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Kongpob's dream.

Singto's face brighten as he looked at the people who'd trespass their so called home." mae! " he uttered in disbelief. The people around him watched him in confusion as singto ran towards the strangers.

Sensing the past movements towards them, Off warn his companions." someone finally here to welcome us." hearing this, the others form a circle as he put singto's mother in the middle of the circle they're like a protective barrier, posing in a fighting stance.

Singto didn't hesitated to jump into his friends with open arms, they are about to strike when singto's mom shout in pleasant surprised." singto! My son." kimmon, Godt, Off and Gunsmile withheld their punched hanging their fist in the air as they looked at singto, bemused." shit singto! Next time don't just jump in us, we thought you're an enemy!" the four complained.

While singto didn't gave them his attention and just clung onto his mother after he pushed aside his friends who had been guarding his mom.

After the emotional reunion of mother and son, singto asked his friends of how are things in their own clan before they've left while the people who was with singto finally felt relieved as they watched singto's interaction with the intruders, realizing that those people was someone their leader knew of.

As they made their way towards singto's hut, the group of friends kept chitchatting and catching up with each other as if they hadn't seen each other for a very, very long time. Maybe that's correct after all they all grown up with each other in their side so, this was the first time that one of them been apart from the others.


" woah, this place is pretty good." Gunsmile amazed as singto tour them around the mountain while singto's mom was left behind in singto's house  because she instantly took a liking to the little Liam the moment she saw Liam's big dark eyes.

" yeah, this place is really good, not that far nor near in the human's civilization." kimmon commented as he scan the surrounding." but, i can't believe that you agreed taking those people in??!." Godt interjected amused seeing how the resident of this mountain gave respect for their friend.

" that's right! Who would have thought the singto, who can't stay put in one place would take on a burdensome duty."

" my word man, and not only does he took up the role of a leader... He even adapted a kid, haha i wonder what krist reaction will be when he found out that you've got a son now."

Singto gave them a dirty look as he huffed." hump! It's not like i could just  leave them and let them die and just watched, right! And I'm sure krist would understand and will accept Liam, probably..." he said the last part in a whispering manner. Honestly he was not sure however, he liked to think that krist would be okay with it, it's not like they could have child together so, isn't having Liam a blessing?

kimmon laughed as he listened to his best friend." haha, you really grown up... I guess it was for the best when you left the clan all alone." he smiled as he continued." before, even though you cared for people but you wouldn't listen even we told you not to do anything that's dangerous and just do what you want, free like air always drifting around without a care for consequences but now, you know how to be a responsible person. I'm proud of you best."

" inghhh... Kim are you singto's dad or something? How cringey you are saying something like  I'm proud of you like a dad saying it to his son who learned how to write." Off said as he rub his arms feeling goosebumps all over it while Godt and Gunsmile just laughed.


While having dinner kimmon and Godt asked singto's future plans for his newly founded clan. They can't just stay there and relax all of them knew that, sooner or later trouble will come knocking on their door, so, they needed to be ready for that.

Singto gazed at the innocent child, stuffing his face with food across him. He already thought about what his friends' concerned and he didn't want to see other child becoming an orphan just because they're different, so, he asked his friends a favor." now that you guys are here, i think i don't need to worry about teaching them how to effectively and efficiently, so could you guys help me train them? As you all saw before mostly of them are just normal ones."

Even though they're group had many men and some knew how to fight but they are still just normal werewolves, even though it's in their nature to fight they still had the so called rankings in terms of strength and normal ones are still far more weaker than those who're in the higher ranks like alphas even betas are weak compared to alphas what's more normal ones.

So, singto think that it was better if they could learn fighting techniques so that their chances of surviving in a fight could go up and knowing his friends strength in fighting he knew they could help big time. Even though Off and Gunsmile are just betas however,

they're more good than some of alphas if they're just talking about fighting efficiently and the one who thought them was kimmon even singto learn fighting techniques from his best friend whom father was the best master in fighting.



Krist wander around their mansion, he was looking for his brothers it's been awhile since the last time he saw the two of them. Before it was only Harvey who was hard to find but now he can't find his older brother sam too which was pretty unusual for krist.

sam never left for too long and even if he will really leave for quite a long time he would always told it to him or left a message for him however, it's been a few months and sam was still nowhere to find even new, his trusted men still hadn't heard of him.

That's why krist has started to worry, he had been too busy looking for his lover before to notice his brothers absence, and Harvey wasn't even there for him to asked, he really had a bad feeling about it. He didn't want to suspect Harvey but even so, he kept feeling that something happened between Harvey and Sam.

And his brothers was not his only concern because of the absence of the two core of their clan many of their people are already running rampant! When they are feeding they're not even trying to hide anymore, and the humans was already becoming alarm because of the dried up corpse some found.

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