Heartbreak (Deunnie)

159 7 18

Requested by: HayoonaAH2

Type: Angst

AU: None, tho Deuz owns a car in this

Pairing: Deunnie (Deuz x Bonnie)

Third Person's POV:

There was......an undeniable amount of tension between Deuz and Bonnie. It didn't really help that they were currently sitting next to each other in Deuz's car either. Things haven't been going very well in their relationship lately. They've been together for a month and a half now, and everything went surprisingly smoothly, until one small accident happened three days ago.

Deuz accidentally kissed Meg.

Now, you might be wondering how anyone could accidentally fucking kiss another person. The thing was that Deuz was running through a very crowded hallway at the time. Bonnie was right on his heels, but slowed down a bit due to the amount of students walking by. Deuz on the other hand, had been running non-stop to get to his math class on time. That would've been the fifth time already that he was late for that class, and then he'd get detention.

And he really didn't want to look like a fool in front of his boyfriend! So, like the idiot he was, he just pushed his way through the crowd of students, and one guys actually had the goddamn nerve to push him back, almost onto Meg who was walking by. Deuz thankfully avoided crashing into her by stopping himself by leaning onto the wall.

And leaning onto Meg's face too.

He had no idea how it really happened. He accidentally cornered Meg against the wall when the guy pushed him, but his face ended up touching Meg's too. And un-conveniently, Bonnie had caught up to him just at that exact moment. The purple-haired guitarist had dropped his books to the floor, his eyes darkened as he looked at Deuz in shock. Deuz desperately tried to apologize for it, but Bonnie had already turned around to run away before he could. Thankfully, Meg hadn't taken the accident too badly. Just a small hit on the head and a small 'Good luck explaining this to Bonnie' and she moved on with her day.

Deuz thought Bonnie would understand it was an accident, he really did.

Well, he didn't. Bonnie had been ignoring Deuz for the 3 days afterwards, and honestly, Deuz was just down because of it. Didn't he understand that it was just an accident? Sure, watching your boyfriend, who also happened to be your former bully, kiss another person may seemed really, really shady, but why didn't Bonnie believe in Deuz when he said it was an accident? He loved Bonnie with all his heart, but the other boy was seriously killing him.......

Now, onto the fact that they were in a car together. Today had been a seriously rainy day, and Deuz spotted Bonnie waiting for his bus outside the school. Deuz already knew the bus wouldn't come today because reasons, so despite the uncomfortable tension between him and his boyfriend, he offered to give Bonnie a ride. Surprisingly, he agreed.

Okay, no. The silence was seriously growing on Deuz's nerves.

"You wanna talk?" Deuz awkwardly spoke up.

"No." Was Bonnie's sharp reply.

Deuz let out a sigh of frustration.

"Oh, come on! It's been three days! When are you just gonna accept that it was an accident? I don't have feelings for Meg anymore, I have feelings for you! And that's not gonna change......" Deuz had a bit of trouble focusing on the road.

"..........I just don't wanna talk to you about it right now, okay? You did a stupid-ass thing, so I'm not gonna get over it right away." Bonnie firmly stated, keeping his attention somewhere outside the car.

"It was a fucking accident!" Deuz felt bad for yelling like that, but he really couldn't help it.

Bonnie lightly flinched at the raise in Deuz's voice, but continued keeping a frown on his face. Maybe he was being unfair towards Deuz.....oh, who was he kidding? He was being very unfair. It really had been just an accident. But Bonnie couldn't help but think of all those times before people he dated had a little 'kiss accident' with someone else, and then it would happen again, and again........ He just didn't know if Deuz would turn out to be the same.

He wasn't looking around to get his heart broken again.....

"Just.....I miss you, man. I love you, and it.....it really hurts me to see that you're so upset...... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings like that......." Bonnie wasn't at all surprised by Deuz's sudden mood switch.

That's one of the things that made Deuz stand out from all the previous partners Bonnie's had. He sounded genuine.....more believable than all those others. But what if he turned out to be just another heart breaker, ready to stomp onto Bonnie's heart any time now?

"Bonnie?" Wait, why did Deuz sound so frightened all of a sudden?

Oh......he was crying, wasn't he? Bonnie felt his face and indeed felt his fingers getting wet at the touch. Tch, how weak of him...... Bonnie felt like such an asshole for putting Deuz in a situation like this. The guy hated seeing people cry.......

"C-come on, babe, don't cry...... Seriously, I don't wanna go cryin' too. Especially since we're on the road right now......" Deuz quietly cursed as tears continued sliding down Bonnie's face.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so fucking sorry......." Bonnie muttered in between sobs.

Bonnie just had to let go of his past for once...... He had to believe that Deuz truly loved him, he had to trust him.

"Shit, my vision's growing blurry!" Deuz felt panic arise inside of him as he started seeing less and less of the road ahead of him.

"Wait, Deuz, there's a-"


Everything went by in a flash for Deuz. For a second, he felt nothing. But then, a sharp pain emerged from the inside of his chest and his face. He managed to open up his eyes, despite feeling like he could fall asleep any second now. There was a really annoying ringing in his ears, and Deuz could feel that he was lying on something soft. Wait a fucking minute.......

He was lying on his car's airbag.

Deuz shot upright, eyes wild as they darted around the car. His front window was completely shattered, and the dark-skinned teen could vaguely make out the crushed back of a car in front of him.

Please be okay, please be okay......

Deuz shakily looked next to him, and as he did that, he wasn't prepared for the sight he was met with.

Bonnie was leaning back in his chair, eyes widened with glass shards all over his body. His eyes looked cold, and lifeless.

Deuz just screamed at that moment. The love of his life, his bunny, the goddamn reason he even changed himself into a better person......was dead. And it was Deuz's fault.

Why did he keep losing everyone he cared about?

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