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While the two young men was unwillingly walking towards the restaurant, many thoughts were running through their heads specially  forth. He knew full well that what his father trying to do to his brother will eventually happen to him too if he ended up meeting his mate just like kongpob.

And it will be seriously troublesome by then if it really happened, how he wished that his mate would never appeared in this lifetime, not now nor in the future...

Meanwhile, Nathan just watched the two from behind with amazement but the two seemed to had not anymore intention to flee. Well, it was not like they could evade their father even they could avoided it now.


" ohh, you guys are finally here." mr. Suthiluck said when he saw his two sons, glanced at kongpob then watched the reaction of maxine... the girl across the table." sit down, i also invited mr. Ayala and his daughter." and his eyes flicker with accomplishment... He was right, this girl really was his son mate that's why kongpob was acting that way.

Mr. Suthiluck saw how Maxine expression became flustered and how she seemed to suppress a whimper, her body twitched slightly when kongpob and forth came to their table. Kongpob looked at his father with irritation and disdain, so was forth. The two looked very upset, forth also felt uncomfortable to his father's setting.

Really, bad... Does he really had to tortured his own son, he already knew kongpob wasn't willing to acknowledge this mate of his but he had to let them meet again just to make sure of his assumption. Forth shook his head inwardly as both of their hearts said." hateful "

Mr. Suthiluck looked up his two sons, still standing still, he raised an eyebrow seeing the look they're giving him. Dare to glared at your own father?! Are you two still my sons!!

Noticing the tensed atmosphere between the father and sons, Nathan finally sighed and intervene. Mr. Ayala was still seemed to be oblivious about everything, he just smile at the two boys not even noticing how his daughter seemed to be suffering from something, she was being fidgety.

Honestly, mr. Suthiluck and Nathan didn't know if this person was really just simple and oblivious or just pretending to be naive." come on, you two just sit down for now." he whispered to the two. Kongpob and forth threw him a fierce glared. Nathan was crying and laughing inside. Like father and sons, really!!

" ahem. " mr. Suthiluck cleared his throat the two changed their attention to him, he gave them a warning eyes, suppressing them by his aura. Sit down! The two struggled and unwillingly sat down. Are we really your sons?! The two questions in their hearts, still has indescribable expression.

" phi... " Maxine whispered at her side when kongpob sat down beside her. Kongpob hand twitched upon hearing the girl's gentle and shy voice. Kongpob struggled keeping his composure and control as the intoxicating scent assaulted his nasal more in close proximity. He just sat there clutching his pants, his knuckles whitening as he did so.

He concentrate all his focus on his hand. Forth looked at him with pity, this was really a tortured for kongpob.
Mr. Ayala noticed that kongpob wasn't eating, he asked." khun kongpob why aren't you eating, don't you like the food?." kongpob shake his head with difficulty. Forth raised his eyebrow." he has upset stomach."

His father threw him a cold gaze forth just shrugged it off." ohh, you aren't feeling well? " mr. Ayala felt guilty " yeah. " forth once again answer in kongpob's stead. " ohh " mr. Ayala felt ashamed and didn't know what to say again. Their father mr. Suthiluck clicked his teeth and made a mental note. I really shouldn't have made forth to come along, this kid is really a black sheep!

" I'll go to the bathroom first, excuse me." kongpob said in the mid of the awkward atmosphere. He stood up and went to the bathroom, avoiding the pair of eyes that had been staring lovingly at him. It really felt uncomfortable, he finally had a sighed of relief when he reach the bathroom.

He washed his hands then splashed water on his white face. He looked like in so much pain by the look of bullet sweats running in his face. After washing his face, he looked at his reflection in the mirror, hands in the sink supporting his weight. He muttered." can you calm the fuck down! "

" heh, " Inue sneered." then can you just let me out so i can meet our mate." he retorted, emphasising the word our mate." nope." kongpob shook his head." i don't want to be unfaithful to arthit." he looked crazy by the way, talking himself all alone in the bathroom.

" ha! You don't want to be unfaithful to arthit but it's okay to be unfaithful to our mate is that it? And it's okay for you to betray me like this!! " for the first time Inue could understand why the alpha of singto betrayed him... Having your master fall in love with someone who aren't their mate was really a trouble. Now they kept arguing and this stupid master was so stubborn.

"..." Kongpob didn't answered, tidied up himself and walked out of the bathroom door, his eyes widen seeing the girl in front of the bathroom door. What is she doing here in front of the male's bathroom door? Isn't she ashamed standing there?.

" phi... " kongpob really felt cringing hearing this, there was a mix emotions." why are you here? " kongpob asked. The girl perked up smiled, eyes glinting." waiting for you." kongpob groaned inwardly, he honestly thought this Maxine girl was a shy and innocent type, guess he was wrong.

" why? "

" I've something i want to asked you. "

" hm? What is it? "

" you're my mate right?! " kongpob stunned." so does that mean, you're mine now? " kongpob soon recovered and gave her a blank look." don't ever bring it up! " he didn't notice since his aura got out making the petite girl whimper and struggle to breathe." p.. Phi.. " kongpob gasped seeing the girl became suffocated, he quickly calm down.

The girl gasping for air, stumbled and almost fell down, her legs giving out. Kongpob felt a sense of guilt, hurriedly caught the girl and asked worriedly." are, are you okay? I'm sorry about that..." Maxine still panting." ha... Ha... I'm.. Fine." she smiled. Kongpob really didn't know what to feel about this situation or to this girl in particular.

He knew it wasn't Maxine fault that they're mate of each other but... He just really wished she hadn't appeared at all maybe he wouldn't had this dilemma right now. He honestly felt complicated whenever he was around this girl.


Forth kept tapping on his thigh as he sometimes glimpse at his clock. It's been awhile since kongpob went on the bathroom, he wouldn't just leave me here right? He worried. He stood up and excuse himself, he decided to check on his brother, he also noticed that the girl Maxine hadn't gone back.

When he turned to the hall towards the bathroom, he saw kongpob holding the girl in his arms. His lips curled up, crossing his arms and got closer to the two, he chimes." what's this situation about?." his eyebrow has a mischievous feel in it.

Kongpob surprise, instinctively let go of the girl who he was just supporting. Because her legs still felt Jelly, Maxine fell on his butt." ow!! " she winced. Forth hid his laughed. Kongpob looked at forth confused while looking at maxine apologetically. " P'forth."

Forth tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrow, eyes on the girl on the floor. He slightly brushed his nose. " what? Is she on heat? " he didn't even bother to filter his words. Kongpob almost choke on his own saliva, eyes widen." don't joke  around forth! "

" I'm not though, look..." forth shrugged as he pointed on Maxine who was still on the floor, seemed to be suffering." she can't get up, curling her body, look flustered, breathing hard, her smell... And looked at yourself, seemed you're reacting to her." forth calmly analyze to his brother that's been flustered looking since he arrived.

Kongpob stunned, jaw almost dropped." what should i do?! "

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