The Other Side Of Paradise (No pairing)

242 8 18

Requested by: Me

Type: Song-fic (The Other Side Of Paradise by Glass Animals)

AU: None

Pairing: None, though there are mentions of a VERY one-sided Fox x Shadow Fox :')

(Skip to 3:02 for dramatic effect XD)

I know you don't but I.......

Fox's breathing became quicker and quicker by each minute he spend in the complete darkness of his mind. He didn't feel good in the slightest, and multiple voices were talking to him at the same time.

"Fox?! Please come back to us!" Fox could vaguely make out Chica's frantic tone.

"Damn it, why isn't he wakin' up?!" That was Fred.

"Fox, what's wrong with you?" The angry tone in Golden's voice was quickly replaced by worry.

"Hey, hey! Come on, why don't you wake up?!" Bonnie's voice sounded rather loud.

I know you don't but I still try~

One voice stood out the most to him.

"Ah, do you hear the sweet sound of your friends calling out to you?~"

Fox slowly shifted his eyes to meet pit black ones that had fierce orange pupils. Before Fox stood someone who looked like him, but his skin was sickeningly grey and he had black stripes running down the sides of his face. It's only been two days since this different version of him started terrorizing Fox, but to the redhead it felt like he'd known this dude for years already.

"G-get out......" Fox quietly whispered.

My thunder shook him down~

"What did you say? I can't hear you like that~" The other Fox lazily put his hands behind his head and floated around.

"I said, get. out. of. my. head." Fox felt a rage build up inside of him.

Ugh......not again. These past days he had constantly suffered from multiple outbursts, and after each and every outburst he'd feel really sick. But God, he was so angry all the time. It was like all the bottled up rage Fox had felt over the years finally broke free, creating absolute chaos in Fox's head. And that shadow version of Fox reminded him of his deepest fear.

My thunder came and shook him down~

Becoming a monster. The boy before him, or whatever the hell he was supposed to be, was an absolute sadist. He constantly whispered creepy shit to Fox and often tried to take over Fox's body completely. He was the reason Fox had punched Golden and those teachers, he was the reason Fox was acting like an asshole towards his friends, he was the reason Fox's friends became scared of him. Fox didn't want to be like that. He didn't want people to be afraid of him.

He just wanted things to go back to normal again.......

"Hey, look on the bright side of this whole thing! Now you and me get to be together forever!~" Shadow Fox carelessly cheered.

God, he was such a creep......

That girl is gone but I....... That girl is gone but I still try~

"Fox?! Fox!" Meg's voice blended in with all the others now as well.

"Bro, seriously. You're scaring everyone......." Spring's shaky voice made Fox's lip tremble.

"I'm s-sorry...... I don't wanna scare anyone!" Fox desperately tried to yell, to give at least some sign that he wasn't dead or anything.

"Try screaming all you want, Fox~ They won't hear shit." Shadow Fox nonchalantly shrugged.

"Get out! What the fuck do you want from me?!" Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes as Fox stepped forwards.

His eyes pierced into the other Fox's eyes, but his shadow remained unfazed.

I think it's over now~ That bullet hit but maybe not~

"Do I really need a reason, Dear? I just enjoy seein' other people suffer, there's no further explanation needed!" Shadow Fox innocently whistled a tune.

Fox growled, not caring that he was pretty much crying by now. He lunged forwards and tightly gripped Shadow Fox's collar.

"Get the fuck out of my head, and leave my friends alone! You sick bastard......." Fox raised a fist in the air.

"You think punchin' me is gonna work? Use your brain, Fox! All your anger, all your negative emotions, they just make me more powerful!" Shadow Fox offered his counterpart a wicked grin.

I feel so fucking numb~ It hits my head and I feel numb~

"W-wha.....?" Fox stumbled back, shocked by what his twin had just said.

"None of this would've happened if ya just didn't push your emotions away all the time. You gotta be the strong one, the hero, it doesn't matter if you're upset or not! For the sake of others, you'll ignore your feelings and keep them hidden, even if it's killing you on the inside."

Shadow Fox's expression grew less and less amused, he was pretty much scowling by now. Fox grabbed a fistful of his hair and let out some kind of roar.


"You interest me, Fox~ I can't just let my prey go." Shadow Fox simply replied.

My body's looking wrong~

Shadow Fox stumbled back as a fist made contact with his face. Fox's eyes were wide with a blind rage, somehow causing his counterpart to smirk even wider.

"You shouldn't have done that." Shadow Fox calmly picked himself up again.

Fox was gonna ask him what he meant, until he felt a stinging pain in his chest. An unbearable pain, that caused his entire body to shake, made Fox fall to his knees. He started panting, it felt as if all the air was getting pushed out of his lungs. Tears streamed down his face as he clenched the area where his heart was present. He could barely talk, he was choking on his own saliva, after all.

My body's looking wrong~

"W-what.....w-what's happening....?" Fox's voice was pretty much inaudible, but Shadow Fox easily understood him.

"Oh, well that's what happens when your anger reaches it's climax! Thanks to me, your body can't tolerate any high amount of rage. If you cross the border, you'll get breathing problems, near heart failure and y'know, all that fun stuff." Shadow Fox casually explained.

Fox tried to scream, the pain was literally tearing him apart. He was going to die at the hands of this sadist.

"H-help me......" Fox coughed up some blood.

"Only if you make a deal with me!~" Shadow Fox lazily squatted down besides his shaking counterpart.

My body's looking wrong~

Fox painfully tried looking up at his shadow, waiting for whatever 'deal' he wanted to make.

"I'll get rid of the pain, if you promise to be mine forever." The sudden serious tone Shadow Fox used made Fox shudder.

He knew he should've refused. He knew he should've just sucked in the pain. He knew Shadow Fox wasn't just going to kill him off. But the pain and mixed voices echoing through his head became too much for Fox to handle. He was gonna give up........ Fox shortly nodded, feeling as if he was gonna pass out from the pain.

"We've got ourselves a deal, then. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you!~"

Shadow Fox snapped his fingers, and then everything turned black for Fox.

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