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Forth wave to his parents before started  taking step towards his parents, beam and the others were with him while kongpob stayed rooted to the ground. Arthit frowned and saw that kongpob's face wasn't good he asked." bub, what's wrong? "

Kongpob flinched at arthit's touched and noticed that the others already gone ahead." huh?... Uh... Nothing let's go." arthit nodded even though he was still worried about kongpob.

When they arrived where the others are kongpob and arthit wai-ed and greeted the couple and hand over their gifts. Mrs. suthiluck looked at the vampires companions of their sons with amusement. She hadn't met this children and she had to admit she was taken by their looks specially the little guy next to kongpob... Arthit she find him adorable.

Meanwhile, the girl kept her eyes on kongpob, internally whimpering.

On the other hand. Wayo's father had a disdainful look while he looked at them scrutinizingly. Kit groaned inwardly as he thought that they aren't welcome there.

" who are they? I haven't seen them before." Mrs. Suthiluck asked referring to arthit and the other vampires, her tone and face was serious that it honestly made them nervous. " oh, right they are, beam, kit and phana... Kongpob's friends since highschool and this is arthit my friend." forth introduced them.

Beam gave forth a looked saying ' your mom is scary! '
Forth chuckles, shakes his head lightly. ' she actually likes you guys '

Kongpob had been unusual quiet that it began to bother arthit... He felt like something was wrong with kongpob but kongpob didn't seem to want him to know.... Kongpob was internally suffering, he was having an internal battle with his aLpha that wanted to took over his body. His giving his everything so that he won't lose control.

" right, kongpob and forth this is mr. Ayala my new business partner and his —" when kongpob heard this kongpob's mind snapped he quickly interrupted his father." por!!! Uh... Could.. I'll go upstairs first, i don't feel good " the girl face became flushed just from hearing kongpob's dominating voice.

Forth and mrs. Suthiluck glanced at him, surprise. Kongpob never the one who would interrupt his father when his talking they both knew their father hated it because it looks rude.

Mr. Suthiluck gave him a bland looked and said." go ahead." forth laugh awkwardly." agoy... That's right you told me earlier that you have a headache, come on let's head upstairs." he was sweating bullets. Glanced at his mother asking for help. " omo... Why didn't you told me son, do you have a fever?." she touched kongpob's forehead." you really do, go.. Go and rest I'll asked the maid to bring foods for you guys."

Mrs. Suthiluck wink at them, forth dragged kongpob away towing the others behind him.


" you okay bub? " arthit asked worriedly. " why don't you sleep first? " kongpob smile weakly, he still looks pale and disturbed. " I'm fine... " they are in kongpob's room while the others are with forth in the so called entertainment room. The maid brought them foods and some red wine and champagne.

" i don't want to sleep though."
" why? You seem really unwell right now."

" .... " kongpob didn't said anything as he thought. Because this bastard kept wanting to overtake me!

" kongpob don't be unfair, I've let you do whatever you want but you can't do this! I've finally met my mate! And you're obstructing it! " inue growled angrily.

" i said you can't! Arthit is here, don't want him to worry! "

" ha! Are you an idiot?! You know you can't stay with him anymore, our mate has already appeared and i can't allow you to be with him! "

" i won't allow that, i want to stay with him... He's the one i love and not someone my instincts told me to. He's the only one in my heart! "

" really?! Then why don't you tell him the truth, that you already found your mate! "


" do you think kongpob is alright? " ming asked forth, they are drinking while the others are playing games. Forth shrugged he honestly didn't knew what going on with his twin. " even if he's okay now, maybe not tomorrow. You know how strict the high alpha when it comes to his son." bright chime in.

Making beam, kit and phana blinked." what?! They're father is the high alpha in your clan?! " Lam sneered. " yeah, you guys didn't knew? " kit rolled his eyes." well... No one told us."

They are still talking about mr. Suthiluck and when wayo went up to forth, he and his friends was playing a video game before. He tapped forth's should and said." P'forth i have something to tell you." forth raised his eyebrow before looking at beam asking for permission, yo smile." P'beam can i borrow P'forth for a sec?."

"..." beam didn't answered for a while before nodding his head." sure. But no hugging." he warned half joking. The two went of the veranda and there wayo told forth what he had heard from the old men downstairs. Rubbing his chin, forth nodded his head in understanding. " so that's why... " forth mumbled mysteriously.


Next day.

The planned of the twins to introduce their lovers to their parents didn't gone as planned... Knowing the mood of his father, forth decided to postponed it first. Meanwhile kongpob wasn't in the mood and condition to do so. The twins stayed the night in there while the others went home.

Kongpob lent his car to arthit where, prem, bright, lam and park rode. They're on the same way meanwhile, beam rode with ming, kit and phana.

After lunch kongpob went to his father's study, he was ready to receive his scolding, he knew he was rude last night and it was such an important day to his parents. He was really guilty. That's why he hadn't really sleep well, his eyes had around of dark circles, he looked really tired.

When his father saw him, he didn't had the heart to be harsh and reprimand his son for his action last night, he knew that forth and wife just covered for him last night." do you need something?" sighing, he asked, staring at kongpob's eyes. Kongpob nodded." I'm sorry about my manners last night."

" mmm... It's fine, if you're unwell." there was an awkward silence between them. His father took his glasses off." is there anything else? Sit down if there is. " kongpob hesitated before sitting down." por... Uhm..." he kept looking for the right words to say." yes? "

" uh... Is there a way to stop your attraction for your mate." his voice kept going down. It was as if he was just talking to his self. His father halt and face him." why are you asking this? "

" ... I... I'm already dating someone."

" hmm... It's fine, but just until you find your mate."

" but por, i really love that person, his the one i want to share my life with. Is there really no way? "

" sigh... Who? Was it the vampire with you last night? Why should it be a vampire " he shook his head. " You should already knew, you can't have a serious relationship before you meet your mate or it will just hurt you both especially for your lover... And... If...  If there is a way, you already knew it right?. That's the only way you could be with other person beside your mate."

Kongpob was silent. Was it really the only way? Does my mate really have to die first for me to freely be with arthit?

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