Mistletoe (Poly)

206 8 10

Requested by: HayoonaAH2

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Oxaionnie (Oxy x Mai X Onnie)

Wallpaper made by: Me

Third Person's POV:

Mai was conflicted. So, she was having kind of a problem. Or two problems, actually. And those two problems were Onnie and Oxy. You know, those scary dudes from the Nightmares! Problem was, Mai liked them. Both. Romantically. As in, she wanted to have a relationship with them. In a poly way-

"You still thinking about them?" Puppet paused the video game he was playing and raised his eyebrow at Mai.

"Yup. I can't get them off my mind!" Mai covered her face and let out a groan of frustration.

Puppet felt weird seeing his twin like that. It wasn't often that you'd see Mai acting like that. Oxy and Onnie must've really had an impact on her. Mai had met them back during their time at camp, and apparently they liked each other enough to hang out after school as well. Puppet knew Mai had no idea how to possibly confess to them, so he already came up with a plan for her.

"So you know how there's that Christmas party tomorrow at Joy's mansion, right?" Puppet didn't take his eyes away from his game.

"Uh-huh." Mai absently replied.

"How 'bout you go there early and place a mistletoe right on the spot where you want it to hang?" Puppet nonchalantly suggested.

"Wait.....really??" Mai's head perked up in an instant.

Puppet smirked at his sister's newfound enthusiasm.

"Of course! It usually works in movies~ You just gotta make sure you get both of them underneath the mistletoe at the same time with you, and the rest unfolds on it's own~"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" Mai excitedly yelled.

"No problem, Sis!~" Puppet smiled.

Meanwhile Onnie was pacing back and forth in his room. So he had two crushes. He's got a crush on a certain orange-haired prick with an adorable but loud laugh, and he's also got a thing for a crazy and cute witch gal. He couldn't just confess to them both, right? Nah, that would be weird..... But to Onnie this wasn't just a 'pick one' situation. It wasn't that easy for him...... He loved both Mai and Oxy equally.

Onnie decided that the best way to deal with his worries would be to sleep. Tomorrow there would be a Christmas party at Joy's, and then he could hang out with Oxy and Mai all day!

Puppet was beginning to have second thoughts about his suggestion. Joy had agreed to let them enter her mansion earlier, in exchange for helping her out with the decorations some more. Mai was currently standing on a wobbling ladder to attach her newly-bought mistletoe above Joy's rather high-standing front door.

"Don't fall off, okay?" Puppet's voice didn't sound very concerned anyways.

"No, I won't~" Mai cheerfully replied.

"Oh, the first guests are there already!" Joy announced from inside the house.

Mai looked ahead of her to see Bon and Meg approaching the house, both bickering with each other. Mai let out a series of giggles as she climbed down the ladder. Her first victims......

"Bon! Meg! Hi!" Mai greeted them.

"Yo!" Bon stuck up his hand as a greeting.

"Hiya." Meg slightly smiled at her.

Thankfully, neither of the two noticed the hilariously obvious mistletoe hanging above the door. As soon as Meg and Bon both took a step forwards, Puppet yelled:


Meg and Bon looked confused before both looking up. Both of them cringed and Meg swore.

"You fuckers tricked us!" She accused Mai and Puppet.

"Correct." Puppet simply admitted.

"Now kiss, Cupid has made her decision!" Mai burst into a hysteric laughter as Bon awkwardly leaned down.

Meg sighed and pulled him lower by the collar before briefly smashing her lips onto Bon's. The two friends both had slightly reddened cheeks, but above anything else they seemed to get over the kiss pretty quickly. Aww, this wasn't as fun as Mai expected it to be!

"Are you waiting for Oxy and Onnie to show up?" Joy asked, tilting her head at Mai.

"Huh?! How do you know??" Mai asked amazed.

"Eh, lucky guess!" Joy somewhat sheepishly said.

"Oh gosh, Christ on a swing-set I'm excited!" Mai's limbs were trembling with energy.

"Speaking of excitement, there's Deuz and Maggie already!" Puppet gestured towards the two Nightmare's members.

"Hey, y'all!" Deuz grinned and approached them.

"Look out for the mistletoe!" Joy quickly warned Deuz.

"Huh?" Deuz didn't pay any attention and continued walking.

Aaaaand he ended up right under the mistletoe with Puppet. Maggie let out a laugh as Deuz realized what was going on. Puppet wiggled his eyebrows at the dark-skinned boy and casually gave him a peck on the lips. Deuz's face lit up as he jumped backwards.

"Ewww! Blegh!" Deuz quickly wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

"Oh, suck it up, Deuz." Maggie offered her friend an amused smile.

"Aren't Onnie and Oxy coming?" Joy noticed Mai's impatient look.

"Yeah, they'll be right here. They just went to pick flowers on the side of the road or something...." Maggie vaguely replied.

"When you speak of the devils....." Deuz grumbled, looking at two idiots who came running towards them.

"MAI!!" Onnie and Oxy hadn't even reached the door yet as they both yelled the girl's name in unison.

The two fools looked at each other, a blush spreading on their cheeks before they turned their heads away from each other. That was embarrassing......

"Hiya!~" Mai purposely went to stand underneath the mistletoe.

"Sooo I picked up some flowers for ya!" Onnie handed Mai some dirty-looking flowers.

"Aww, thank you!" Mai gratefully smiled at Onnie.

Oxy looked rather nervous all of a sudden.

"U-uh, hey Joy! These are for you!" Oxy quickly pushed his own flowers in Joy's hands.

"Uhm....thank you?" Joy looked rather confused at the flowers she received.

Onnie raised his eyebrow at Oxy and Mai was internally screaming. NOOOOOOO-

"Kiss!~" Puppet repeated once again.

Mai blinked before realizing Onnie was standing right next to her. Mai didn't waste any time and smashed her lips onto Onnie's. Onnie jumped but quickly melted into the kiss, shyly smiling as he did so.

Oxy fiddled with his sleeves, a common habit of his. Okay, so his two crushes were kissing each other...... Oxy was aware of the fact that Onnie had a crush on Mai, and it was pretty obvious that Mai liked him back. Though Oxy felt heartbroken, he didn't want to break them apart or anything. There was no room for him in their relationship.

"Hey, Oxy! Get over here!" Onnie snapped his head away from Mai's and pulled Oxy towards them.

"Whoa-!" Oxy's eyes widened as he felt Onnie's lips touch his own.

"Hehe!" Onnie bashfully grinned.

"You didn't think we forgot about you, right??" Mai stood on her toes to be able to kiss Oxy as well.

"Of course I didn't!" Oxy let out his signature obnoxious laugh, completely ignoring the fact that he hadn't been thinking like that at all earlier.

"I now declare you three as Oxaionnie." Maggie announced in a holy voice.

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