Alone (No Pairing)

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Wallpaper made by: Me

Requested by: Mintysevile, the one who also created the Bullies AU! ^^

Type: Angst

AU: Bullies AU (The Funtimes are all bullies in this, except for Felix and Los Bully's)

Pairing: One-sided Fedix (Fede x Felix) and mentions of Dantlix (Funtime's male Bully x Felix)

Third Person's POV:

"Get up already, will you?!" Felix tried not to flinch as Fede kicked his side once again.

"Alright, alright..... I'm sorry....." Felix muttered, clumsily getting up from the ground.

The pinkette had badly scraped his knees when Fede had thrown him to the ground, making it even more difficult for Felix to get up. Sometimes it was difficult for Felix to believe that the cute, somewhat chubby boy in front of him was a major bully. Abby and Lilly were behind Fede as usual. Lilly was rolling her eyes at Felix while Abby was snickering like she just saw a scene out of a comedy movie.

Felix knew he didn't have to follow them around, Felix knew he didn't have to watch them bully the innocent, Felix knew he didn't have to continue on taking the all the shit they said to him........ But he couldn't help it. If he stood up to them, he was gonna be alone once again.

And he couldn't bear that.

"You better know how lucky you are that I haven't thrown you out of the group yet! You're an embarrassment to be around......." Felix wasn't at all shocked by Fede's harsh words.

Why did he even have a crush on this dude in the first place? Maybe it was because Felix truly believed that underneath that mean, tough attitude, was a chocolate-loving boy who was terribly insecure about himself. That was usually the case with bullies, right? Same with Lilly and Abby. They couldn't just be naturally this awful, right? Anyways, no way Felix was gonna act out on his feelings for Fede. In case you hadn't guessed it already, 'The Funtimes', as ironic as the group's name was, were incredibly homophobic.

You were gay or at least acted a bit like it? Be prepared to get beaten up and cussed out like there was no tomorrow. You were a different race? Be prepared to receive the same fate. Transgender? Maybe even worse treatment than the others. Whatever you were, The Funtimes would be able to find something to bully you with. Even something as an eye color could get you harassed.

Felix really didn't know for how long he could still put up with this.......

"Hey, look, it's that fag over there!" Abby loudly announced, pointing at a black-haired boy with freckles.

Dante turned around and merely glared at Abby before continuing to walk. Felix knew Dante was part of the group Fede liked to bully the most. Ironically, Dante's group looked more like bullies than The Funtimes did, but they really were the sweetest kids in town. And Felix always caught Dante staring at him. The pinkette would be lying if he said he wasn't at least a little bit interested in the other boy.

"Hey, my friend's talking to you, so turn around." Lilly grabbed Dante's arm and turned him around again.

"What do you guys want?" Dante showed no signs of being scared whatsoever.

Felix thought it was admirable that Dante didn't let himself get harassed by his 'friends' so easily. But then again, Dante was about 10 times stronger than all four of them combined.

"We want you to leave the school, of course. This place doesn't have any room for gay people." Fede snarled at Dante.

"Then it's kinda odd that this place has enough room for you three assholes, isn't it?" Dante crossed his arms, clearly not intimidated by Fede's words.

Dante purposely said 'three' instead of four. He knew Felix really, really didn't want to bully anyone. So he wondered as to why the hell the pinkette even hung out with those douche-bags in the first place. He seemed like a really nice and cool dude, so why the fuck was he still around The Funtimes? Not to mention Fede often physically hurt him....... He'd be better off with Dante's group. Or as Dante's boyfriend.

...........never mind that last option.

"What'd you say to me?!" Fede charged forwards, tightly gripping Dante's collar.

Dante quietly snorted at the fact that Fede almost had to stand on his tip-toes to reach him.

"You, Abby and Lilly are assholes, shortie." Dante simply replied.

"Fuck you!" Fede roared straight into Dante's face.

The pink and white-haired boy attempted to punch Dante, but the latter somehow managed to dodge the attack. Fuck.....he'd better not get too deeply into this fight. If he did, Fede would probably take out his anger on Felix or Dante's friends.

"Felix! Don't just stand around there! Help me get this prick!" Fede barked at the taller teen.

Felix gulped before walking over to Dante. Wait, he wasn't really gonna help Fede, right? Dante's eyes widened as Felix's hand closed around his wrist. No way...... Fede proudly grinned at that.

"Good, now hold 'im still!" Fede moved forwards again, ready to punch Dante with all his strength.

Suddenly, Felix pulled Dante out of the way, making Fede crash into a table.

"Hey, what the hell?!" Abby angrily looked at Felix before rushing over to Fede.

"Uh.....let's go!" The surprises weren't over just yet because now Felix was bolting out of the cafeteria with Dante.

They kept on running, and running...... After what felt like forever, Felix stopped in front of a bench somewhere in a park.

"Why.....why didn't you beat me up with Fede?" Dante asked in between gasps from exhaustion.

"I didn't wanna hurt you......" Felix sheepishly admitted.

"Oh.....uhm, thanks, dude!" Dante was probably gonna regret it, but he decided to trap Felix into a hug anyways.

Felix was shocked for a moment. He'd never been touched in such a caring way before.......this was new. Felix didn't mean to, but in mere seconds after Dante hugged him he found himself sobbing into Dante's arms.

"It's gonna be alright......okay? You can hang out with my group now. We'll protect you." Dante softly said.

Finally.......Felix wasn't alone any longer.

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