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One month later.

Days had passed and quickly became a month since Hailey came to their university. He was mixing up quite well with their classmates and profs.

That's why kit felt as if he was an idiot  and a paranoid for being on his guard and tensed up whenever Hailey was around, he couldn't find anything out of ordinary on hailey, he couldn't find the reason why he always felt uneasy ever since the other arrived.

Even he still felt uneasy around him, it's unfair to their new classmate for him to always suspected the other specially when he isn't even trying to get close to their group what's more Hailey already saw arthit the kit still didn't find anything suspicious, Hailey didn't had the reaction he was expecting.

Kongpob on another hand, it didn't really mattered to him if their gut feeling was true or not as long as Hailey doesn't do things that will hurt the people around him, he will treat him with fairness. He even remind kit to stop being so obvious about he's suspicion, saying." kitty, it's okay to be cautious but don't make it so obvious, he isn't even doing anything. See he never tried to get close to us. So, ease up a little."


After school.

Kongpob was driving his way out of the University premises when he noticed from a far, are a bunch of people gathering and in the middle of it was the new classmate of his, Hailey. Base on the looked of it, it seem that those people were ganging up on Hailey. Kongpob hesitated for a few before sighing and stopping his car engine.

He really doesn't want to meddle with Hailey's business as long as he could however, he can't help it specially seeing how the other was getting beat up. His conscience wouldn't allowed him to just walked away without helping his classmate." damn this, conscience! " he murmured under his breath.

Kongpob throttle his way towards the circle of people, he could heard them taunting Hailey and calling him all sorts of names.

" you bastard! Just because you're good looking, you think you could be cocky!"

" you got guts, seducing our women! "

" heh! Do you think the girls will still plucked around you when we destroyed your face?!." one of the guys said while flaunting the small knife in his hand and pointed it to Hailey's crystal white face. These guys was also students in their university but they're mostly from other facilities.

Kongpob stopped on his step, his gaze intensifies with scrutiny. There's  really something off to this kid, kongpob thought to himself seeing how buttered up Hailey was but still the other's eyes never revealed any sort of panic and fear even in front of a knife pointed at his face rather he had a frighteningly calmness in his eyes.

That calmness almost felt evil, alarming kongpob's instincts." he's dangerous." his alpha warn.

When the guy pointed the knife in his face, Hailey almost couldn't suppress his laughter. Hah! This insects want to injure me? Just cause i let them hits me a few times! Now they're getting ahead of their selves. Hailey thought, should i killed them here?! Hmm... It's a good idea but we're still in the open i should had brought them in an abandoned place.

Hailey was still contemplating when he sensed an intense gaze on him, his eyes looked around until it looked on with kongpob's. The latter was startled, being caught on staring. Kongpob scratched his nape before deciding to come out of his hiding.

Hailey smirk inwardly before acting as if he's scared, his body shake a little. " what do you guys want do?! " he said in a panic tone, making the bullies to be delighted for finally getting a reaction to the man who was before didn't even let out any discomfort.

" what you're finally scared!?!"
" haha, hey don't scared him so much or others will think we're bullying him"
" haha, look at his face while as a sheet, are you already pissing yourselve?!"

" hey! Idiots! Stop your childish act will you?" kongpob inserted behind them while he's looking as lax as he always was, hands lazily resting in his pant's pocket.

" who the hell said that?! " the guys all growling in irritation as they look back, only to froze up and tongue tied.

Kongpob?! Shit why is he here? Does he know this guy?! We're screwed!
Some of the guys thought, they knew who was kongpob especially his twin brother and friends. They knew kongpob was someone they can't afford to mess with, because if they do they'll face the wrath of a group of crazy 1st year in the engineer department ( forth and his gang )

Forth and arthit already made everything cleared to any departments no ones allowed to touch  their princess ( lovers )

" who the fuck are you? Mind your own damn business!" one of the guys who doesn't know kongpob said.

Kongpob just scoffs and gave him a look that was saying ' you're not even worth to look at '

Meanwhile, the others grab the guy's shoulder and whispered." idiot, do you want to have a hard time going in school" they take turned warning the other guy while kongpob just walked passed them with indifferent attitude and asked Hailey if he was okay before he led the latter out of the circle of people, those guys didn't have a choice but to let the two go.


There was an awkward silence on kongpob part when he led Hailey inside his car, so it took him aback when the other suddenly said." thanks for helping me." kongpob stunned and felt more awkward and guilty because he really intended to help at first, Hailey just caught him watching that's why he did it in the end.

" er... Where do you live? I'll send you home."

" no, need just dropped me to a drug store and I'll just take a taxi home." kongpob didn't say anything and just glanced him in the corner of his eyes.

Minutes later, kongpob stopped his car in front of a drug store, took his seat belt off before and said." wait here, I'll buy it for you."

" huh? Wai---" before Hailey could even protest kongpob was already outside the car and walking towards the store. He watched kongpob figure and whispered." you're still the same singto, even after reincarnating you are still soft to those who you thought are weak... That's why i never liked you, because your kindness is still easy to take advantage of." his eyes had a hint of sadness in it.

" you are not aware of the dangers your kindness could bring you, just like before..." Hailey plopped his head on the headrest quite hard as he closed his eyes and tightly clenched his fist.

What does he meant? Was his feelings for krist and singto really just hate and revenge or something else?
Even Hailey or should i say Harvey, even he himself doesn't really know why he was so hung up and attached to those two, was it really his desire for revenge?... Or was it a sense of longing that he himself didn't even noticed?...

After kongpob came back in the car, he asked Hailey again for his address and send the other home. At first kongpob was a little surprise to learn that Hailey was renting an apartment and not staying at a dorm, Hailey said that he preferred a quiet environment that's why he didn't came to the dorm.

" would you like to have some drinks inside first?" Hailey offered with a smile a guinea smile, kongpob was bemused or more like awestruck. That was the first time he saw that kind of smile from Hailey. There was not the creepiness and fakeness he felt when he first saw the other's smile or any other time he saw Hailey smiling.

Strange, because he found Hailey's smile that time strangely beautiful and lovely.

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