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Singto went down the mountain, he was going to buy some necessities for their little community with some of his men and their harvest in the mountain that their going to trade in the market. He also brought the letter that he wrote for krist to send it to their secret place.

Kimmon told him that he had told krist to went there sometimes so, they could write a letter with each other, he was excited finally they could had communication again, he hoped krist the letter could reach Krist hands faster. After he had dropped off the letter to the mailbox he and his men disperses and went their own way, trading their goods.

After singto done with his and brought things he needed to buy, he went to a house that a little farther to the other house in the village, he was visiting a little friend, a young vampire that he met before... Phun.

No one knew that he has contact with a vampire so, whenever he would visited phun it was always in secrecy, he met the young vampire near the water fall, phun had just been turned into a vampire that time so, he attacked singto but even so, instead of  attacking back. After singto subdued the young vampire he would come and visit him after that night.

He felt pity for the young phun, he watched the young vampire to fight his urged for blood, fight to kept his sanity. He thought that the person who turned phun into a vampire was very irresponsible. Because he just left phun without overseeing the younger's transformation.

Singto knocked on the door. * knock. Knock. * the door swung open, revealing a tall and handsome with a pale skin just like how krist was that seem to be a little older than him.

Singto crinkle his forehead in confusion while the man just look at him blankly." who are you?." the man asked in a chilling voice." er..." singto hesitated as he looked at the other with a suspicious eyes.

" harvey, who's on the door? " a voice from behind of the man interjected in the awkward atmosphere between the two. The boy peek outside and saw his frequent visitor." P'singto?!."

Singto smile seeing the stoic, same poker face from the boy." phun, how are you?." phun Stole a glance at harvey before answering." ehm, I'm fine, come in phi." the boy invited singto after not getting any rejection from harvey.

Harvey moved out of the way so, their so called visitor could came in, singto's eyes followed the broad back of the man as he think, who the hell was this man? Why was he here with little phun? He wasn't threatening him right?!

Harvey turned around and face him." are you the one who helped phun when he was going through his mutation?." it was just the two of them, phun went to the small kitchen to prepare some tea and more than that he knew Harvey would want to talked with singto.

Singto was so lost in thought that he didn't even heard Harvey, he just had a thinking looked. Irritated, Harvey cleared his throat, loudly!.

Singto almost jumped as his mind came back in reality, he saw the man seating with burning a hole on him." I'm asking you." he said, still with chilling tone. Singto raised an eyebrow." what is it?!"

" are you the one who helped him when he was going through his mutation."

" what if i am? And who the hell are you even? "

Harvey scoffed." heh, nothing much. You just cause me a trouble by doing so. Who am i? I'm his godfather." singto flared up hearing this was the man who left little phun in the woods before." you left a child in the woods, and you're saying i caused you trouble because i helped him!?!."

Harvey stood up and retort in a calm but dark tone." what right a werewolf like you to meddle in how we, vampires initiate our newly mutated members?!." singto stunned, tongue tied, that's right their vampires. He forgot it for a moment, he was not supposed to meddle with them." because of what you did, he doesn't want to drink human blood, you know what that means for a vampire?! We can't get enough power from animals blood!..."

" har... Harvey that's enough, don't blame P'singto, I'll do it... I'll try again, i won't complain anymore." phun rushed in front of singto with his shaking body the young boy tried his best to stood in front of him in a protective manner. Singto's heart melt, he felt sorry... Singto knew, he did something wrong even though he just wanted to helped phun that time.

The method he used was wrong, he shouldn't had tied up the boy and fed him animal blood just so, he wouldn't indiscriminately attack people because of the mutation. He knew it could be fatal for a vampire but he still did it.

Harvey grind his teeth, his knuckles turning whiter because of how tightly he clenched it. Once again... Once again! This mutt manage to take the heart of someone close to him. It made Harvey very angry even though it was his Planned for those two to met that way, he didn't expect for singto to took that way of action.

Harvey thought singto would just fight back and he, Harvey would help phun and he would have had a perfect excuse for killing singto but who would had thought singto would helped phun to passed his mutation.

And now that kid who called him his benefactor was now standing up for that hateful mutt!!

Singto flinched when he sensed the murderous aura Harvey was letting on, he grabbed phun hand and hide the younger behind him and said." hey! Do you have to be this angry?! " taken aback as he realized the oppressed phun behind singto, Harvey calm his self down before storming off." fuck! " he muttered under his breath.


Earth was helping krist and copper in secretly finding Sam, their people can't know that Sam had been missing  for a while now or they'll be a major uproar in their clan, they've tried looking in places that Sam would frequent or places they hadn't tried.

That's when Earth remembered, there was a place outside their territory that he seemed to be a place that Sam and Harvey would go to before when they would had something important to discussed about. So, Earth decided to gave it a shot and went there, what's there to lose. right?

It actuality no one knew the exact location of that place, because that place was restricted, no one was allowed to go there or knew that place  except for Sam and Harvey, even krist didn't knew that place.

Earth wandered around outside their territory and only stopped when he saw an establishment that looked like a temple, he was astonished. He had expected that this place would looked like some abandoned ruins, but to his surprise even though it looked so old, it still has every wall and roof intact, the place was clean that you could see even a spec of dust.

His heart was beating fast as he took his step towards the big twin door. What is this place? He questioned himself.

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