Nicotine (Luneak)

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Requested by: Me

Type: Song-Fic (Nicotine by Panic! At The Disco)

AU: Rebel AU (So slight spoilers, but it doesn't really ruin anything to the plot. I'm just giving an insight of what Eak and Luna's relationship is like)

Pairing: Luneak (Luna x Eak)

Warning: This one-shot hints at underage sex, but it's nothing explicit

Cross my heart, and hope to die~

Eak in all honesty, wasn't a healthy person. Anyone could tell, really. He regularly got into fights, he enjoyed them, and he did a lot of stuff that weren't alright to do for a 17-year old. Maybe something was wrong with him. The fact that he found all of those things thrilling for example, wasn't very good behavior. And why did he do them? He didn't know himself. He had loving parents and friends that gave a shit about him. So why would he waste his life like this? Was it because of her? These past few months, Eak shut himself off from everyone besides Luna. At first, he did it with good intentions.

Burn my lungs and curse my eyes~

To people who didn't personally know her, Luna was the devil herself. A bully with seemingly no mercy for those around her. That was her cover-up, though. Or at least, that was what Eak liked to believe. He knew how shitty Luna's family was. He knew of the bruises, the hits, the emotional trauma. Luna's family had taught her from a very young age already that racism was completely normal. Hah, as if...... He knew that deep down inside, Luna was just a lost girl with no one that cared for her. No one but him. Eak could still remember the day they got together. It had been a rainy afternoon, and he just got back from his sports practice. A red-headed girl had been waiting for him in front of his locker.

I've lost control and I don't want it back~

Luna hadn't confessed her feelings to him in any way. To Eak it didn't feel that way, at least. She had just simply told him Eak interested her. That gave Eak the courage to confess to Luna himself. Now, why the hell would he want to be dating a bully? Because of morals. No person could just be rotten to the bone for no reason. Eak wanted to get to know the real Luna, show her there was someone out there who cared for her. He wanted to protect her from all the negative things in life. He wanted to show her how to live. She had accepted his feelings, and from then on, it seemed as if they'd have the perfect relationship.

I'm going numb I've been hijacked~

But the more time he spend with Luna, the more he began spiraling down in her world of tragedy and madness. Luna wasn't a good person, but it wasn't her fault. Eak's own happiness was at cost every time he agreed to do something bad with Luna, but after knowing what her life was like, he just couldn't leave her. He had to help her, even if it meant he'd break in the process. Even if it meant he'd be forced into things he didn't want to do, even if it meant he'd have to cut off contact with people that he loved, even if it meant he'd have to hear Luna's racial slurs on daily basis. Both to him and others. He was willing to go through all of that if it meant he could fix Luna.

It's a fucking drag~

Speaking of her, she just got home. Eak lost track off the time since Luna had left all those hours ago. But it didn't matter. Time was never important. Eak sat upright on the couch, patiently waiting for Luna to take off her shoes and jacket. She looked......tired. And honestly a bit drunken as well. Maybe she spend some time with those 'friends' of her, and decided some alcohol wouldn't hurt. Luna didn't even greet her boyfriend as she sat down next to him, taking off more and more layers of clothing. She pushed the tan-skinned boy down onto the couch, and climbed on top of him.

I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of you~

Eak allowed it to happen, like he always did. He didn't shift as Luna lightly traced the scar across his face. He really didn't like people touching his scar, not even Luna. Yet he didn't pull away at her touch. He got pulled in a bruising kiss, but once again didn't do anything to fight back. As Luna moved her hands up Eak's shirt, the latter felt something wet stain his cheeks. Oh.....huh. That was new. He was actually crying. And not with any sobs, hiccups or any noise at all, just water streaming down the corner of his eyes. Eak's expression must've been blank, judging by the way Luna stared back at him with equally empty eyes.

So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do~

Luna surprisingly gently wiped away his tears, gave him a soft kiss and continued doing what she was busy with before. Their 'session' happened in a blur, to Eak at least. It felt like he had only closed his eyes for a few seconds, and when he opened them again, Luna was already dressing herself. Eak's body felt numb. No pain, no nothing. He considered getting up and walking up to Luna. He considered telling her they needed to stop doing this. This relationship wasn't healthy for either of them, and they only brought out the worst in each other. Eak missed his family and friends above anything else, but it was as if Luna was a drug to him.

Yeah, you're worse than nicotine~ Nicotine~

What Luna needed, was a therapist. Or anyone else besides Eak that could offer her some real help. But before Eak could tell her any of those things, before Eak could try to put a stop to all of this madness, Luna was already gone. He felt surprisingly relieved as he was left alone in the dark, the only thing filling the silence being the rustling of leaves outside.

Oh well. Maybe next time.

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