Poem (Fedeuz)

121 3 5

Requested by: londonthefuntimecat (On Amino XD)

Type: Fluff

AU: None

Pairing: Fedeuz (Fede x Deuz) with brief mentions of Maggly (Maggie x Lilly)

Third Person's POV:

Fede just found a great, and legal, way to make money. It was a job he could do at school, and for the students at his said school. What was his job? Well, he'd make poems for people's crushes if they paid him 5 dollars and showed him what their crush looked like. Fede hadn't expected for it to become popular, but in less than two days, everyone was already requesting poems for their crushes. Hell, even kids like The Nightmares came by for a poem.

Maggie had requested one for her girlfriend Lilly, and obviously the poem was worth the money since Fede knew Lilly so well. Oxy and Onnie had also come for a poem once. But it wasn't really for a crush, they just wanted to read something. So Fede wrote about chocolate. But what Fede really longed for, was a visit from the Nightmare's leader. Deuz....... God, just thinking about him already made Fede's face burn. He was just so cute....... And hot. And cool. And-

"Hey." A husky voice interrupted Fede's thoughts.

Fede was currently behind his poem stand, a jar with pennies next to him. He looked up to see the one and only Deuz. What was he doing here??

"U-uh, hi!" Fede nervously greeted him back.

"So, uh, someone told me you wrote poems about people's crushes......." Deuz's cheeks seemed to be gaining a light color as he averted his eyes.

"That's right! You wanna request a poem?" Fede honestly hadn't expected that.

"Yeah......" Deuz rubbed his neck a bit flustered.

Oh......so that meant Deuz had a crush already. Fede felt his heart sink but smiled anyways.

"Sure! Who's the one you want me to write about?" Fede asked, resting his elbows onto the table.

"Pfft, I don't really care. I guess I just wanna see for myself if your writing is as good as my band claims it is. Write about anyone, 'kay?" Deuz placed a 5 dollar bill in front of Fede.

"Oh, alright! I'll give it to you this afternoon, okay?"

"Yeah, sounds good." Deuz already prepared to walk away.

............oh geez. So did Deuz have a crush or not? Fede furrowed his eyebrows in an attempt to come up with something to write. Chocolate again? Nah, this was Deuz who he was writing for. He couldn't just write about chocolate for the dark-skinned boy, he was too special for that..... A bold idea popped up in Fede's head. That would be very, VERY risky........ But it was worth a try.

With determination flowing through his veins, Fede grabbed his pen and started writing.

Deuz anxiously waited for the final bell to ring. Damn, he had to keep his nerves down...... Or else he'd be a mess by the time he'd go to talk to Fede again. That kid was.......adorable, in all honesty. Deuz had liked him for so long now, but he never really worked up the courage to talk to him in person. Maggie, Onnie and Oxy all said positive things about him, and Deuz just couldn't wait any longer. If he didn't confess soon his heart would explode or something!

Deuz wondered what he wrote about....... Shit, should he have asked for Fede to write about himself? No, no..... Fede would probably feel uncomfortable with writing about himself, and besides, that would spoil Deuz's crush on him. He didn't want that. The bell finally went and Deuz wasted no time to rush outside. Okay, stay calm......you got this, Deuz. Don't fuck this up.

"Hey, Deuz! Over here!" Deuz spotted Fede in front of the cherry blossom tree.

His heart started beating a thousand times faster as he marched over to the boy.

"Hi.....you got the poem?" Deuz shoved his hands inside his pockets in an attempt to come across as nonchalant.

"Yup, right here!" Deuz took notice of Fede's reddened face.

Heh, he looked like a strawberry....... Fede took a neatly folded pastel blue paper out of his pocket and handed it to Deuz.

"Here you go! I, uh, hope you like it!" Before Deuz could even thank the pink-haired boy, Fede had already ran off.

What's the deal with him? Well alright, anyone would wanna get as far away from Deuz as possible, but still.

"Let's see what he wrote......." Deuz unfolded the paper and went to sit against the tree.

You've really conquered my heart, huh?

You, with your beautiful eyes that remind me of the sea.

You, with your dark brown hair that shines in the sunlight.

Why are you the one who keeps returning in my mind?

My first impression of you was bad, but as they say, you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover.

Boy am I glad I didn't.

You're strong, cute and everything I could only wish of being like!

I want to kiss your dark skin, I want you to hold me in your arms and tell me that you love me......

Oh, I went a little overboard there, huh?

To put it simply, I think that I love you, Deuz.

............what? Deuz was trying to figure out if the heat on his face was from the burning sun above him or the poem Fede had written. Alright, who was he kidding? It was clearly from the fucking poem. But this piece of paper meant.......that Fede liked him back.

Deuz stayed quiet for a few seconds before taking out his phone and dialing a number.

"Y'hello?" Maggie's chill voice sounded on the other side.

"MAGGIE! FEDE JUST CONFESSED TO ME THROUGH A POEM!" Deuz didn't even care that the whole school could hear him like that.

"..........whoa, gay." Maggie dryly responded.


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