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Arthit's attention wandered from his clothes that he was packing and to the door because heard knocking on it. He frowned. He actually already smell kongpob's unique scent but it was stronger than usual nonetheless it was really not the reason as why he frowned.

It was because kongpob knocked even though he had a key for his room, more often than not kongpob would just used his key whenever he would come to his room unannounced specially if it was already quite late right now, not wanting to disturbed him if ever he was already resting.

He stood up and made his way to the entrance and opened it, raising his eyebrow he said." oh bub, why didn't you just use your -----" before he could even finished his words, he felt kongpob's lips devouring his own, his hands trapped his face. Arthit's eyes momentarily widened however slowly closed as he responded to the aggressive kissed of kongpob.

However, his nose twitched as an unfamiliar scent brushed up his nose. It was like a scent of cherry mixed with the coffee like scent of kongpob. It was probably Maxine's scent that rubbed off to kongpob's clothes when he supported the girl before.

He opened his eyes, pushed away kongpob and looked at his lover scrutinizingly but didn't said anything. Too horny and around, kongpob bow down his head and captured arthit's lips once again, his oblivious to the suspicious and doubt that flash his lover's eyes....

Kongpob kicked the door closed, locked it before walking forward while arthit walked backwards. They stumbled here and there, he took him closer to his body and started taking off their clothing one by one.

The two seemed to forgot that they needed air to breathe until they've arrived at the bed, kongpob support arthit's as his back landed at the soft mattress. Noticing, the things in the other side of the bed.... Kongpob brushed it off the bed without a care, arthit internally slapped his forehead while saying. I just finished arranging it!!!

Kongpob stared at arthit like a hungry beast that hadn't fed for a very long time,.. He was drooling, after he threw the obstacles he dive into arthit again.

At this point, arthit was already been swept away by the mood... The next thing came you all already knew it.


Before afternoon came, arthit finally woke up, with back pain and tummy growling. Kongpob was still asleep, he glanced at his sleeping boyfriend that showing half of his body, he thought to himself. My bub is really handsome and sexy... He had a proud smile unknowingly.

... but that smile soon faded when his eyes swept the floor near the bathroom and saw kongpob's clothes last night. He raised his eyebrow, stood up, got his clothes and dressed up, walked in the direction of the shirt on the floor, bend down and took it.

Arthit sniff it, his face darken...  I was right, there's really an unfamiliar smell. Kongpob doesn't really like having physical contact with others,  specially with strangers and kongpob with always tell him if he ever going out with people he doesn't know... That's why having another people's scent on his clothes or body really permitted his suspicion.

Arthit sighed and helplessly shook his head trying to brushed his mind off the topic.... Calm your ass arthit... Don't suspect kong, maybe there was some kinda accident last night that's why he has that. Don't be paranoid! Don't doubt!! He reprimand to his self.


After taking a shower, arthit was strolling the hallway, he was about to buy their foods, kongpob was still sleeping like a log. Arthit figured kongpob was probably tired that's why he didn't bother to wake him. In actuality kongpob was very exhausted  mentally and physically.

it was the first time he got to sleep peacefully since he met maxine, it was probably thanks to arthit being beside him he had a sound sleep right now... He was really comfortable around his bub...

Before arthit could stoop out of the entrance his mobile phone rang, he took it from his pocket and glanced at it, it revealed an unknown number.

wondering, arthit answered it. " hello? Who's this? " he asked. " ah!, there you are." the voice of a middle aged man from the other end said. Arthit frowned and confused. He lifted his face and saw the black Mercedes Benz in front of the dorm, a man wearing a gray suit standing and waving at him beside the car, he had a kind smile...

... But it was slightly visible the resemblance of him and park, his friends. Arthit couldn't see inside the or who was the passenger of it for that matter because the car's windows was tinted. Arthit had a confused look in his face, he looked at his phone then to the middle aged man.

Nathan smiled as he beckoned at arthit, the younger confusedly went over him, he questioned." who are you? Why do you have my number." he sounded alarm. Nathan touched his chin, thinking. Should i say his boyfriend's father had me investigate him?

" mister!" arthit called out to him, scanning him up and down. Nathan smiled sheepishly." I'm mr. Suthiluck's  secretary.... " arthit's eyes widen, he then recalled what park told him about his father " my father is forth and kongpob's father's secretary, if you even meet him don't trust my old man easily... " park warned him out of the blue after the anniversary party.

Arthit asked then." why? Is it really alright for you to talk like that about your own father?" it was really weird for arthit then, how bad their relationship for park to talk like that about his father, right?

Park then, looked at him mysteriously and answered." well, my father always has a kind smile even his demeanor seem very gentle... The affection type... But even he do or will be doing something  wrong or cruel he still has that kind of aura and expression, he's really good in deception, even me, i couldn't figure out when he's angry or truly smiling, that's why don't easily trust him when you see each other in the future."

Now, arthit finally understood what park meant then... His father really has a kind and gentle feel to him, however, arthit knew very well his intention into coming there to him." mr. Suthiluck would like to talk to you." when arthit heard this he instantly became nervous, he thought he was already ready for this, he knew it will come sooner or later.

... This day, that he had to face kongpob's father... He took a deep breath and looked at Nathan's eyes with resolution." ok, where is he? "

Nathan was surprised at the resolution and courage arthit was showing even though his nervousness  also didn't passed his observing eyes...

Ohh, this kid got guts, it'll be fun to watch! Pity i wouldn't be able to. Nathan gestured this hand to the car while still smiling and looking at arthit " inside."

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