Rude (Libby)

151 5 14

Requested by: Me

Type: Song-fic (Rude by Magic)

AU: Young Adult AU (Lilly and Abby are both 21)

Pairing: Libby (Lilly x Abby) and mentions of Fedix (Fede x Felix)

Third Person's POV:

Saturday morning, jumped out of bed~ And put on my best suit~

Abby sat down at the breakfast table in the apartment she and Fede shared. Fede was already there, munching on a donut and sipping away at his latte.

"Mornin'!" He cheerfully greeted her!

"Hiya!" Abby's voice was very clearly laced with energy.

Fede knew why.

"So when are you gonna pop the question?" The white-haired adult asked with a curious smile.

"Right after breakfast!" Abby chugged down her apple juice in one shot.

Got in my car, and raced like a jet~

"That quick already? Want me to drive you to Lilly's house?" Fede offered, not even surprised that his friend wanted to leave so quickly.

"That'd be nice." Abby chomped down on her cornflakes.

"Don't you think you gotta put on some neater clothes first?" Fede gestured towards Abby's sloppy pajamas in an amused fashion.

"Oh, crap! That's right!" Abby hurried into her bedroom.

Fede patiently waited for her to return. She was probably being too overly excited, but Fede had to admit he felt the same way back when he had asked Felix 'the question'. The difference was that Fede didn't have to ask Felix's dad for his permission, though.

"I'm ready! What do you think?"

All the way to you~  Knocked on your door, with heart in my hand~

"Well I'm not a fashion critic, so asking Felix would be-oh!" Fede's breath got caught as Abby returned.

Abby had put on a very beautiful orange dress with puffy sleeves, her face was tainted with a neatly brought on blush and eyeliner, and her hair was carefully curled at the bottom. She looked absolutely stunning, to say the least!

"Oh my God! You look awesome!" Fede gave her an impressed look.

"You think Lilly will like it?"

"I know Lilly will love it! The real question is, will her dad like it?" Fede sheepishly added.

"He better!" Abby's smile remained confident as she slipped on her shoes.

"Got the ring ready?" Fede walked towards his car at dead ease.

To ask you a question~

"Yup! It's apple-flavored!" Abby cheerfully replied.

She didn't have enough money yet to buy an actual ring, so a candy one would have to do for now. Abby jumped into the passenger's seat of Fede's Mercedes and watched as he started up the car.

"Good luck..... Lilly's dad isn't an easy fellow....." Fede quietly laughed at his obvious understatement.

"I had to ask at least three weeks in a row before he finally agreed to let me date Lilly! How long is it gonna take before he says yes to me marrying her?" Abby pouted and rested her cheek on her hand.

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