Prince & Princess (Tonnie)

186 10 11

Requested by: HayoonaAH2

Type: Fluff, slight angst

AU: None

Pairing: Tonnie (Toddy x Onnie)

Third Person's POV:

Onnie didn't like rich people. It was a plain and simple fact. He thought all of them were snobby and didn't earn all the luxury they were given. Growing up poor, he always had to work for his earnings. And most of the time he barely even earned a dollar, so obviously it wasn't fair that rich kids got everything brought to them on a silver plate. Onnie had expected himself to take a disliking to Toddy from day one at the camp. Her diva attitude, her unwillingness to go out in the wild and her bitchy insults were all supposed to piss him off. Then why did he try to befriend her?

He wasn't really sure himself. Toddy seemed......different. Different from all those other rich snobs he'd met before. Onnie saw flashes of loneliness in the red-haired girl's eyes, which reminded himself of how he had been years ago. Maybe she wasn't as bad as people made her out to be. Maybe she was just a lonely girl wanting to talk to someone. Onnie's curiosity grew by each day he tried talking to Toddy.

"Hey, Princess! Wanna go swimming?" Onnie was right on Toddy's heels like he always was.

"No thanks. I'd rather not get my hair wet for no reason." Toddy continued ignoring the boy behind her.

"Come on, it'll be fun! And if ya can't swim, I've got a pair of floaties with me you can use!" Onnie mockingly offered.

That did the trick. If you mocked Toddy, she most likely took on whatever challenge you came up with. The diva spun around, her sky blue eyes glaring into Onnie's emerald-colored ones.

"Did you just assume I can't swim?" She crossed her arms.

"Yeah! If ya can, then prove it!" Onnie smugly grinned at her.

"Oh, it's on! I'll show you how to swim, little water rat!" Toddy flipped her hair, causing some of it to hit Onnie's face.

Alright, mission success! Onnie ran back to his cabin and changed into his swimming trunks. When he got back outside, he couldn't help but stare at the sight in front of him. Toddy was wearing a purple bikini. Of course not a revealing one, but you could still easily make out that Toddy had a killer body. Eww, okay. He had to get rid of those thoughts......

"Are you just gonna stare all day or are we going for a swim?" Toddy scoffed, narrowing her eyes.

"Urh, yeah! Let's go!" Onnie quickly averted his gaze and headed towards the lake.

A lot of the other students were swimming already, and Onnie couldn't wait to have a water fight with his own buddies.

"You wanna swim laps or have a water fight?" Onnie asked, looking at Toddy somewhat excited.

"Laps, of course. I have to stay in shape." Toddy got into the water, and shivered at it's coldness.

"WOOOOOO!" Onnie jumped up and curled himself into a ball before landing in the water.

When he got back to the surface, a very angry-looking Toddy waited for him. Her pretty red hair stuck like a curtain in front of her face, and Onnie couldn't help but to laugh like a monkey.

"Looks good on ya, Princess!" Onnie continued laughing at her.

"Oh, you.....!" Toddy pushed Onnie's head back under water.

They spend a good portion of their time chasing after each other, and Onnie was 100% positive Toddy was having fun. After the both of them were shooed out of the water by a life guard who got tired of hearing other kids complain about Toddy and Onnie making noise, they decided to hang out on the shore.

"So.....did you have fun?" Onnie asked the girl besides him.

"Tch.....maybe." The slightest smile was present on Toddy's face.

"Alright, so that means we're friends, right?!" Onnie's grin only widened, showing off his shark-like teeth.

Toddy let out a sigh and continued staring ahead.

"Why're you trying to befriend me?" Toddy suddenly asked.

"What do ya mean why?" Onnie offered her a confused look.

"There's so many other kids at this camp, and a lot of them are way nicer than I am. Why do you bother talking to me of all people?" Toddy's eyes softened a bit as she looked back at Onnie.

"Well, you kinda remind me of my past self in a way." Onnie answered a bit absently.

"What? How could I possibly remind you of your past self?" Toddy made a face of disbelief.

"Growin' up, I was pretty poor. My parents couldn't take care of me anymore, so they left me in the streets....... Some guys in town liked using me as a punchin' bag, and I couldn't do anything to fight back. I was......lonely, ya know? I never had friends before, and I thought I'd never get any before the day I'd die on the streets. But then Deuz came around...... He showed me what friendship was, along with Maggie and Oxy. Thanks to them, I'm never lonely! They're always there for me, even when I'm acting like a dickhead." Onnie snickered at that last part.

"I thought I wouldn't like you since you're rich. seem lonely. I don't know what your childhood was like, but I bet it wasn't very fun. Ya looked like you needed someone to talk to, and I guess I just wanted to be that someone." Onnie truthfully admitted.

It was quiet for a few seconds. Neither of the teenagers knew what to say. Onnie considered breaking the awkward silence by making a stupid joke, but Toddy finally decided to speak up.

"I, uhm, thank you...... Thanks for telling me that..... And I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all that." Toddy looked down at her lap a bit saddened.

"Heh. What about you, Princess? Was I right about you bein' lonely?"

Toddy seemed to hesitate for a moment, before curtly nodding.

"I guess so...... I mean, most people don't like me right off the bat. So I guess I just never bothered befriending them if they didn't like me anyways......." Toddy's expression turned a bit upset, and Onnie felt determination washing over him.

He reached forwards and locked the red-haired girl in his arms. Toddy jumped but didn't try getting out of Onnie's hug. After a while of one-sided hugging, she finally decided to hug back. This felt.....good. Toddy hadn't received any hugs in God knew how long. Was Onnie really willing to be her friend? Or was he out for something more?

"If it cheers ya up, Oxy smuggled some of his soup inside the cabin. You want some?" Onnie softly offered.

".........that would be nice." Toddy replied with a saddened smile.

"Let's go then, Princess!" Onnie grinned and took the redhead's hand.

Hmph. If they really were friends now, Toddy assumed she'd have to nickname Onnie as well.

"Alright, Prince!"

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