Arcade (Fonnie)

130 8 11

Requested by: starbomb-lux

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Fonnie (Fox x Bonnie) with mentions of Freddon (Freddy x Bon)

Third Person's POV:

Bonnie sighed and finished writing down the sentence 'I shouldn't break the teacher's ruler with Fox' for the hundred time.

"Finally, I'm done!" Bonnie whisper-yelled relieved.

Since they were in detention, Bonnie couldn't talk too loudly, even though the teacher that had to watch them was currently sleeping. So how did Bonnie get himself into this mess? Well, it all happened during science class. The teacher was babbling on about something, and out of boredom Fox and Bonnie had started playing with each other. Bonnie had pulled out his ruler and playfully hit Fox with it, and since Fox didn't have his ruler back then, he grabbed the teacher's.

Now, Fox had been the one to grab the ruler, but Bonnie had been the one to accidentally break it in two by slamming his own ruler down onto it. And so they were banned to detention together.

"Damn, I've got ten more times to go...... But you're lucky, dude! My name's shorter and easier than yours!" Fox didn't even bother to whisper anyways.

"Too bad!" Bonnie stuck out his tongue at the redhead.

Surprisingly, Bonnie wasn't dissapointed with the detention. Any time he could spend with Fox, was valuable time. And just by that one thought, Bonnie knew his crush on Fox was growing even more. Gosh, he just liked his best friend so frickin' much it hurt. His smile, his freckles, his memes and protectiveness....... Ugh, and not to mention that nice face of his. And those pale lips..... Bonnie felt his cheeks heating up and quickly turned his attention elsewhere.

"Done! Hey, wanna go to the arcade?" Fox asked lively.

"Yeah, sure! We've still got twenty minutes to go, though......" Bonnie pouted.

"Let's just get outta here already. Not like that teacher notices us, anyways." Fox already prepared to get up.

"Good point!" Bonnie picked up his backpack and followed after Fox.

The two friends snickered with each other as they entered the hallway.

"You better not mess up with Pacman this time, Fox!" Bonnie commented as he walked through the school's gates.

"Oh, don't worry! I've got a special technique now!" Fox proudly announced.

"Like, all those other twenty times before that you claimed you have a special technique?" Bonnie asked amused.

"Yup!" Fox whistled a tune as he kept on walking.

Bonnie smiled and followed after his crush, all the while trying to ignore the fluttery feeling in his stomach. He had liked Fox for how long now? Three or four weeks maybe? It all started during PE. Bonnie and Fox were on the same team to play soccer, and just when Bonnie almost made a goal, someone roughly kicked his ankle to prevent him from scoring. Fox got pretty mad of course. And during that moment, when Bonnie lay on the floor, cringing at his pained ankle, he couldn't help but watch Fox yell at the kid in admiration.

That had been the first time Bonnie felt something different about Fox. All those other times before, Fox was just a best friend to Bonnie. But after that, Bonnie began questioning his feelings for the redhead. He tried to brush them off as just a weird feeling at first, but his feelings for Fox only developed as time went on. And quite honestly, Bonnie had no idea what to do about it.

"Hey, you okay? You're kinda absent today." Fox looked down at his shorter friend a bit concerned.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine! Just excited to go to the arcade!" Bonnie quickly replied.

"Well, here we are." Fox held open the door for Bonnie.

"Thanks!" Bonnie oppressed the urge to giggle at Fox's gesture.

"Okay, so Pacman's-"

"Wait, look over there!" Bonnie suddenly yelled.

"What?" Fox raised an eyebrow at Bonnie.

Bonnie ran over to a newly-installed claw machine. The machine had multiple adorable stuffed animals inside of it, and a beige bear with a bit of blue immediately caught Bonnie's attention. It was so cute! He needed to get that bear.

"Look at that bear! I wanna have it!" Bonnie already fumbled in his pockets to look for his quarters.

"I guess it's kinda cute......." Bonnie noticed Fox's cheeks getting a light color.

That was another adorable thing about Fox. Whenever he saw something cute, he'd slightly blush at it. Bonnie grinned and started controlling the claw. It went pretty well at first, and Bonnie almost managed to drop the bear in the right place, but just as he was about to drop it, Fox went to stand right beside him.

"Ay, look at that lame giraffe!" Fox chuckled and pointed out a weird-looking giraffe plushie.

Bonnie's heart started beating a million times faster, and due to being snapped out of his concentration, he dropped the bear in the wrong place.

"Fox!" Bonnie angrily stared up at his crush.

"Oops, sorry." Fox half-heartedly apologized.

"Aww, man! I'm already out of quarters!" Bonnie whined in defeat.

"Oh, it's okay. I have some left, I'll get the bear for you!" Fox put a coin into the slot.

As Fox tried to grab the bear, Bonnie strolled over to the bathroom. He grabbed his phone, and dialed a number.

"Hey, Bon!" Bonnie cringed at the nervous tone in his voice.

"Heya, Bonnie! What's up?" Bon's voice cheerfully sounded through the phone.

"The sky. Also, I'm in the arcade with Fox and he's trying to get me a stuffed bear from the claw machine! My heart's beating so fast, I think I'm gonna die! I have to do something about my feelings......" Bonnie rapidly explained.

"Okay, okay! Calm down, buddy. How can I help you....? Well, I confessed to Freddy in a....rushed way, to say the least." Bon awkwardly admitted.

"What did you do??" Bonnie curiously asked.

"I, uh, suddenly kissed him. Just randomly, out of the blue......" Bonnie could tell Bon's face was red by now, even though he didn't see him.

"Bon, that's a great idea! Freddy kissed you back, right??" Bonnie felt excited again.

"Yup." Bon casually replied.

"I just gotta do the same with Fox!" Bonnie cleverly concluded.

"Wait, I don't think-"

"Thanks, Bon! You're the best!" Bonnie put his phone away.

Bonnie confidently walked over to Fox again, who finally managed to obtain the bear.

"Got it after my third try! Here ya go." Fox held out the bear to Bonnie.

"I got something for you too!" Bonnie smiled and accepted the bear.

"Oh yeah? What did ya get me?" Fox leaned down a bit.

"A kiss." Bonnie hesitated for a second before manning up and pressing his lips against Fox's.

Fox's eyes widened at first, but after a few seconds they slipped closed as he melted into the kiss. After pulling away due to a lack or air, both boys were shyly smiling at each other.

"That was......nice." Fox's narrowed his softened eyes.

"Yeah......" Bonnie's cheeks couldn't get any redder.

"Wow, how is this real? I never thought you'd like me that way......" Fox spoke up a bit surprised.

"Love is a hella weird thing, Fox."

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