh, hi." Oxy tried to refrain his eyes from going any lower than Mai's eyes.

Maggie realized Oxy was probably dying inside, and loudly cleared her throat.

"How 'bout we go swim? The weather's still good so we'd better take advantage of it." Maggie thankfully always had been good at talking Oxy out of sexually-frustrating situations.

"Sounds good to me! You comin' along, babe?~" Puppet was flirty towards Deuz, as usual.

"Hell yeah, water fight! I call dips on being in Pup's team!" Deuz confidently wrapped an arm around his bf's shoulders.

"I'm with Maggs!" Onnie excitedly hopped next to his taller friend.

"Then I'm with Oxy!~" Phew, luckily Mai's bright smile was able to distract Oxy from everything else.

"Alright, let's drown these bastards!" Oxy threw off his shirt and shorts, revealing his dark red swimming trunks.

Mai's smile seemed to falter ever so slightly at the sight of Oxy's biceps gleaming in the sunlight.

Hot damn........

Mai felt tingly as she quickly narrowed her eyes.

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God-

"Mai? Oh shit, did you get burned?! Your face is really red!" Oxy leaned down to take a better look at Mai's face.

"No, no! I'm fine!" Mai quickly brushed Oxy off.

"Okay.....?" Oxy didn't believe the silver-haired girl, but decided not to push it.

"The water's not gonna wait forever, ya land-riders! Let's go!" Onnie ran towards the water like a man starved.

"Look out! Jaws is gonna get you!" Mai cheerfully yelled after the shorter boy.

"Go suck a dick, Mai!" Onnie huffed at the comment.

"Yeah, Oxy's!" Deuz snickered along.

As soon as Deuz saw the murderous look on Oxy's face, and the awkward silence from Puppet besides him, he knew he fucked up.

"Wait I was just-" Deuz didn't have the chance to explain himself as Oxy picked him up and hurled him into the ocean.

Puppet merely watched with amusement as his boyfriend let out a bloody loud scream. Oxy and Maggie jumped into the water too, ready for the upcoming water fight.

"Oxy doesn't look too bad in his shorts, huh?" Puppet casually whispered to his sister.

Mai groaned and rolled her eyes. It was a cranky habit of her only Puppet ever got to see.

"Shut up, Pup."

"As you wish~" Puppet grinned and pushed his twin into the water.

"IT'S ON!" Oxy loudly yelled as he did a canon ball right in front of Puppet.

"Maggie, gimme my water gun!" Onnie demanded, looking ready to blast someone's face off.

"Kay." Maggie passed the blue-head a water gun.

Onnie aimed at Mai, and just when the trail of water was about to hit her, Oxy jumped in front of her. Mai loudly gasped as Oxy fell face-first into the water.

"Oxy NOOOOOOO!" Mai fell to her knees, barely staying above surface as she dramatically held the giant in her arms.

"Oxy yeeeees!" Onnie energetically high-fived Maggie.

"Why did you die??" Mai let fake tears that were made of sea water stream down her face as Oxy shakily turned his head towards her.

Deuz looked ready to fucking laugh at them.

"I.....I died for you, Mai. 'Cause I love you......" Oxy replied in a hilariously bad 'weak' voice.

"Wait, what?" Mai snapped out of her theatre state at that.


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