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By the time arthit came back from the canteen kongpob was already awake, sitting on the bed in a half dazed state and foolishly grinding at him when the other's saw him.

Arthit had just a small smile as he looked back at his silly lover then he sighed deeply as he recalled his and kongpob's father's conversation a little while ago.


Arthit followed Nathan to the backseat, swallowing his saliva in every step he made, Nathan opened the door and gestured to arthit to come in, arthit glanced at him before bowing his head down, got in inside the car and greeted the elder with a wai who had just nodded back at him. He still had his stern look but not threatening, he didn't show any dissatisfaction but still very intimidating at arthit's eyes.

His really a high alpha for a reason...

After Nathan closed the car door he went on the front of car where he was originally standing before and waited there.

Inside the car was a long Suffocating silence...

After a long while of silence that felt eternity for arthit mr. Suthiluck finally decided to broke the ice and opened his mouth." is kongpob here? " mr. Suthiluck asked in a toneless voice.

Arthit who was spacing out jolted hearing this, he slightly face toward his elder and answered hesitantly." y...  Yes... " mr. Suthiluck sighed softly almost wanting to face palmed. He already guessed as much based on his other son's words even so, he still hoped that kongpob wasn't there...

He coughed and strengthen his back before talking again after not talking for quite some time. Meanwhile arthit  was already sweating in nervousness, his fingers fiddling with each other until the cold voice of mr. Suthiluck caught his attention once again." I'll cut the chase... " arthit gave his attention attentively.

" break up with kongpob, the sooner the better." arthit internally groaned, he thought as much and already prepared himself... Yet it still stung him quite a bit. Clenching his hand into a tight fist, arthit tried his best not to show how angry he felt and hurt he was.

" why? is it because I'm a vampire?." he responded in a tepid tone.

" hmm..." mr. Suthiluck think a bit, in all honesty he didn't knew if he would still be meddling on his son's relationship if arthit wasn't a vampire... Maybe he wouldn't, he really didn't like to and didn't want to be the bad guy. Yet he had no other choice, it wouldn't be good if his own father, kongpob's and forth's grandfather will be the one to meddle in.

He'd like to avoid it as much as he can because unlike him his father had totally no tolerance towards vampires, he hates them with passion,  as for the reason... From what he had heard it had something to do to his parents being killed, something he could sympathize. He sighed." yes."

" then..." arthit face him and looked the elder in his eyes." I'm sorry, if this sounds quite rude but... I have to decline your proposal, i can't break up  with him, i don't want to... I've finally found him after searching the entire globe." he paused, took a deep breath before continuing." if we will break up, it'll be our own decisions and not from yours, but if you really want to separate us maybe it'll be better to convince kongpob than me because i wouldn't leave him until he, himself said that he doesn't want anymore."

After saying his piece arthit bow his head and wai-ed to mr. Suthiluck who seemed as if he had been greatly shocked, however, when he heard the cLicked sound that the car door made,  immediately composed his self and said to the leaving arthit." are you sure? You wouldn't leave him even if he meet his mate? You should know our kins tradition."

Arthit step instantly, a flashed of last night event briefly flashed on his mind. He forced himself to full off a smirked and face the old man again." yes... As i said, as long as kongpob wants me by his side i wouldn't leave him, only us who could decide for our relationship and nobody else ..." he paused." and if i remember correctly kongpob and even forth doesn't believe in your kins so called mate, right?... Well, then mr. Suthiluck i would take my leave."

Arthit got off the car entirely and walked, he passed by Nathan and nodded at the elderly, Nathan with a grinned said as arthit walking ahead." i hope we'll meet again khun arthit." arthit almost rolled his eyes, he blinked it away as he muttered under his breath." i certainly hope we won't meet each other again, especially if the circumstances are like this."


Arthit came back to earth by the sudden weight that pounded on his shoulder and arms that snake its way to his waist, tightly hugging him as the person, he didn't knew when had come to him kept sighing sadly. " what's wrong?." arthit asked while gently caressing the other's head.

" ... " kongpob didn't answered and just tightened his grip on arthit. " bad dream again?." arthit guessed. " wanna share?."

Nodding slightly, kongpob hummed." mmm... " he paused, " it's sad though, sure you wanna hear?."

" shoot."

" uhhh... Singto cheated on krist but it's not entirely his fault his alpha set him up into doing it then krist saw him in the act with a woman in bed... Then, feeling betrayed krist wanted to broke up with him... " the more kongpob said the more his voice became small that if arthit hadn't had extra ordinary hearing he wouldn't understand the last part.

What an appropriate topic, he just had to have a dream like that right now....  Haist!! Arthit thought to himself, not wanting to go deeper onto that topic. He said, changing the subject." wash up first so we could have lunch, it's already late. Arthit didn't want his mood to be affected by this dream, specially right now. He wasn't in his greatest mood at all.

Not giving much thought by the sudden change of subject kongpob nodded his head and smiled played itself, smelling the aromatic dish inside a plastic. He hurried in the counter where the plastic had been placed and excitedly examined it. " wow! Is this from the same steak house we've been to?." arthit nodded.

Kongpob really like the steak there even though they've only been there twice, it was a place recommend by ming. He likes the tenderness and juiciness of the steak at that shop specially the ingredients that it seasoned with.

After enjoying the smell and salivating to it, kongpob dashed inside the bathroom leaving arthit who was shaking his head. Sometimes he's really like a child. He smiled and prepared their food by putting it on the plate.

Then go into his cabinet and got clothes that kongpob left in his room for change clothes... Actually, almost one section of his cabinet had kongpob clothes on meanwhile, the same could be said in kongpob's closet, after taking an outfit, he then made his way to the bathroom, knocked on the door first before entering. It became habit of Kongpob to not locked the door whenever his showering in arthit's room.

Kongpob thank him as he put the clothes on the marble next to the sink.


" would you wipe out that grinned of yours! You're annoying! " mr. Suthiluck scolded. At this moment, Mr. Nathan and Mr. Suthiluck was already on the CEO office. Nathan shrugged still with grinned." but, it was amazing how, he bravely while being indirect told you to back off and mind your own business."

Mr. Suthiluck fumed." you think this is funny! You know very well father's temper, he'll be in rage as he heard that his grandson was having an affair with a vampire. " nodding his head while touching his chin, Nathan thought of something." speaking of your father... He seems to be coming back soon. " he said unhurried.

Mr. Suthiluck eyes widen, as he shakily pointed at Nathan. " you!... You! Why haven't you said earlier! When? When will he come!?! "

Nathan blinked, scratched his head." i forgot... Hehe.. " he act innocently. " he'll be here in a month, as i was told by his secretary.  Mr. Suthiluck groaned in frustration meanwhile, Nathan was having fun watching him in Delima.


I know it's late,,, 😂😂😂😂
Had no internet at the past few days sorry 😐😐😐

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