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This takes place when arthit and kongpob are on their date.

Forth is just idling in his room when his cell phone starts ringing in the tune of attention by Charlie puth ( a/n : this song lyrics just hits me so bad when i heard it, that i immediately thought of forth and beam situation in this story that, that i just had to use it hahaha )

His hand roam his sofa as he looks for his cell phone, his eyes still fixated on the screen of his T.v as the movie Titanic ( a/n fun fact, Titanic is the only movie i could clearly remember  the title and my all time favorite that's why even if it's old it's still far the best of all ) were playing,
He answers his cell phone when he finally grabs a hold of it ( without looking whose the call from )

" Hello? " he says.

" hi... Are you busy?." he frowns as he looks away from the tv screen and looks at the caller ID." beam? " he mumbles under his breath.

" not really? Why? " he asks just wondering.

" then... Wanna hung out with me? "

" right now? "

" yep! "

" uhmm... But I'm kinda watching a movie right now."

Beam sigh in disappointment." is that so?, okay then "

Thinking, Forth Knott his eyebrows." would you like to come over here in my room then? "

" sure, I'll be there in 15." beam answer right away then hung up.

Forth looks at his beeping cell phone as he shrugs his shoulders.


Beam knocks on forth's door as he inspects his outfit while doing so.

" coming... " he heard from the other side of the door as a sound of cLick echoing accompanying the opening of the door." hi... " he says to the man in front of him who just give him a smile while standing aside to let his guest in.

" just sit on the couch." Forth says as he closes the door and went to his fridge." what do you want to drink?."

Beam hums as he peels his eyes off from the tv screen." i didn't know, you're into tragedy movies." he comments as he looks at forth who shrugs his shoulders." that's understandable because... You never really paid attention to me before." he finishes off his sentence in his head.

Beam frowns." because? " he asks, feeling puzzled. Forth cast him a smile." nothing, so what drink do you want or some snacks maybe?." he repeats his question, hoping beam would just let his words slide.

Shrugging, beam stick out his bottom lip as a gesture of thinking." some soda will do." forth nods and takes out two cans of soda and went to his upper cabinet to get some chips and other snacks.

He walks up to beam and hand over the soda while he places the snack on the table, he sits down in the other corner of the sofa before asking beam." so, why do you suddenly wanted to hang out with me?."

Beam looks at him and the space between them." nothing much, i just want to be with you." he answers truthfully which cause forth to be taken off guard." why?." he asks again.

Beam sigh in exasperation as he rolls his eyes." are you dense or just acting as one? And do i really have to have a reason for wanting to be with you."

Speechless, forth blinks and blinks before finding his words again." well,  I'm not some mind reading so I wouldn't be sure unless you tell me." he rebuts.

Beam sneer." right?!." he says sarcastically." okay, I'll tell you then. " he position his self so he's facing towards forth, locking their eyes together." i want to have your heart back... That's why i wanted to spend time with you."

Forth not being able to stand the intensity of beam's gaze averted his eyes." why now?."

" why? Why are you asking so many why today? Where's the tough and cool as the wind attitude of yours go?."

" well, i have the right to know... Right?."

Beam sigh." fine, because of my ego i didn't realize that i like you too until you just up and started distancing yourself from me."

Forth chuckles as he stared at him." took you long enough to admit that you like me too." the heart in his eyes that's he once always used to look at beam are finally back.

" don't laugh, do you think it's easy for me to admit it... Why do you have to be fucking dense right now when I'm finally ready to return your feelings!." he says in one breath, his cheeks, nape, and ears are starting to be visibly Scarlett red as he looks down his lap." so, would you give your heart back to me again?."

Amuse at beam blushing figure, forth cup the other's face, the smile on his face won't leave." wanna know something funny? " he starts off, beam averts his eyes from forth's." hey, beamie look at me." beam shuts his eyes tightly before opening it again, looking straight at forth's eyes." you know, my heart... It never left you, didn't i say it before when the first time we met and you blatantly rejected me that... even you don't acknowledge my love my heart will be always yours, even if i don't want to anymore, even you always trampled on my feelings and even it hurts like feeling hell it will always stay by you." there's a bit of sadness in his eyes as he smiles at the other.

As beam listen to forth's words his eyes started welling up as he sees the sadness in forth eyes while saying those ' evens ' he finally sees how horrible he used to forth and how much he hurt him. " i-I'm.... I'm so sorry..." is all he could muster as his tears finally left his eyes.

surprise, forth stuns not really knowing what to do with this crying beam in front of him." don't... Cry... Oh... Man..." he stammers as he cares beam's cheeks with his thumb.

But beam didn't stop he actually cry more, the more he thought of how he used to treat forth the more his crying become more louder and the more he feels guilty towards forth. Still doesn't know what to do forth decided to just hug the crying boy in front of him and rubs his back to console him.

" shhh.... Don't cry anymore, it's making me feel horrible, i feel like i did something or said something wrong to you."

Beam slightly shakes his head." no,  you didn't, it's me who did and said horrible things to you.... I'm really sorry " his voice is muffled from his crying but forth heard it none the less." now, i feel that it's wrong to ask you to love me again when I've been so mean to you." beam continue.

Smirking, forth shakes his head." that's not up for you to decide, as i said my heart still and will always belong to you, so... Just love me back and be my boyfriend, okay?." he pulls away so he could look at beam's  crying face." idiot, i already love you too and i thought you'll never ask me again." he wipes his tears and smiles sincerely." I'll take that offer and be your exclusive boyfriend." he pulls forth in and connects their lips together as they both thought that their lips perfectly fit each other's.


Merry Christmas y'all 🎊🎊🎊🎊

Just some forthbeam on the house hahaha because i love them

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