Pal (No Pairing)

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Requested by: layla_the_fnaf

Type: Fluff, slight angst

AU: None

Pairing: None, it's a platonic fic with The Nightmares

Third Person's POV:

"And then the teacher was all like, 'shut the fuck up, Deuz! I'm done with your bullshit!'" Deuz loudly impersonated his math teacher.

"The exact words were 'Deuz, I've lost my patience with you so how about you go stand in the hallway for a few minutes?' but sure, Deuz." Maggie corrected him.

Oxy laughed along with his two friends. Today had been great so far! Maggie was in a good mood today, Deuz was dramatic but fun and Onnie had also been friendlier than usual! Speaking of Onnie, Oxy still thought it was kind of strange that his best friend decided to walk home earlier than the three of them. The band always walked home together, so Oxy was still confused as to what was up with Onnie.

"Don't you guys think it's weird Onnie wanted to go home earlier?" Oxy suddenly spoke up.

"Yeah, I guess that's pretty unusual..... Maybe he's got a surprise for us, or something?" Maggie tried with a shrug.

"Or, or, he got to the apartment earlier because he wants to eat all of the cheese before the rest of us!" Deuz competitively suggested.

"What?! That shark bastard better left some for us!" Oxy and Deuz shared fearful looks at the thought of having all their cheese 'stolen' by Onnie.

"Oh, heck off you two. He's probably just tired." An amused smile played at Maggie's lips.

"Yeah, but-wait." Oxy abruptly stopped, making his two friends behind him come to a halt as well.

"What's up?" Deuz offered the giant a questioning look.

Oxy stayed quiet to hear the sound better. He could hear something in between whimpering and panting from some place near their apartment. Oxy started following the noise, making sure Deuz and Maggie stayed behind him in the process. Then he witnessed a sight Oxy thought he'd never have to see again.


Behind the grossly green dumpster next to the apartment, Oxy could make out the dark silhouette of Onnie lying on the ground. He walked a bit closer to make sure he wasn't just imagining things, but somehow Oxy wished he hadn't. Onnie, the dude who had been Oxy's best friend for years now, was lying face-first onto the floor. His grey jacket was tainted with blood and Oxy could see multiple wounds on Onnie's legs.

"What the fuck?!" Deuz dashed forwards before Oxy could do anything.

"..........?" Onnie's eyes fluttered open and slowly looked up at Deuz.

"Oh.....hiya." Onnie attempted to grin, as if this were a funny situation.

And maybe Oxy would've considered it a funny situation if it weren't for the fact Onnie was incredibly hurt. For Christ's sake, one of his dangerously sharp teeth had just been knocked out of his mouth!

"Who did this to you?!" Deuz frowned, but above all he looked incredibly stressed out.

"Hey, give him some space. We gotta patch him up first....." Though Maggie's eyes stood concerned, she kept her cool.

"Right." Deuz swooped Onnie off of the ground in a smooth motion before pushing him into Oxy's arms.

Oxy stared down at his beaten friend in nothing but worry before following after Maggie and Deuz into the apartment.

"Put him on the couch, Deuz and I will get the first aid kit." Maggie hadn't even finished her sentence as she already dissapeared into the kitchen.

Oxy did as he was told and carefully put Onnie down onto the couch. He nervously sat down besides his friend, unsure of what to do or say. On one hand, he was afraid. What happened to Onnie? Will he heal? Did he break any bones? And on the other hand, he was pissed the fuck off. Whoever did this to him, as soon as Oxy would find out who the culprits were, let's just say that they wouldn't get off easily........

"Oxy, take off Onnie's jacket. Deuz, hold his leg still." Maggie ordered the boys.

Deuz put his hands on Onnie's leg, careful to avoid the bleeding wound on his knee. Meanwhile Oxy had collected Onnie's jacket, completely ignoring the shorter boy's protests. Maggie added some disinfection spray to the wound, to which Onnie hissed in pain. The following 16 minutes had seemed like hours to Oxy. Watching his best friend in so much pain was just plain awful..... After those terrible minutes were finally over, Deuz broke the silence that had fallen.

"Who did this to you?" Deuz's previous angry tone had been replaced with a tired one.

"..........those guys." Onnie answered with a shrug.

"That's pretty vague, Onnie." Maggie's voice was surprisingly soft.

"Y'know, those assholes who always bother Oxy....... This mornin' was the last fucking time they talked to him like that. So I guess I kinda went over there to fight 'em? Hehe....." Onnie let out a pained laugh.

Oxy's jaw dropped. Those assholes Onnie was referring to, were some douche bag kids who liked insulting Oxy in particular whenever they had the chance. They were from a different school, so thankfully Oxy didn't encounter them all that much. But he had no idea Onnie was this angry because of them...... For him to actually attack them all alone was pretty crazy in general. Sure, Onnie had no problem fighting, but he always fought together with the other Nightmares. What the hell had gotten into him?

" idiot!" Oxy cursed himself as he noticed his eyes getting teary.

That stupid fool went out of his way to get hurt just because some pricks insulted him? That was his worst fear come true....... Oxy's friends getting hurt because of his sake, he just didn't want that....

"Hey, don't call me an idiot!" Onnie clearly couldn't see what caused Oxy to call him such a thing.

"But ya are! Why would you even bother gettin' yourself hurt just to defend me?!" Oxy continued feeling guilty as he saw Onnie's pained look.

"Because I care about you!" Onnie broke it to him.

Oxy finally stayed quiet. God, he was being way too emotional...... He looked like a chick. Oxy moved forwards and trapped Onnie in his arms. Hugging him tightly, but not ridiculously tight.

"Heh......what's gotten you all emotional, pal?" Onnie laughed through his own tears that had moved down his face.

"You......" Oxy replied with a quiet chuckle.

"Hey, don't leave us out of the hugs!" Deuz joined in on the hugging.

Maggie smiled and followed Deuz's example. Onnie grinned. This. This is what he fought for. This is what he got hurt for.

"By the way I'm gonna break those guy's faces." Oxy casually interrupted the emotional moment.

"Haha, same." Maggie nodded along.

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