Surprise (Frededdy)

215 8 14

Requested by: devilgirl2006

Type: Fluff, slight angst (?)

AU: Fred and Freddy have separate bodies. Fred's also a girl in this.

Pairing: Frededdy (Fred x Freddy)

Third Person's POV:

Freddy entered the classroom, and as soon as he arrived, a familiar boy wildly threw his arm around his shoulder.

"Ay, Freddy!" Fred greeted him upbeat.

This was Fred. Freddy's best friend and secret crush. To be honest, you would probably never expect someone like Freddy and Fred to be best friends. They didn't share that much interests, and in terms of personalities, they contrasted each other. But Freddy appreciated those differences. It made their friendship more interesting, after all. And Freddy had to admit he felt a bit special because Fred wasn't really a very touchy person, except when he was around the brunette.

"Hi, Fred!" Freddy cheerfully smiled at his friend.

"Have I ever told you about the difference between tangerines and mandarins?" Fred randomly asked as he walked with Freddy to their desks.

"Uh, no?" Freddy quietly snorted at Fred's odd question.

"Well I gotta tell you about it, then! Abby has been annoying the shit outta me 'cause she just doesn't know the goddamn difference!" Fred made wild hand gestures that made Freddy laugh.

"Alright, what's the difference?"

The entire study hall Freddy spend his time listening to Fred ramble on about tangerines and mandarins. In the end, he still didn't quite know the difference. Fred continuously got side-tracked and off-topic, but Freddy didn't mind. All he could think of was how cute Fred looked when he was rambling. But honestly, there's always been something off about Fred. Now don't get him wrong, Freddy loved Fred with all his heart, but that didn't change the fact that Freddy felt like the other boy was keeping some kind of secret from him. But then again, if that really was the case, it wasn't any of his business.

"Ugh, next up is science. Fuck science, honestly....." Fred loudly sighed.

"I think it'll be fun! Teacher said we'd do projects today." Freddy optimistically said.

"Blegh. Your optimism will be the end of you, some day....." Fred looked rather amused at his friend's optimism.

"Whatever, Fred!" Freddy just laughed him off.

Suddenly, Fred's face lit up. But like seriously, his cheeks visibly reddened.

"Hey, are you okay?" Freddy looked at his crush a bit concerned.

"U-uh, yeah! Just gotta use the bathroom real quick!" Fred ran out of the classroom, completely ignoring the teacher's protests.

"What's gotten into him?" The teacher asked a bit confused.

"I dunno. Can I go check up on him?" Freddy nicely asked.

When he was given permission, Freddy exited the classroom to go look for Fred. Strange......was Fred sick? Freddy couldn't remember the last time Fred had ran off to the bathroom like that, probably because it never even happened before. Freddy walked into the boy's bathroom, prepared for the possible smell of vomit in case Fred really was sick. But to his surprise, all bathroom stalls were empty. No signs of Fred whatsoever. Freddy frowned in worry. Where the hell was he?

As Freddy stepped back into the hallway, the sound of someone loudly swearing made him freeze up. The voice was a bit muffled, but Freddy could easily make out the words 'assnanas!' There was only one person who cursed non-existent swear words like that. Hoping there wouldn't be any girls in there, Freddy entered the girl's bathroom. Freddy should've been prepared for what he saw. He heard Fred's cursing, after all. So why did he still gasp when he saw Fred leaning over a trash can to throw something away that appeared to be a bloody pad.

"It's......not what you think, Freddy." Fred slowly started off.

Oh no. This was definitely what Freddy thought it was. No doubt there. He just......didn't expect it.

"You're, uh......." Freddy stammered, unsure of what he was exactly supposed to say in situations like this.

"T-they're bandages, alright?! My, uh, knee was bleeding badly and I had to replace my bandages!" Fred quickly explained, already throwing the pad into the trash can.

"Fred, you don't have any bandages for your knees......" Freddy sheepishly pointed out.

"Oh yeah?! How do you know, huh?!" Fred argued back, his nervousness getting the best of him.

"You're wearing shorts, and on neither of your knees are any wounds."

Fred looked down a bit embarrassed before sighing deeply.

"Haha, that's it then......." Fred muttered a bit saddened.

"What......?" Freddy was honestly really confused right now.

"Yeah, I'm a fucking girl. I just don't feel comfortable bein' one, but it's the truth. So, go ahead. Go tell the whole school your best friend turns out to be a trans faggot......." Fred shrugged, as if he completely expected Freddy to do that.

"Don't call yourself that!" Freddy's sudden raise in voice made Fred jump.

When Fred looked over at his friend a bit puzzled, Freddy continued talking.

"I don't care that you're a girl, Fred...... I'll just respect your pronouns, and whatever gender you want to identify as, you're still the same Fred to me. The Fred I've spend my childhood with and love dearly......." Freddy somewhat shyly but genuinely stated.

Fred was starting to get a little bit emotional here. Deep down inside, he knew Freddy was gonna accept him. But he truly was scared to come out to him. Being a girl that acts like a guy wasn't exactly easy, but having someone who accepts and loves you makes it a little better.

"Aww, you have a crush on me?~"Fred teasingly asked, trying to get rid of the light tension in the room.

"Y-yeah......" Freddy nervously fiddled with his hands, anxious about what Fred's response would be.

"Good. That makes shit easier for the both of us." Fred leaned forwards and planted his lips on Freddy's.

Freddy's eyes slipped close as he smiled in between the kiss. Freddy felt a bit odd knowing he was gay and kissing a girl, but of course he could look past that. Fred acts and identifies as a guy, and honestly even if he were to act like a girl, Freddy was pretty sure he'd fall for Fred nonetheless.

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