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Even so, they didn't had the chance to go along with their plans as the elders are still clearly suspicious against them that they even have men secretly follow them which the four undoubtedly noticed right away.

Sensing the pairs of eyes that's watching them, the four young men concluded that they can't leave for the time being. They've had a silent agreement to postpone their plans before parting ways.

They waited for a few more days before approaching singto's mother again to explain her son's real situation to her before they tried to convince her to leave the tribe with them and find their friend that they haven't seen for quite awhile now when she finally got convinced they then executed their escapes plan.

In the middle of the night the four youngsters and singto's mother sneakily and carefully left their turf after much preparation such as covering their scent making sure they wouldn't found out easily, they tread that forest with utmost care as not to leave any obvious trace.

After coming far away from their territory at the border of the human territory to be exact the youngsters change their clothes in to black hooded cloak and gave the extra cloak to their friend's mother which she changed into before the four young men (kimmon, off, Gunsmile, godt) looked back at the direction of their far away home with conflicted glint in their eyes as they all sigh in the same time before they exchanged gazes knowingly with one another as they nodded their heads in agreement.

They all turned their backs once again and face the old woman with anxiety paint in her face as they put their hands in her shoulders in attempt in assuring the anxious woman. " let's go and find our naughty brother! " Off announced with hint of excitement for  the new adventure their about to experience and a bit of joke in it. The other three chuckles as they playfully hits him while singto's mother finally managed to give a small smile to the boys." yeah let's go! "


Singto has finally mixed in with humans now, after traveling around in every village in the human territory singto finally found a place he could settle in a place with people don't know a thing about him or his origin, a place far away from his own people. Singto tried his best to mingle with humans but unlike before he now knows how to put a safe distance with him and the humans he could encounter in his ever day life, he built his own wall to protect his secret. It's been a long time since he has last seen his lover which never left his mind even for a second.

But he didn't have any means to reach out for that lover how he wish that he could see him whenever he likes however that's quite not possible in his current position.

Meanwhile on krist side, the same could be said in his situation he has been paranoid about not seeing his lover or his lover's friends for that matter especially how's there was no words on either side since the last time they've met. It made him worried shitless to the point where he would bother copper to accompany him to search for the others or he would complain and talked about his worries nonstop to his best friend which annoyed copper with no end.

It's not that cooper isn't worried about them or anything it's just that, what's the use of whining and it's not like they can just walk in the werewolves territory recklessly just like what krist wanted specially in this kind of atmosphere the two species going on around them which they both perfectly know and the tension that's been going on inside their clan, that's what real annoyed him because even if his worried for a certain someone he can't do much but just sniff around here and there for any kind of information and blindly search with his best friend krist.

By now the vampire clan are beginning to part in to two factions, one is that Sam's and his loyal subordinates and one is harvey and his followers which was putting krist in a very difficult position he felt like he's being trapped in to two large rock and at a slight movements from him will break the family he treasure the most.

he's afraid that when he left for a long time to really look for singto that when the time he came back his so called family would be already collapsed and gone, that's why he chose to stay knowing full well that he is the only one stopping Harvey and sam from taking each other's life.

This situation only made krist felt more helpless, he wants to see his lover, he missed him so much that's it's driving him to insanity however, he just can't leave his two brothers who're becoming more hostile with each passing day specially Harvey whom become more bolder in his opposition on how sam handle and lead their clan.

How krist regretted telling sam about Harvey's deeds in the human territory but... If he didn't... Singto may suffer the consequences... It's breaking his heart, why? Why did they have to be born from different species? Why Harvey has to make things difficult for the werewolves? Why can't he and singto be just together like what the two of them wish to?

He just wants to be together with the one he loves but why things have to be complicated? Even now he still didn't know if singto's safe or not...

A few days later.

Kimmon, Gunsmile, Godt and Off along with singto's was still staying in the village near to their turf where they're usually went out before gathering information on singto's whereabouts whereas krist and copper where at right now doing the same thing as the other four it's their third round being here and trying to gather information.

They still didn't found any clue but what can the two do their Search Area  was limited the two went to a pub where many people gathered to drink and to relax while some are just here with the same purpose as them. This place was rowdy and lively you could hear everyone talking some are loud and boosting voice while some talk in a very secretive way. This place was a perfect place to gather information to every day gossip, to serious matter such as wars in the human territory.

You could hear and get it all in this place and it just so happened that the other four also have an idea about this place that's why they've been coming in here every single night in hopes to find something related to their friend.

What they didn't expect was to encounter some familiar person and the moment they've step in the pub their noses was hit with familiar scent   as their eyes followed the directions of those scent and finally landing on the two boys that are seated in one corner of the pub seems like not wanting to attract to much attention.
However those two was still standing out with the aura they emit and so was their outstanding looks.

" what are the two of them doing here? Standing out like a sore thumbs? " Off criticize as he looked at the two sore thumbs clearly they're out of the place. thinking, godt whispered a question to kimmon." should we go over to them or not? "

However, kimmon didn't seem to heard him as his eyes just fixated to the drawf next to their friend's lover.
How long we didn't saw each other? He became more cute and attractive now kimmon said in his head as he mentally droll over the beauty of the drawf.

Noticing the daze and dreamy eyes of kimmon Gunsmile let out a big grin in his face." ayo! Someone is starstruck seeing the apple of his eyes for the first time again" he chimes teasingly as he chain his arm onto kimmon's neck pulling the other from his day dreaming as Gunsmile joyously declared." whatever, let's go and sit wit your little vampy... Come on."

He dragged kimmon in the direction of copper and krist making quite a ruckus as they did catching the attention of everyone in the bar especially krist and copper who instantly recognized the voice of the rowdy party. They abruptly stand up and shouted in resonance." you guys?!! "

" hey! Stop it let me go gun! " kimmon struggle while Godt shakes his head, hand in his forehead thinking " so much for staying low key now we're standing out like a sore thumbs too! Why do i have idiots for  friends?! " as for Off he's just enjoying the show as he laughs at kimmon's expression.


Should i continue the story with the past or go back with the present first ?

Hate And Love [ Kongpob | Arthit ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora