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After settling krist onto his bed. Sam,Copper and old Fu made their way out of krist room.

The moment they are outside, the usual lackadaisical Sam suddenly turned  grim and icy. " copper, care to tell me what made that idiot miserable like that? " he said not looking back at him, needless for him to look back for copper to know that he was undeniably angry right that moment.

Copper flinched from his ground as he took a step back unconsciously. That's what scary about Sam their leader despite his usual uninterested attitude about everything, he has a very protective nature. Especially when it comes to his so called brothers and those people that are close to him.

His brothers and people are the only reverse scale in his heart no one was allowed to hurt them, weather its physical or emotional. He wouldn't accept it, that was also the reason why; even though he rarely interact with his people they still willingly follow him.

He was someone that, One would not hesitate to kill if he deem necessary if it was for his people.

Copper mused should he tell the truth or just passed it off and say he didn't knew even though he already gasped the general of the situation. " is it because of that werewolf?! " he heard Sam again making him swallowed his own saliva.

" tha-that i don't know master... " he hurriedly answered, he already in dilemma. Even though, he gasped the situation it didn't mean He really know all the details of the matter, it was just his hunched telling him it was connected with singto. Even so, he wouldn't like to say anything hastened.

Firstly, singto was his best friend lover, whatever was going on on their relationship he was no one to comment on it. Secondly, he was also friends with singto he didn't want anything to happen to him because he blubbermouth.

Sam didn't said anything, he just turned around and gave copper a look as his lips curled up into unfeeling smirked — really loyal to his friends.

He thought to himself, he didn't believe copper wouldn't know anything. Knowing the younger who always been quick witted and always been the one closest to his brother, he knew copper wouldn't tell him easily even he knew something.

Seeing Sam's sinister smirked sent cold chill into his body. " don't let me see that bastard, who dare he to hurt my Sam ronajpat's brother. " Sam declared as he turned around and walked away from the stunned copper.

There was a few flashes of light glimmering in his eyes; anger and concern. He was already thinking of ways to punished the person who made his brother miserable.

" i want to know all information about krist's lover, maybe it's time i meet that punk."

In reality, Sam still hadn't met singto at this moment. He never obliged krist to introduce them to each other even though, Singto himself was the reason why the relationship of them three brothers became to what was it now.

He never showed any interest into meeting the other, he didn't like to meddle in his brother's personal life even though he had always been protective on them. For him his brothers was a grown up men so, they should be able to handle their own affairs by themselves.

But it didn't mean, seeing his little brother krist. Drowning himself into alcohol and acting miserable wouldn't ticked him off, that was something he couldn't stay out of. Who wouldn't right?

How could a protective brother like Sam, could sit still and watched his brother being a wreck because of some guy... Who he even trade his relationship to someone he treated like a family of his, just they could stay together.

Just thinking about it made Sam's blood boiled.


" argghhh..." in the morning krist woke up with a splitting headache, his head was pounding so much, he felt nauseous. He sat up in a daze before he noticed that his room felt empty.

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