Locker (Golxy)

206 6 14

Requested by: layla_the_fnaf

Type: Fluff

AU: None, though it's Golxy from season 1

Pairing: Golxy (Golden x Fox)

Third Person's POV:

Fox didn't give any visible reaction as Golden came rushing towards him, screaming about being chased or some shit. He continued putting his books back in his locker, even when Golden was right behind him. After putting all his books on the right place, he finally moved. By elbowing Golden away from his side, that is.

"Hey!" Golden angrily looked up at him.

"Don't touch me, dude. Why're you hidin' behind me, anyways?" Fox asked almost flustered.

Golden didn't seem to notice and just glanced somewhere behind Fox.

"So I may or may have not pushed Deuz into a trash can." Golden awkwardly avoided eye contact.

To Golden's surprise,  Fox let out a genuine laugh. And he swore to God, that was the sweetest laugh he had ever heard.

"How'd ya do that?" Fox suddenly didn't mind to talk to Golden.

"To be honest I just crashed into him on accident, but I also laughed when he fell in." Golden nonchalantly shrugged.

"Cool, but you haven't answered my question yet." Fox raised an eyebrow at the shorter boy.

"Oh, right. Well the thing is, Deuz got kinda mad and y'know, they're coming for me." Golden continued casting glances over Fox's shoulder.

"Duuuuude, you're a dead man." Fox prepared to walk away, completely forgetting to close his locker.

"Not if you hide me." Golden's voice made Fox stop walking.

He slowly turned around, a bit confused even. Why the hell was Golden of all people asking him for help? Fox was pretty sure the blonde didn't like him all that much.

"I dunno if I-" Fox didn't have the chance to speak up as Golden cut him off.

"Too late, they're there!"

And in a matter of seconds, Fox found himself getting pushed inside of his locker with Golden joining him. They were literally squished together, and for a moment Fox thought he wouldn't be able to breath. As Golden had said, the Nightmares loomed around in the hallway. They threatened every student they came across into telling them where 'the rich kid' was. Oxy briefly walked past their locker, and Golden sucked in a sigh of relief as the giant continued his exploration. After making sure all of The Nightmares were gone, Golden quietly laughed.

"Alright, great! Thanks for letting me use your locker." Golden brightly smiled at the taller redhead.

Fox might've smiled back if it wasn't for the fact that they were literally stuck in a locker together.

"You know we can't open the locker from the inside, right?" Fox asked, a deadpan expression on his face.

The look of realization on Golden's face was honestly priceless to Fox.

"Oh......oh no....." Golden could've punched himself in the face for that mistake.

Alright, so not very great. He was stuck in a locker, squished up against his crush and said crush looked ready to kill him.

"Nice going, jackass! Now we're both stuck!" There was a hint of embarrassment in Fox's voice.

"Don't panic, okay? I'll get us out of here." Golden honestly really wasn't sure what to do.

"You better......" Fox muttered a bit skeptically.

Golden did the only thing he could think of. Kick the locker until it would open up.

"Hey, hey! What the hell, man?! Don't break my locker!" Fox pushed Golden's leg away.

This caused Golden to lose his balance, of course resulting him into falling on his back. Fox inconveniently fell down with him, and they found themselves in a ridiculous position. Golden's leg was hung over Fox's shoulder, and Fox was painfully leaning over Golden. Both of the boy's faces flushed and they couldn't seem to snap out of their daze. There was a strange kind of feeling in the air, one Golden could only describe Letting his heart lead the way, Golden reached upwards and kissed Fox.


Fox's eyes widened. Golden was kissing him. And he was kissing him back. Golden and Fox, sittin' in a locker, kissing. Fox's heart was, uhm, 'feeling' things.

"I, uh......sorry....." Golden pulled back, his cheeks reddened.

"Uh, no dude..... It's, y'know, fine. I, eh, liked that." Fox was just beet red by now.

"So does this mean we're a......?" Golden's grey eyes stared right into Fox's yellow ones.

Wow......being in love felt surprisingly good. Fox liked this. Golden liked this. Becoming a couple would probably be nice too.

"Couple? Sure, if you wanna......." Fox oppressed the urge to kiss Golden again.

"Then what're we waiting for?" Golden slyly smiled at his red-haired boyfriend.

"Nothin'." Fox grinned down at the blonde boy.

Sadly, their make-out session didn't last very long before someone began banging on Fox's locker.

"Ay, Golden and Fox are making out! I knew it!" Chica's excited voice somehow managed to make both Golden and Fox even more flustered.

"O-oh, Chica! Can you get us out of here?" Golden awkwardly untangled himself from Fox.

"I dunno if I wanna. You guys look comfy in here!~" Chica giggled like there was no tomorrow.

"Uh, I'm claustrophobic and I gotta get out of here!" Fox quickly came up with an excuse.

"Sure, you are Fox." Chica playfully rolled her eyes at the two boys before opening the locker.

The two boyfriends fell out of the locker, but Fox managed to catch Golden before he hit the floor.

"Oh my God, you guys are so cute together! Lemme take a picture!" Chica happily took out her phone.

She snapped a selfie with her two friends, send it to The Animatronics group chat and waited until everyone received the message. Fox checked his phone first. The letters under the picture went as followed: Just third-wheeling the locker BF's!!! You owe me 5 bucks, Bonnie!

The following messages just contained Bonnie crying over his 5 bucks, Freddy being happy for them and Golden and Fox sending smiley faces at each other, even though they were standing right next to each other.

It's ya boi Foxy: Dude, private-messaging someone is super hard in a group-chat XD

Le Golden: Wanna know what else is hard?? ;D

It's ya boi Foxy: What?? °///°

Le Golden: The math homework I'm not helping you with

It's ya boi Foxy: Betrayed by the one person I love. Alexa, play Despacito ;_;

Le Golden: Oh my God I love you so much :')

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