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After the send off party that the first year engineerings held for their hazing seniors, the engineering students are now busy doing their closing project while some were doing so because they didn't had enough score to make the cut.

Meanwhile, it was the Same with the students of the medical faculty. And kongpob somewhat honestly felt relieved that he had many things to do in the past few days, he didn't had a time to think of his problem and didn't had to intentionally avoided arthit.

In all honesty, kongpob didn't knew how to face arthit since then, he didn't wanted to ended up lying to his arthit because he still wasn't ready to tell arthit about his mate, he felt that if he'd lied to arthit it will only complicated their relationship more and he didn't wanted it to came to that.

Because if his friends could tell that there's something bothering him he was sure that arthit would be able to sense it to, arthit is not dense he could always tell whenever something was bothering kongpob.

the only down side of both of them being busy was he was really missing his boyfriend... They would just called and texted each other since both of them are quite busy, because unlike the genius Phana, he, kit and beam  really need to work hard on their thesis and other projects and have no leisure to had a date unlike him who even teaching nong wayo and his friends for their entrance exams.

In the afternoon, while they were having lunch in the food court kongpob receive a text message from his father. He frowned while reading it. It said." let's have dinner tonight, bring your brother too if his able." in the end of the text was the address of the restaurant. It was the first time his father asked them to have dinner since they moved in to the dorm.

It was always their mother who'd often invited them to meet up or eat outside, so he somewhat felt bewildered. What's the occasion for his father to asked him out himself?

He shrugged then texted forth saying."  por asked us to have dinner later, I'll drop by your dorm later phi."


In one of the tall buildings in Bangkok  there was a man reading a specific document in his clean and neat office... The ceo office. It was Simply elegant looking just like the man who wore a gray suit. He looked up at the man infront him with a ridiculous looked." hey you're joking with me right?!"

The man in front of him, flattened his mouth and shook his head while crossing his arms." no." mr. Suthiluck frowned and looked down to the piece of paper in his hand then up to the man in front of him... Nathan, park's father and his trusted secretary. He scoffed." then, you're really telling me that all you could find to that kid is this piece of paper?.

Nathan sighed softly and nodded his head." yes, what's written there was all we could find about him, as you can see other than him almost living abroad before he came back here last year and that he came from a vampire clan in the north of changmai there's nothing we could dig up.... His parents  or why he came and go from country to country, i don't know ." he stopped and looked at mr. Suthiluck." as you know a family of vampire is complicated but what really caught my attention was that we couldn't find anything even from his childhood, this kids past is blank... All we could find was all the things about him when he started studying at the University."

Mr. Suthiluck sighed and thought to himself. Who knows this kid has a complicated background. Tsk...

Nathan saw that mr. Suthiluck was thinking something but there was something he was curious about, mr. Suthiluck wouldn't asked him to investigate that kid without a reason even if that kid was going out with his son so, he figured there was other reason for it that's what, what he wanted to know." by the way.... sir, you didn't asked me to check on that kid just because kongpob was dating him right?."

Mr. Suthiluck turned his attention to him, raising an eyebrow, smirking." really know me well... Well, it's because kongpob was acting strange after the party. You know those two son of mine doesn't believe in so called fate, meeting their mates, right? "
Nathan hummed, nodding his head slightly while touching his chin, thinking." yeah. So? " mr. Suthiluck went on and told Nathan what he and kongpob had talked about. Nodding in understanding, nathan sum up mr. Suthiluck words." so,  you're suspecting that kongpob had already met his mate but was suppressing and fighting his alpha's desire? Well.... Is that why you had me arrange a dinner tonight with mr. Ayala and her daughter."

Mr. Suthiluck mysteriously smile while Nathan shook his head while seeing this. What a sadistic father, he knows his son wouldn't like it but he still do it.


That evening.

After forth got kongpob, they went directly to the venue that their father gave them. The two mentally facepalm seeing the luxurious hotel in front of them, there was a famous restaurant inside that hotel that was placed in first floor. The two never liked this kinda place since they were children, in actuality their parents never indulged them in luxury, that's why this two never liked flaunting and bragging about their family wealth,

however as the business of their father got to what it was now.
They can't helped to be in places like this specially their father when he needed to have a meeting for his business. But this two humble soul still can't get used to it.

Kongpob and forth just entered the entrance when kongpob's body tense up, he froze as a certain intoxicating scent rubbing his nostrils. Why is she...

Forth saw how kongpob suddenly stop walking, his face showing a desperate and unpleasant expression. He raised an eyebrow and asked." something matter?." kongpob wanted to cry." is por playing with me? Does he already suspected something?." he whined.

Forth didn't get it at first then think about his brother's words." is she here? Your mate that is... " kongpob nodded. Forth didn't know if he gonna laugh or cry, his brother looked pitiful  then." wanna turned around and ditch dad?." kongpob nodded again without second thought, he didn't wanted to confirm any hunched of his father. It'll be difficult if it happened...

The moment the two turned around and about to stoop outside the entrance they were blocked by a man in his forties but still look dignified. " uncle nathan?! " they gasped.

The man smiled and pushed up his glasses." nong kongpob and nong forth, your father have been waiting for you two, shall we go in." kongpob and forth looked at each then to the man in front of them. The old man is really prepared, had me accompany kongpob so he wouldn't suspect anything and had uncle Nathan to ambush us in case we wanted to escape. Forth thought. As he placed his arm around kongpob's shoulders.

" oh, sure... We're about to." kongpob glared at him, he shrugged and gave him a looked saying ' sorry bro, your father is really prepared this time.'


Pardon this late update, has many school things to do🙏🙏 I'll try to update again tomorrow if i got to finish writing the next chapter today.

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