Chubbs (Poly)

289 5 20

Requested by: Funtime_Foxy_

Type: Fluff, slight angst

AU: None

Pairing: Fedantix (Fede x Dante x Felix) (Dante is the black-haired bully)

(Couldn't find any pics so have a wallpaper I made instead XP)

Third Person's POV:

Fede tried to prevent the tears that were forming in his eyes from falling as he walked through the school's gates. Luna told him yesterday she'd make today extra terrible for him. She'd probably just make nasty comments on his weight again......

"Fefi!" Felix greeted him upbeat.

"Oh, hey!" Fede couldn't stop the blush forming on his cheeks.

"Abby just texted me that she's sick, so we'll have to spend the day alone!" Felix put an arm around Fede's shoulders.

"Oh, that's too bad. Is Lilly still on vacation?" Fede wrapped his own arm around Felix.

"Unfortunately, yes...... But we can survive a school day with just the two of us, right?" Felix happily grinned down at his boyfriend.

"Yeah!" Fede's mood lightened up a bit.

Throughout the classes, Fede's eyes kept lingering on Felix's body. Not in a dirty way, but more in an admiring way. Fede looked down at his own body and sighed a bit saddened. He always felt bad because of his chubbiness. Sure, he was still healthy weight, but near the edge between healthy and overweight. Sometimes he just wondered if Felix didn't think he was ugly. But surprisingly, there weren't any signs of Luna all day long. Until lunch. Fede took his lunchbox out of his backpack and tried to cover it up a bit as he walked into the cafeteria.

He always felt a bit embarrassed about eating in front of other people.

"Ah, I need to use the bathroom. I'll be right back!" Felix quickly ran out of the cafeteria.

Fede felt a bit uncomfortable, being left alone at a table like that. Even though he enjoyed some alone time with his boyfriend every now and then, Fede really wished Lilly and Abby had been with him right now. Especially since Luna was strolling over to his lone table, Dante's intimidatingly tall posture looming after her like a shield. Was it weird to say Fede actually liked two boys? He wasn't sure if he was polygamous, but he had talked with Felix about it before.

"Oh, look! The fatty's sitting there all by himself! What'cha eatin' there, Chubbs?" Luna mockingly asked him.

Fede bit his lip and just looked the other way. He intended on ignoring Luna until she snatched his lunchbox away from him.

"Sandwiches and salami? You don't know how many calories are in that shit, huh?" Luna snickered at him.

Fede felt his face heat up with shame as more and more students looked in his direction. Dante still hadn't said anything, but he looked......guilty, in a way.

"Give me back my lunch, please....." Fede quietly said.

"What? I didn't quite hear you with all that food in your mouth!" Luna continued cackling.

"Luna." Fede tried to sound intimidating, but his voice sounded small.

"Where's your faggy boyfriend at? Guess he got tired of you. Hey, Dante! Speak up a bit!" Luna lightly elbowed Dante's side.

Dante narrowed his eyes, seemingly not in the mood to say anything.

"Don't tell me you've become a pussy!" Luna huffed dissatisfied.

"L-leave him alone! If he doesn't want to join in on your bullying, that's his choice....." The words slipped out of Fede's mouth before he realized it.

Luna threateningly snapped her head back towards Fede's direction, causing the pink-haired boy to flinch.

"He doesn't need you to stand up for him, fatso. How 'bout you just shut up and continue eating your grease?" Luna threw Fede's lunchbox harshly onto the table, causing his sandwiches to fall out.

Fede's lip trembled as he tried his best not to cry. Suddenly, Dante reached forwards and put Fede's sandwiches back in his lunchbox.

"Dante? What the hell are you doing?!" Luna asked dumbfounded.

"I've had enough of you bullyin' him. Fede looks cuter than you could ever wish to look!" Dante's voice was cold as ice.

"So you've become a traitor, huh?" Luna crossed her arms, a singly eyebrow raised.

"Fuck yeah. And this goes for everyone in this school!" Dante suddenly raised his voice.

"Bully this boy right here, and you'll get a taste of my fists!" Dante loudly smacked his fist into the palm of his hand.

"Same goes for me!" Felix ran over to stand next to Dante.

Luna looked absolutely shocked by the sudden backlash she received. She frantically looked around for a few seconds before loudly stomping away.

"Hey......" Dante and Felix shared a short kiss as Fede's eyes widened in surprise.

"Uh......." Fede awkwardly scratched his cheek in confusion.

"Fefi, I'm so sorry for not having told you about it earlier...... Dante told me yesterday he'd stop bullying us, and y'know, we decided that maybe we could try out a poly relationship." Felix sheepishly explained.

Fede was at a complete loss of words.

"Uh, only if you're comfortable with it, I guess....." Dante quietly added.

"That......that would be really nice....." Fede looked down at his lap, an overjoyed smile on his face.

"Good! We'll be the greatest power couple the world has ever seen!" Felix loudly cheered.

Felix and Dante each sat down on a chair next to Fede. As they sat down, they both pressed a kiss to Fede's cheeks.

"By the way, I think Chubbs would be a cool nickname for you." Dante said a bit flustered.

"Huh? How come?" Fede tilted his head a bit puzzled.

Wasn't Chubbs supposed to be an insult?

"Because your chubbiness is what makes you so adorable!" Felix cheerfully exclaimed.

Fede couldn't keep the grin off of his face. Chubbs......he liked the sound of that.

"An alternative name could be Brownie." Dante jokingly added.

"Hell yes." Fede's eyes went starry.

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