Coffee (Poly)

244 8 17

Requested by: Funtime_Foxy_

Type: Fluff

AU: Coffee Shop AU + Fred and Freddy have separate bodies

Pairing: Doonfred (Deuz x Loon x Fred)

Third Person's POV:

Loon boredly blew some hair out of his face as he leaned against the counter of the coffee shop he worked in. Don't get him wrong, he absolutely loved working as a barista and serving coffee. But usually it was either too crowded or too empty. In the morning people would usually flood inside, and around noon the coffee shop would be completely deserted. That of course, caused boredom to Loon. Luckily, he had two boyfriends who often kept him company during his break. Speaking of his lovers, one of them just walked right in.

"Oh. Well, hi there cutie~" Fred waltzed over to the counter and rested his elbows on top of it.

"Hello there, Sir. Can I help you?" Loon playfully asked.

"Ah, yes! A coffee as black as my soul, please." Fred dramatically replied.

"One coffee latte with extra sugar and whip cream coming right up." Loon easily memorized Fred's order.

"That's the one!" Fred send him a wink.

As Loon prepared his boyfriend's coffee, Fred continued babbling on about how Freddy always chose to go to Starbucks instead of Loon's café.

"Like, he knows damn well your coffee tastes better! But he's too proud to admit it!" Fred wildly gestured with his hands.

Loon quietly snorted and continued listening to his boyfriend rambling.

"Here's your coffee."

"Thanks, Pumpkin." Fred kissed Loon's forehead with a soft smile plastered on his face.

He started sipping away at his coffee, and the loud slam of the front door opening nearly got him to choke on his drink.

"Who the hell-?!" Fred turned around, ready to pick a fight with any loud customer entering the shop.

But surprise, it was just Deuz.

"Oh, it's you. I should've known." Fred abruptly turned back to his coffee, suddenly a lot calmer.

"What? You ain't happy to see me?" Deuz sat down on the chair next to Fred's.

"Hey, how's my favorite boyfriend doin'?" Deuz greeted Loon with a kiss.

"I'm good, thanks." Fred dryly replied, unhappy about the fact that he was being left out.

"Don't be a prick, babe." Deuz offered Fred a kiss as well.

Which turned into a make-out, and Loon was left to awkwardly stand at the sideline. Deuz turned back to Loon again, and his eyes widened.

"Whoa, what're you wearin'?!" Deuz excitedly asked.

Loon stiffly looked down at himself before replying:

"A sleeveless grey hoodie and a black apron."

"Holy shit, you look adorable in it!" Loon softly smiled at that.

Barely anyone knew, but Deuz was actually really into fashion. Or cute stuff, really. But if someone he didn't trust ever found out about that, well, let's just say they wouldn't see the daylight anymore.

"Super cute, right? Right?" Deuz repeatedly poked Fred to make him look.

Fred briefly sighed. He just couldn't enjoy his darn coffee in peace.

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