Side By Side (Eaktrap)

140 6 32

Requested by: Me

Type: Angst, slight fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Eaktrap (Eak x Towntrap)

Also I haven't had a lesbian or hetero request in like, a decade?? XD  I love gays but it's honestly all I write about :')

Third Person's POV:

Eak looked up at the stars above him in awe. The sky was very dark, so Eak could see them very clearly. He was lying on his back, with Towntrap besides him. That would be considered romantic, right?

Well, it would've been if it weren't for the fact that Eak was physically dying at the moment. There was a burning pain present in his chest, and blood was dripping down his chin. More blood stained Eak's shirt and the grass he was resting on.

"Eak?" Towntrap's voice was hard to understand with the ringing in Eak's ears.

The orange-haired boy had cried so much the last few minutes that he probably didn't even have any tears left to cry.

"Do you think you're gonna make it?" Town looked exhausted as he asked that.

Eak stiffly shrugged.

"I dunno......"

Towntrap shakily exhaled at his best friend's response. Okay, that wasn't very encouraging of Eak to say. But honestly, what else could he have said?

In case you were wondering just what the hell was going on, Eak and Town just escaped the man they were forced to call Boss for so long now. Cami and Owynn were already in a safe place when Eak went to confront the manipulative sociopath.

Eak thought Towntrap was with Owynn and Cami at the hotel, but no, the adorable dumb-ass followed him all the way to the school's basement where Eak would settle things once and for all.

Because the Mexican had been distracted by Town's unexpected appeareance, he wasn't able to dodge Boss' attack. The son of a bitch had stabbed him in the stomach. With the little bit of energy Eak had left, he shot Boss in the shoulder.

He wasn't gonna kill the bastard. Oh no, he was gonna spent a life-time in jail for what he'd done to them. After shooting Boss, Towntrap had picked him up and ran away as far as he could before crashing down.

Eak was pretty sure Town had called an ambulance, but then again, his memory was rather hazy.

"Please just don't die! I.....fuck!" Towntrap ran a hand through his hair as he raised his voice. long has it been since Eak last heard Town swear?

"Hey, come on, dude..... I'm gonna make it. I always do." Eak tried to smile in an attempt to calm Towntrap down.

Towntrap stared at his tan-skinned friend for a few seconds before averting his eyes. Eak could tell he wanted to say something.

"What's up?" Eak oppressed the urge to cough up some blood.

"Can I......" Town bit his lip, face darkening with uncertainty.

"Can you....?" Eak's chest started to feel numb.

Towntrap suddenly looked a lot closer to Eak than before.

"Can I kiss you?"

That one simple question was able to catch Eak completely off guard. He looked at Towntrap astonished, jaw dropped.

"I, uh, I know this isn't really the right time for confessions, but...... I really, really like you, Eak. I've liked you for so long now and I just can't hold back my feelings for you anymore....." Town's cheeks dusted a light color.


"Go ahead."


"You can kiss me. If I'm gonna die anyways, I'd rather die while having been kissed by you." Eak simply explained.

"Eak, don't say that......" Towntrap tried to frown but a smile still made it's way onto his face.

"Towntrap, I'm about to fucking pass out. Kiss me before I'm at the end of my line!" Eak was happy to say there was still some power left in his voice.

"Okay, then!" Towntrap sheepishly laughed at his best friend's newfound energy.

Town carefully put his hand on Eak's hip while his other hand went to cup Eak's cheek. The Mexican's eyes slipped close as he felt Towntrap's lips touch his. The kiss sparked up many emotions between the two boys.

The kiss was......sweet, yet hungry. Shy, but secure. Eak couldn't really explain this kind of feeling. He started hearing sirenes nearing, and Towntrap suddenly pulled away.

"Eak, they're finally here!" Towntrap felt so relieved he could cry.

Eak noticed his vision was growing blurrier by the second. His head was spinning and at this point, Eak couldn't feel anything at all.


Towntrap couldn't do anything but watch as Eak's eyes rolled into the back of his head. For a second, he was panicking. But......then he rememberd what Eak said earlier, and he felt more secure.

"I'm gonna make it. I always do."

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