Buddy (No pairing)

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Requested by: layla_the_fnaf

Type: Fluff, slight angst

AU: None

Pairing: None

Third Person's POV:

Loon harshly got pushed to the ground, he scraped his elbows in the process. He shakily looked up, Reed's flaming brown eyes stared into his.

"Come on, big boy! Don't tell me you're already knock-out!" Reed sneered at him.

Loon didn't say anything as he got back up again. He weakly balled his fists, even though he knew he wouldn't try to punch Reed in any way. He was just going to stay here and take the hits. Reed had insulted Usagi, and let's just say Loon didn't appreciate that very much. The both of them were in an alley, Loon didn't even know what time it was. Somewhere around midnight perhaps, judging by the dark sky, at least.

"Just stay down, you stupid idiot! Just deal with it, your girlfriend's a whore." Reed lazily lifted Loon by his collar and repeatedly punched him.

Loon murmured something Reed didn't quite catch.

"What?" Reed flicked Loon's forehead.

"I said, shut the hell up about Usagi!" Loon growled and kicked Reed as hard as he could in the jaw.

Reed stumbled back a bit, but his face was more amused rather than painful.

"Oh, now you're getting it!" Reed walked towards Loon, making the smaller boy back away.

Loon eventually touched a brick wall, and realized he cornered himself. Shit......that wasn't good. Reed swung his fist backwards, readying himself to punch Loon his hardest. Loon closed his eyes, waiting for the impact. Strangely, the punch never landed. Loon opened his eyes, confused at the lack of pain he was supposed to receive.

"Yo!" A familiar blue-haired boy grinned at Loon.

"Onnie?" Loon tilted his head a bit surprised.

"That's me." Onnie quickly replied before turning around to face Reed.

Reed wasn't in the best position at the moment. Oxy had lifted him high up by his collar, Deuz was kicking his legs and Maggie was throwing top-quality insults at him.

"What were you gonna do, huh?!" Onnie send Reed a death glare and cracked his knuckles.

"N-nothing! I was just joking around!" Reed squeaked in fear.

"Didn't look like you were 'joking around', fuckface." Maggie said, not buying Reed's shit in the slightest.

"W-why do you guys care, anyways?! What's that dwarf mean to you?" Reed mockingly asked.

"That 'dwarf' is our buddy, moron. And he's got more balls than you, that's for sure." Deuz delivered another kick to Reed's legs.

Oxy wildly threw Reed to the ground, earning a howl from the brown-eyed boy.

"You better piss off, unless you wanna fight us!" Onnie took out his spraying can and intimidatingly held it close to Reed's face.

"A-alright, I'll leave him alone! Geez......" Reed quickly scrambled up, nearly tripping in the process.

The Nightmares didn't move from their places until Reed was completely out of sight. Deuz turned to his smaller buddy, a kind smile on his face. Loon was amazed due to how quickly Deuz's facial expression could change.

"You okay there, pal?" Deuz's voice was laced with slight concern.

"Y-yeah, uhm....." Loon wasn't sure what to say.

"What was that guy's problem, anyways?" Maggie suddenly asked.

"W-well, he insulted Usagi and I, uh, told him to shut up....... Guess he got kinda mad at me for that....." Loon uncomfortably shifted.

"Hah, I knew it! I knew you had some balls! You kick ass, dude!" Deuz put a cheerful arm around Loon's shaky shoulders.

"H-hey, about that 'buddy' thing...... Do you guys really mean it?" Loon asked, looking at each and every band member.

A silence fell and Loon wondered if he asked a weird question. Suddenly, they all began laughing.

"What a dumb-ass question......" Maggie muttered, though a visible smile was on her face.

"Of course you are! You're totally a buddy of ours!" Onnie joyfully confirmed.

"Yeah, we don't let our friends get beat up." Oxy nodded in agreement.

Loon felt a smile tugging at his lips. He was honestly starting to feel emotional. Loon never knew the Nightmares thought of him that way, but he really appreciated it.

"Thanks....... That means a lot to me....." Loon brushed some hair out of his eyes, showing off he trusted his new friends with his secret.

"Dude, you have two-colored eyes?? That's so fuckin' cool!" Deuz's eyes pierced right through Loon's soul, but kind of in a good way.

"Hey, I think my grandma has the same eye colors!" Oxy spoke up in amazement.

"You don't have a grandma, Oxy." Maggie simply reminded him.

"Oh, right......." Oxy furrowed his eyebrows, a pout on his face.

"Y'all we should totally have some soup right now!" Onnie excitedly suggested.

"Hell yeah! I'm callin' Mrs. Spoon!" Deuz loudly yelled.

"Hell no! You got to use Mrs. Spoon yesterday!" Oxy grumpily protested.

"So what? What're you gonna do about it, huh?" Deuz smacked his forehead with Oxy's in a competitive gesture.

"I'm the only one who knows how to make soup, you fool! So I get to use Mrs. Spoon this time around." Oxy spat back.

As Oxy and Deuz continued their bickering while walking to the apartment, Maggie noticed Loon wasn't following them.

"Hey." She softly snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"H-huh?" Loon looked up a bit dazzled.

"You comin' or what?" Maggie offered her short friend a smile.

"O-oh, sure!" Loon gratefully smiled and followed after Maggie.

This was......fun. Loon didn't really have any friends besides Usagi, so he was proud about the fact he earned some new ones. The Nightmares were actually really great people once you got to know them, and Loon couldn't wait to tell Usagi about his new friends.

"I think the Loon Protection Squad is growing." Deuz suddenly said as he slurped away at his soup.

"The.....the what?" Loon looked utterly lost and somewhat flattered as well.

"Nothin'. It's just the name of a recipe for Oxy's soup." Deuz quickly made up.

Huh, now that Deuz mentioned it, Oxy's soup did taste like protectiveness. Was.....was that an actual soup flavor?

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