Christmas Bullshit (Deuzaggie)

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Requested by: Some peep on the English FHS Amino :P

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Deuzaggie (Deuz x Maggie)

Third Person's POV:

Maggie quite frankly, did not like Christmas that much. People on that day were either too obnoxious or too......dramatic. Plus, every Christmas Maggie spend with The Nightmares, something stupid just had to happen.

Last year, Maggie tried to get Deuz underneath the mistletoe in an attempt to kiss him. That plan failed however, as Onnie's stupid ass accidentally went to stand underneath it 'cause Oxy made cookies.

The year before last year, Deuz accidentally dropped a bowl of hot soup onto Maggie's legs. Needless to say, that hurt like hell.

So yeah, Maggie wasn't all that excited when she heard from Deuz that he was gonna throw a Christmas party. She's been waiting to confess to the dark-skinned boy for over a year now, but the other just seemed more interested in Meg.....

"Yo, Maggie! Can you put the star on top of the Christmas tree??" Oxy yelled from the kitchen.

"Why me? Doesn't Onnie always do that?" Maggie put down her phone and slowly walked towards the ladder.

"Onnie's on a snack run with Toddy and Deuz is afraid of heights, so......this year you have the honor of putting the star up!" Oxy simply stated.

As soon as Oxy started singing along with the radio, Maggie knew all hope of further communication with the giant was lost. She let out an irritated sigh before marching over to the ladder, the plastic star in her hoodie's pockets.

That ladder had pretty short steps....... Maggie took her time to climb up the ladder step by step, nearly falling once in the process. Maggie found it unbelievable that poor kids like them even managed to afford a tree this high.

.......oh wait. The boys had probably stolen the tree somewhere while Maggie was asleep. Eh, whatever. Who really cared, anyways? Just as Maggie was at the top of the ladder, she could hear Oxy's singing growing louder, and worse.

"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down!~" Oxy's singing was so hilariously off-key, it made Maggie snicker.

Due to being distracted by the ginger's singing, Maggie didn't watch her balance anymore, thus resulting in her failing to notice the wobbling of the ladder.

Maggie didn't even scream as she fell off of the ladder.

With her heart wildly beating in her chest, Maggie closed her eyes and waited for the impact of the fall.

It never came.

Maggie's eyes shot open as she felt a pair of shaky arms holding her above the floor.

"Hey, Maggs, didn't expect you to fall for me like that!" Deuz shot Maggie a flirtious wink.

Maggie really wanted to feel flustered by the pick-up line, but the fact that Deuz barely managed to keep her above ground, plus how cringy that line sounded, made Maggie unable to do so.

"Pfft, idiot......" Maggie huffed as she felt her cheeks heating up, anyways.

"Still, tho, that was close. Ya gotta be careful when climbing up ladders like that." Deuz put Maggie down, almost dropping her.

".......thanks, Deuz." Maggie decided to let loose a bit and offered Deuz a bright smile.

She swore she saw Deuz's cheeks grow just a tad darker.

"H-heh, no problem! Ain't no Nightmare gonna get hurt when I'm here!" Deuz proudly said.

"FUCK MY HAND!" Oxy's scream could've been hears from miles away.

"Ironic." Maggie laughed as Deuz quietly cursed.

"What're you screamin' so loud for, Oxy??" Deuz crankily went into the kitchen.

"W-well, it's just....." Oxy had his back turned onto the two as he stared down into the sink.

"What's wrong, man?" Deuz shuffled a bit closer to his friend.

"I CUT OFF MY OWN HAND!" Oxy yelled as he abruptly turned around.

"AAAAAHH!" Deuz jumped into Maggie's arms at the sight of Oxy's seemingly severed hand.

"Oh my God-Deuz! Look at him, his hand is clearly just covered in ketchup!" Maggie felt a fuzzy feeling emerge inside of her as Deuz held onto her.

"Wait a minute......" Deuz's scared face twisted into an angry one as Oxy's obnoxious laughter filled the room.

"You should'a seen your face! You were all like 'Aaaaaah'! Hilarious!" Oxy was in tears from laughter.

"Fuck you, Oxy! That was stupid!" Deuz jumped out of Maggie's arms, face red with embarrassment.

"Was it? I might not be a good prankster, but I make for one hell of a cupid!" Oxy's laugh just grew louder as Deuz playfully started hitting him.

"You're only a cupid when you start shooting heart-shaped arrows at my ass!" Deuz growled at the taller teen.

"And then I'll make you fall for Maggie and y'all will live happily ever after!" Oxy made over-dramatic fake kissing noises.

"That's it! Come here, you bavoon!" Maggie grabbed a plastic spoon and started chasing Oxy.

"You better run, bro!" Deuz got a hold of a plastic knife.

"Help! I'm under attack by two lovers in denial!" Oxy howled.

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