Noice (Foxangle)

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I'm getting less and less creative with titles XD

Requested by: asriel_dreemur09853

Type: Fluff

AU: Soulmate AU (Whatever you write on your skin will appear on your soulmate's) and Fox and Meg haven't met before

Pairing: Foxangle (Fox x Meg)

Third Person's POV:

Meg widely smiled as she saw her friends, Bon and Joy, waiting for her at the school's gates. Today was her fifteenth birthday, which also meant another thing-

"You're gonna meet your soulmate!" Joy yelled putting her arms around Meg in a hug.

"Whoa there, Joy! It's not cuz I'm fifteen now that I'm gonna meet my soulmate right off the bat." Meg raised an amused eyebrow at her friend.

"Well, happy birthday anyways!" Bon patted his friend's shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Thanks, guys! Let's celebrate this by practicing!" Meg excitedly suggested.

"Blegh......" Joy and Bon sighed at the typical suggestion.

"Let's go!~" Meg grabbed her band members' hands and ran into the building.

Fox saw the white-haired girl that had caught his attention a few weeks ago run into the building. Something about her sparked an interest inside of him, but he wasn't really sure what..... Maybe it was her heated attitude? Or perhaps her beautiful looks? Whatever it was, Fox kinda wanted to talk to her. Unfortunately for him, he was a wreck at social interactions.

"Fox? Has your soulmate responded yet?~" Chica asked, following after her red-haired friend.

"Nope." Fox simply replied.

Geez, lately everyone's been asking about his soulmate...... He turned 15 a few months ago, and apparently his soulmate wasn't 15 yet, judging by the fact that Fox had wrote down an enormous amount of shit on his arm, but never got a response.

"Hey, don't forget that we've got band practice this afternoon at 15:30!" Chica stated before entering her classroom.

"Oh, right......" Fox knew that he would forget it, so what better way to remember it would be to write it down?

While Meg was performing with her band in the music room, she got the scare of her life when she saw ink appear on her arm.

"What the fuck?!" She abruptly stopped singing, alarming Bon and Joy to stop playing.

"What's wrong?" Bon worriedly came to stand besides Meg.

"Why does it say 'BP 15:30' on my arm?? What is that?" Meg stared down at her arm in shock.

"O-M-G, Meg! Don't you know what this is?" Joy's eyes completely lit up as she looked at Meg expectingly.

"What? Does DP mean Diaper Penis??? If it does, I swear I'm gonna-"

"No, Meg! Your soulmate wrote that!" Bon broke it to her.

"..........did my soulmate write Diaper Penis onto my arm?" Meg was enraged.

"It probably means something else! Just......write him back, and ask him, or her, what it means!" Joy handed Meg a blue pen.

"Okay......" Meg thought of what to write.

Fox conveniently glanced down at his arm just when the teacher's lecture started. Wait.....what the hell was this? The word 'Dafuq does dat mean??' were neatly printed onto his wrist.

"No way......" Fox whispered under his breath.

He looked around the classroom to see everyone distracted, and decided to take this opportunity to write his soulmate back.

'It means band practice at 15:30. Who the hell are you?'

Meg scoffed at the rude question. Her soulmate was a dick already!

'I think I'd better ask who the hell you are first.'

Ugh, why did Fox's soulmate have such an attitude?

'Ok. Name: Fox. You?'


Meg, huh? Fox quietly snorted at the name. What a coincidence that Fox just watched the shark movie The Meg with Bonnie yesterday.

'As in, The Meg? :)'

'Don't compare me to that average shark movie, Fox. I could demonstrate a live shark attack if you keep writing like that.'

Whooo, tough lady! Fox grinned at his soulmate's words. He couldn't wait to meet her!

'Wanna meet up during my band practice?'

Meg pondered the question for a moment.

"What does he say?" Joy curiously looked over Meg's shoulder.

"He wants to meet up during his band practice." Meg dryly replied.

"Oh, so he likes music too? I'd go for it, if I were you!" Bon frankly looked more interested in meeting Meg's soulmate than Meg herself was.

"I guess it wouldn't do any harm......but you two are coming with me!" Meg tried to sound demanding, but her tone was playful.

'Ok. I'll meet you there.'


"Fox! Pay attention!" The teacher angrily barked at the redhead.

Fox scoffed but for once decided to listen to what the teacher had to say. Only a few more hours and he'd be meeting up with his soulmate. He was embarrassed to admit it, but he really was excited to meet her. After a few more hours of listening to teacher's lectures and eating pudding, it was finally time to practice.

"I can't believe you invited your soulmate to our band practice!" Freddy energetically commented as he walked with Fox to the music room.

"Well, yeah...... I mean, it's easy to communicate through writing. I'll probably be a mess when I meet her in person." Fox considered to just turn around and run for a moment, but decided that would be a cowardly thing to do.

"So does she have a band too?" Bonnie spoke up.

"I dunno......we'll see, alright? You guys are makin' me nervous!" Fox brushed his friend off and entered the classroom.

No one aside from Chica and Golden were there yet.

"So, are we gonna wait for Fox's soulmate or are we gonna get to practicing immediately?" Golden asked, looking at Fox for a reply in particular.

"No need for that, I'm already here." A girl's voice spoke up from behind them.

Fox swiftly turned around to see-

"It's you?!" Fox could feel his face heating up at the sight of the beautiful white-haired girl.

"Oh my God, no! You're that guy that always fights for pudding in the cafeteria and says 'noice' all the time!" Meg looked both relieved and annoyed.

"Bro......that's a pretty noice soulmate you got there." Bonnie grinned and elbowed his taller friend.

"I know.......really noice." Fox whispered back excitedly.

"Say 'noice' one more time and I'm gonna ask for Cupid to divorce us." Meg interrupted them, lightly amused.

"Alright, I'll try to be more noice from now."

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